Apparently, Barrett belongs to some Christian group, and of course, it’s perfectly valid to call out the weirdo Christian groups because that’s acceptable in today’s culture.
Publication: RedState
Trump Thanks Waters and Pelosi for the Political Gains
In a way, Trump couldn’t have it much easier. A lot of his political gains are the net result of Democratic loss. He’s a fisherman at sea, poised for big catch. But more often than not, thanks to Democrats, the fish are jumping into the boat.
It’s a Lie That Joe Biden Was Denied Service at Bakery in 2012
Biden’s advance team wanted to do a campaign stop and media event at the bakery. This was not a refusal to serve the Vice President. This was a polite rejection of a campaign stop.
Under Trudeau, Canada Detains Children in Worse Conditions Than America
The ridiculously leftist Prime Minister can literally do the same thing Trump does, and get zero heat for it. This might be because former President Barack Obama did the same thing.
Trump Speaks, the Media Lies and the Artist of the Deal Makes His Move
Among the mainstream news organizations covering the border separation issue, there seems to be no adherence to any notion of truth; there is only the media against Trump, which is oftentimes the media against truth.
The Left Is Rooting Against American Interests in Talks with North Korea
Perplexingly, many on the Left are hoping Donald Trump fails at the groundbreaking summit with Kim Jong-un…They will root against their own country in order to stay purely partisan. Kim Jong-un is a guy who could try to blow us up. Yet still, they won’t side with Trump/us/themselves/their grandmother.
A Media That Mocks Trump’s Conspiracy Theories Chases One About Melania
Melania is scheduled to make her first public appearance in weeks later today, but yesterday weeks of whispers about where she could be turned into a full-blown media conspiracy that was as embarrassing as it was horrifying.
Television Academy Blocks Press at Event Lauding Samantha Bee
The idea that anyone who called Chelsea Clinton a vile name or dared to criticize an Obama daughter would not be summarily uninvited and dishonored rather than honored is another clear double standard the left is setting itself up for being ignored, distrusted and hated. Well done, guys.
The Left Is Moving the Goalposts They Used on Roseanne for Samantha Bee
The left’s insatiable outrage was suddenly nowhere to be found in the face of Bee’s on air verbal assault of Ivanka Trump who literally just posted a picture of her and her child having a tender moment. There was no outrage from feminists, who usually go berserk over attacks against women.
Disney Fired Roseanne and Hired Keith Olberman: Check Out the Contrast
Surely, Roseanne is being labeled a racist partly due to her open support for the leader of the Fourth Reich, Donald J. Trump.
Anti-Gun Liberals Attempt Boycott Against Publix
Anti-gun rights liberals are attempting a boycott against Florida-based grocery store Publix after news reports about their contributions to the campaign of Adam Putnam, who is seeking the Republican nomination for Florida governor, but it’s already shaping up to be far more of a blip of social media static than a tidal wave.
Newly Minted NRA President Partially Blames School Shootings on a Drug
On Sunday, newly-minted president of the NRA Oliver North blamed school shootings such as the one in Santa Fe Friday on a “culture of violence” and…Ritalin.
The Media Straight-Up Lied About Trump’s Immigration Comments Yesterday
In reality, Trump was speaking out against a violent gang – one the media pretended didn’t exist until they could no longer deny it – and one whose growth in America is a direct result of a lack of enforceable law that would hamper that growth.
US Media Tries to Spin Palestinian Violence as Peaceful Protest
This type of crap is not journalism, it is just incitement. Moreover, it is spreading propaganda being generated by a criminal ruling clique that is knowingly sending out its citizens and followers to be killed or wounded to make a point.
Another Poll Indicates the Blue Wave May Be a Ripple
The GOP may lose some House seats, but not a majority. The GOP will add a handful of seats to their Senate majority.
Trump Is Winning the Foreign Policy War
Donald Trump’s heavy-handed approach to the world was apparently exactly what was needed.
The Downward Spiral of the Mueller Investigation
At the end of the day, though, the investigation will produce nothing the Democrats can cling to, and considering many of them have put their eggs in this basket, that’s bad news for them.
Democrats May Be Losing Ground with Millennials
A Reuters/Ipsos poll surveyed more than 16,000 registered young voters in the first several months of 2016 and 2018 and found that young voters had moved toward Republicans Congressional candidates, slipping in their preference for Democrats by roughly 9 percentage points over the past two years, to 46 percent overall.
Here’s Why Trump Is the Only Man Who Could Bring Peace to Korean Peninsula
Trump is the only man who was qualified enough from the get-go to make this possible. He is the only American leader who possesses the key trait needed to achieve the previously unachievable.
CNN Media Reporters Won’t Shut Up About Fox News, But Ignore a Real Scandal at MSNBC
The strong possibility exists that MSNBC’s Joy Reid not only lied about her homophobic posts but lied about authoring them and attempted to cover up her actions by making up a hacking story. It is exactly the kind of story Brian Stelter should cover.
What They Aren’t Telling You About the Man in the MAGA Hat Who Pushed Hispanic Person Onto Subway Tracks
Jim Jamitis: You seldom hear what political gear a criminal suspect was wearing unless it involves someone on the right. I have to believe that a great many crimes were committed by people wearing Obama gear without making national news.
Municipalities Take Aim at Basic Liberties
The town of Deerfield, Illinois has enacted a regulation banning assault weapons. Those violating the ban could face fines of up to $1000 per day.
Planned Parenthood Drops a Pile of Cash to Smear Wendy Vitter
We never stop hearing about how Planned Parenthood is the measure of being “pro-woman”, but the organization has waged an all-out war on one woman in particular anyway: Wendy Vitter. Vitter was nominated by President Trump for a seat on the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana.
The Atlantic’s Editor Jeff Goldberg Is a Coward and Disgrace to Journalism
One day, there will be people who will have the guts to not cave to the supposed “power” of the social media mob. But today was not that day. Kevin Williamson, formerly of National Review, is now formerly of The Atlantic, after that gutless wonder, Jeffrey Goldberg, fired Williamson following a tidal wave of left-wing hysteria.