If you thought the recent Time Magazine cover of Jeff Sessions, looking like the Grim Reaper’s worst nightmare was bad, this one is just rude. The issue, which debuts today, is a close-up shot of a laughing Trump with a pig’s snout.
Publication: RedState
Now Planned Parenthood Want to Destroy Kids Movies Too
The group tasked with eliminating children has opinions on movie content for movies that would suffer because the audience is smaller, as a direct result of their handiwork.
The Exploited Parkland Kids Are Just the Inevitable Outcome of the “Woke Children” Myth
Both sides seem to believe that children carry some sort of moral authority on big issues even when they haven’t mastered skills like blowing their own noses or chewing with their mouths closed. On the left, we’ve seen a big spike in the practice coinciding with the election of Donald Trump.
Califorians Are Fleeing for the Greener Pastures of Red States Like Texas
As it turns out, Americans don’t want to be highly taxed, crime-ridden, and regulated to hell and back.
Liberals Are Going to Learn the Wrong Lesson from Conor Lamb’s Victory
The farthest of the far-left is going to see Lamb’s victory and take it to mean it’s time to go full-progressive and stomp out Republican ideology once and for all. Should they decide to, they will be making a fatal mistake.
Dear Mainstream Media: Stop Allowing David Hogg to Say Whatever He Wants Without Challenge
One has to wonder what the statute of limitations is when a person goes from a “victim who should be allowed to speak” to a political hack who should get challenged on his views.
At Least One Sheriff Knows What “To Serve and Protect” Actually Means
There are places, like Denton County, TX, where sheriffs seem to realize that there is more to their job than going to conferences and getting their picture taken with Hillary Clinton.
The Insanity of Passing New Gun Laws When the Current Ones Don’t Work
It seems ridiculous that we would entrust the successful defense of new laws to people who clearly cannot enforce the ones we already have.
Gun Control Is a Pro-Life Issue
Guns are often used by Americans to defend themselves. They are used to protect loved ones and even complete strangers from those who wish to cause them harm. That is about as pro-life as it gets. In addition, proper, responsible control of guns reinforces both concern for life and the serious nature of and respect for firearms.
Why the Press Has No Credibility on Gun Issues
It would be difficult to list all the mistakes the media makes on a daily basis when it comes to their reporting on firearms. For example, when members of the press say, “military-grade weapons” when describing semi-automatic rifles, it’s a phony description. The rifles sold to the consumer marketplace are not “military-grade.”
Armed Guards on Campus and Other Ways to Make Schools Safer
Armed guards on campus, metal detectors and bag checks upon entering school, metal detectors and automatic door locks to be activated after school has begun – these are all options. We hate to think of our schools being treated like prisons on lockdown, but if inconvenience is the price of saving the lives of our kids, it’s worth it.
US Olympic Hockey Goalies May Have to Remove Statue of Liberty Images from Helmets
The organization that oversees the athletic games that are organized to promote international friendship and understanding may demand two American athletes remove from their helmets an image of a statue that was designed to promote international friendship and understanding, because everything is political nowadays.
Our Clownish Media Warned Themselves About Falling for North Korea’s Propaganda — to No Avail
Since the opening ceremonies of the Winter Olympics it has been an embarrassing few days for our nation’s media complex…This weekend has seen an avalanche of effusive praise being heaped upon the murderous oppressive dictatorship of North Korea.
Democrats Got Republicans Elected During SOTU
Democrats didn’t come off as anti-Trump last night at all. They came off as anti-American.
Nikki Haley Says What We’re All Thinking About Hillary Reading “Fire and Fury” at the Grammys
Haley tweeted: I have always loved the Grammys but to have artists read the Fire and Fury book killed it. Don’t ruin great music with trash. Some of us love music without the politics thrown in it.
Trump’s First Year Pro-Life Report Card
Kimberly Ross: I am happy to have been wrong about the outlook for the pro-life movement in America under Donald J. Trump. Given the advancement in these first twelve months, we can plainly see that the rest of his tenure will follow in similar life-affirming footsteps.
Democratic Hypocrisy: It’s Perfectly OK for Cory Booker to Bellow at a Woman from Atop His High Horse
Cory Booker, bellowed like a madman at Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen. Booker thundered, slammed his fists, and engaged in a spittle-flecked rant that had more to do with impressing possible donors for a 2020 presidential run than getting information.
California Climate Freaks Aren’t So Freaky When They Have to Pay for the Freakiness
We are familiar with the mass cadre of uber-rich Hollywood-Silicon Valley very-mouthy-“environmentalists” – flying their private jets from their 500 foot yachts to their 50,000 square foot homes…They won’t dare allow their environmentalism to impinge in even the slightest way on their huge coin and the extravagant lifestyles for which it pays.
Dear Media: Stop Trying to Make Oprah 2020 Happen
At the Golden Globes, Oprah spoke in “me too” blather and made her statements so generic it made all of the pomp over wearing black dresses to “raise awareness” a complete waste of time. And yet media figures such as Brian Stelter couldn’t keep from fanning themselves over the prospect of an Oprah/Trump race in 2020.
New Book Details Clinton Affairs from Perspective of Secret Service
With all the talk of Michael Wolff’s book, “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House” that burned up the news cycle last week, notice of another new book seemed to slip by, relatively unnoticed. While you’re building up your reading list, you may want to add, “Secrets of the Secret Service: The History and Uncertain Future of the Secret Service,” by Gary J. Byrne.
Steve Bannon’s Tactical Retreat After Publication of Book Excerpts
If Bannon was hoping to lay low after the complete debacle that was the Roy Moore candidacy, it looks like he’s out of luck. This story is going to get a lot of airtime, and why wouldn’t it?
Nikki Haley Has Become America’s Best Ambassador to the UN
Instead of conspiring against Israel and our allies, as the Obama Administration did, Ambassador Haley is standing- up to international bullying and dishonesty. Her courageous calling-out of the UN for singling-out America was bold beyond almost anything we have ever seen in the international body.
Did Rosie O’Donnell Just Violate Federal Law on Twitter?
Offering to pay a public official so they’ll vote a certain way? There’s a word for that, Rosie. Bribe.
Philadelphia Goes Full-On Nanny State
The Democrat-controlled city recently implemented a soda tax, which thus far has proven to be utterly disastrous, particularly for small businesses. Now, the Leftist Nanny State wants to ban bulletproof Plexiglass, because equality, or something.