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Gun Control Is a Pro-Life Issue


Guns are often used by Americans to defend themselves. They are used to protect loved ones and even complete strangers from those who wish to cause them harm. That is about as pro-life as it gets. In addition, proper, responsible control of guns reinforces both concern for life and the serious nature of and respect for firearms.

Why the Press Has No Credibility on Gun Issues


It would be difficult to list all the mistakes the media makes on a daily basis when it comes to their reporting on firearms. For example, when members of the press say, “military-grade weapons” when describing semi-automatic rifles, it’s a phony description. The rifles sold to the consumer marketplace are not “military-grade.”

Armed Guards on Campus and Other Ways to Make Schools Safer


Armed guards on campus, metal detectors and bag checks upon entering school, metal detectors and automatic door locks to be activated after school has begun – these are all options.  We hate to think of our schools being treated like prisons on lockdown, but if inconvenience is the price of saving the lives of our kids, it’s worth it.

Trump’s First Year Pro-Life Report Card


Kimberly Ross: I am happy to have been wrong about the outlook for the pro-life movement in America under Donald J. Trump. Given the advancement in these first twelve months, we can plainly see that the rest of his tenure will follow in similar life-affirming footsteps.

Dear Media: Stop Trying to Make Oprah 2020 Happen


At the Golden Globes, Oprah spoke in “me too” blather and made her statements so generic it made all of the pomp over wearing black dresses to “raise awareness” a complete waste of time.  And yet media figures such as Brian Stelter couldn’t keep from fanning themselves over the prospect of an Oprah/Trump race in 2020.

New Book Details Clinton Affairs from Perspective of Secret Service


With all the talk of Michael Wolff’s book, “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House” that burned up the news cycle last week, notice of another new book seemed to slip by, relatively unnoticed.  While you’re building up your reading list, you may want to add, “Secrets of the Secret Service: The History and Uncertain Future of the Secret Service,” by Gary J. Byrne.

Philadelphia Goes Full-On Nanny State


The Democrat-controlled city recently implemented a soda tax, which thus far has proven to be utterly disastrous, particularly for small businesses. Now, the Leftist Nanny State wants to ban bulletproof Plexiglass, because equality, or something.