Brett Kavanaugh is just supposed to grin and bear the onslaught. As an esteemed member of The Patriarchy, his mere existence is a threat to the female way of life, whether he’s a predator or not. His gender and background bestow a privilege that automatically reduces his worth in the eyes of the opposition.
Publication: RedState
Political Expert Jim Carrey Goes Dumb and Dumber Over Kavanaugh
No longer content to make movies with universal appeal, the fallen star has taken to cranking out statements which simultaneously A) make him look humiliatingly ill-informed, and B) make at least half the country heavily lose their affection for him. Bad move, Lloyd.
Is Christine Ford Looking for an Exit Before Thursday?
Of the five people Ford alleges were in the house when she was groped, four of them deny being at any such event and Ford’s lifelong friend says she’s never met Brett Kavanaugh. If she presses ahead with this bullsh** it is hard to see how she doesn’t make herself vulnerable to charges of lying to Congress.
Michael Avenatti Should Lose HIs Law License Over Kavanaugh Claims
Late Sunday night, the infamous attorney, who is only known for trying to make porn star Stormy Daniels seem lovable, released a statement that Judge Brett Kavanaugh was part of “rape gangs” in high school.
Cory Booker Admits to Sexual Assault in 1992 Stanford Column
Under the new feminist model, if a man even looks at a woman and has a sexual thought, he’s committing rape. If a man touches a woman without consent, it’s sexual assault. And if she’s intoxicated, you can’t obtain consent. Using these definitions, Sen. Cory Booker admitted to sexually assaulting an intoxicated friend when he was 15.
Allegations Against Kavanaugh Are Falling Apart
Brett Kavanaugh and Mark Judge both say what Christine Blasey Ford alleges didn’t happen and that they were not even at the party she describes. Now, a third witness has stepped forward to dispute Blasey’s story.
Kavanaugh’s Reputation Is the Ball in a Game Where Truth Doesn’t Matter
The timing and the manner in which the accusations were made public certainly suggest it is yet another political ploy by dishonest, ends-justify-the-means, party-first charlatans.
Kaepernick Just Gave Money to Pro-Abortion Activists
NFL player turned activist and face of Nike’s new campaign, Colin Kaepernick, is now not only disrespecting those who have fought and/or died for the flag he disrespects, he’s now also giving piles of cash to an organization that believes in the termination of lives within the womb.
The Real Reason Nike Shouldn’t Endorse Colin Kaepernick
The story of Colin Kaepernick, to put it simply, is the morality tale of a moron. In short, he was — and is — cripplingly dumb. A dumb person heard something, and instead of finding out whether it was true, he raged against the phantom menace. In the process, he destroyed an American institution and became hated by millions.
Here’s the Reason Why CNN Ratings Have Tumbled
The editorial direction of the network, both online and on television, has led to a major distrust of their brand. The ratings, despite Tapper’s success, showed a 12 percentdecline in audience.
The Left Refuses to Acknowledge the Tragedy of Mollie Tibbetts’ Murder
The Left can’t seem to address the crime. Any mention of it causes them to raise their mirrored shields in order to deflect from any notion of an illegal immigrant committing an atrocity.
Trump Should Revoke Admiral McRaven’s Security Clearance Too
McRaven is showing that his loyalty to Brennan is higher than his loyalty to either the Navy or Special Operations or the nation and if he feels that way, it is dangerous for him to keep a clearance.
Kansas City Schools Get Gender-Neutral Bathrooms
The whole world is insane and cruel and making kids poop together.
The Press Refused to Give Omarosa a Platform When She Was Pro-Trump
In case you haven’t heard: anyone who’s with Donald Trump is a joke and should be ignored; anyone who’s against Donald Trump is substantial and should be listened to. Case in point: Omarosa Manigault Newman.
The Media Embolden White Supremacists
Racists have no real support. Yet, they are given airtime repeatedly. And, when media outlets give these lunatics headlines, they are doing nothing but feeding these trolls.
Under No Circumstances Will We Support Democrats in 2018 or Beyond
Joe Cunningham: There is a growing sentiment among many anti-Trump conservatives that the only way to stop the infection that is Donald Trump is to vote the opposite of him and “his” party until he is out of power. While I am certainly no fan of Donald Trump, and many here at RedState feel the same way, we are practically united in the belief that this idea is complete and utter foolishness.
The Left’s Deplatforming Double Standard Is Apparent and Out of Control
It’s demonstrably evident that much of the social media platforms in existence right now are of a leftist bent, and that this bias effects their decision making as to what is and isn’t acceptable speech.
Crazy Trump Apocalypse Novel Reveals the Depths of Leftist Paranoia
It’s called America 2034: Utopia Rising by someone named Jonathan Greenberg, whose background is in…wait for it…journalism! What a surprise.
The Obama White House Gave $200K to a Known Al-Qaeda Group
The Obama Administration definitely had a solid bro-mance going with Islamist terrorists. CAIR was a regular visitor in the White House.
Don’t Blame Trump for the Tariff Disaster
Tariffs are taxes on the American people. If they weren’t, there wouldn’t be a need to send aid to farmers to offset the increased costs. A Republican-held Congress should be doing better here, and the fact that they won’t is exactly why you should blame them for this disaster.
Helsinki Damage Control Continues to Fail (Anti)
Thus continues the slopfest of statements, inferences, takeaways, takebacks, and claimed accidents coming from Trump and his office over Russian meddling in the 2016 election and any similar threat going forward. Why does this have to be so confusing??
Film Festival Co-Founded by Michael Moore Sued by Contractor for Nonpayment
Well, well, well. It looks like Michael Moore hasn’t been practicing what he preaches by sharing his wealth. The Traverse City Film Festival, of which Moore is founder, figurehead, and participant has found itself on the receiving end of a lawsuit for an unpaid bill of over $159,055.72.
Kavanaugh Is Coming for Your Contraception and Other Tales from Handmaids
Since President Trump assumed office, the United States has supposedly been a dystopian nightmare. Women’s rights (read: vacuuming babies out of wombs) are under fire. Females are being oppressed at an alarming rate or some such nonsense. It’s all so last season, so tiring, and so predictable.
Liberal Cable News Outlets Should Realize That Resistance Doesn’t Mean Viewership
MSNBC and CNN both rely heavily on the negative…Their obvious opposition to the Trump Administration and agenda is making their newscasts and commentary unwatchable.