He was a paid Qatari intelligence asset.
Publication: RedState
Miss Universe Gets Its First Male Contestant
There’s Miss Universe. And there’s the Mr. Universe (bodybuilding) contest. So this is…Misster Universe? For the upcoming December 16th Miss Universe pageant, social justice warriors are being treated to a beautiful delight: a man.
Activist Alyssa Milano Raises $100,000 for Migrant Caravan
Yet our veterans go hungry and homeless.
Yale Study Shows White Leftist Dumb Down Their Speech When Talking to Minorities
It’s often been said that white leftists have something of a savior complex when it comes to minorities, oftentimes speaking for them when it comes to any issue under the sun. Their patronizing only gets worse when they actually speak TO minorities, however.
Border Patrol President Defends Use of Tear Gas and Says Men Used Children as Shields
The chief of the National Border Patrol Council has a different opinion than a couple of goofballs: Brandon Judd says the gas constituted an “appropriate level of action.”
Identity Politics Turns Its Gaze on J.R.R. Tolkien and Deduces That It May Cause Racism
The latest thing that identitarian social justice warriors have turned their attention to is the beloved works of arguably the greatest fantasy author of all time, J.R.R. Tolkien…The world of social justice is a very boring, and extremely ridiculous place.
Journalists Care More About Trump’s Exclamation Points Than Khashoggi’s Death
They’re collectively (did someone send out a memo? Yeesh.) outraged that Trump is being flippant and dismissive of the death of Khashoggi by using so much inappropriate punctuation; but by focusing their “reporting” on that and not on the substance of the report…they have also chosen flippancy over reporting context and facts surrounding the death of their “dear” colleague.
When the Left Simply Can’t Believe That Women Would Vote for Republicans, They Resort to Lousy Journalism to Explain It
If you have a vagina, and there is a female candidate running, you must vote for the female candidate, unless, of course, that female candidate happens to be running as a Republican. In fact, it doesn’t matter if there is a female candidate running: if you have a vagina, you must vote for the Democratic candidate, or you are a traitor to your sex, a betrayer of all other vagina-endowed persons.
Trump’s New Nickname for Adam Schiff Is Deserved
Everyone will say that Trump’s new nickname for Adam Schiff (D-CA) is not presidential (it’s Schitt) and they will be right. But it certainly is accurate.
One More Reason Why Jim Acosta Is an Idiot
He’s nothing resembling a reporter. And he’s a major contributor to — or, perhaps more accurately, manifestation of — the death of actual news. If he called himself a pundit, he’d merely be a left-winger. But he fancies himself a reporter and, therefore, he’s an idiot.
Man Who Called Tucker Carlson’s Daughter a Whore and “C” Word Serves on Board for a Women’s Group
The man is on the Board of Directors for the Women’s Initiative, an organization which provides mental health services for women who can’t afford them.
Acosta Should Have Been Removed Long Ago, But the White House Did It Poorly
CNN absolutely should have pulled Acosta long ago. He is a distraction and has been for the longest time. Him pulling his little stunt yesterday, and the subsequent revocation of his credentials, took over the big story of the day: Donald Trump fired Jeff Sessions.
The Leftist Complex Owes Kavanaugh an Open and Very Publicized Apology
Between the Democrat’s ridiculous behavior in the Senate Judiciary Committee to the activists/protesters storming the doors of the Supreme Court to beat on its doors, to the media’s attempts to make the entire scene seem like the most nefarious thing to happen to modern America, the left was a disgusting display gross behavior over the confirmation of now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
Hillary Drops Super Racist Comment During Oct. 26 Event
It’s likely this will get swept under the rug or dismissed as a bad joke Clinton tried to pull off. Remember, she’s a high ranking Democrat (at least figuratively), so any social sin will be ignored as much as possible.
Can Beto O’Rourke Name One Thing He’s Done for Hispanics?
These are some of the kinds of things that, if he made a push on them, might actually get Hispanics onto his side and encourage them to turn out and vote for him. But instead, Beto is spending time skateboarding and doing CNN town halls.
Old Interview with Heavy-Drinking Obama Puts Wild Man Kavanaugh to Shame
A video of the Left’s savior, Barack Obama, has resurfaced. And Barry is talkin’ up a storm about his partying days as an adolescent (includes link to video).
Left-Leaning “The Connors” vs. Right-Leaning “Last Man Standing” — Who Won the Ratings?
“Last Man Standing” rules. It’s killing the competition on Friday nights, averaging 8 million viewers. Its September 28 premier roped in a 1.8 rating among adults ages 18-49. On Tuesday, the Roseanne-less comedy splashed into the airwaves with 10.5 million viewers and a 18-49 rating of 2.3 — 55% lower than the original reboot’s March 27 debut.
Alec Baldwin’s Talk Show Flops in Debut
Alec Baldwin is good when people write things for him to say, not when he has to think of them on the fly. Unless of course, he is yelling at a reporter or his daughter.
NBC Waits Two Days to Correct Smear Story on Trump
The original clip was deliberately edited to miss the point of what Trump was saying. This was not an accident. Anyone involved with the story knew what Trump said after the point where NBC decided to clip the video.
Avenatti Running Shady Fundraising Scheme to Help Beto — and Line His Own Pocket
Michael Avenatti is taking advantage of what is hopefully the 14th minute of his 15 minutes of fame to launch a new fundraising venture, allegedly to help Robert “Beto” O’Rourke, the Democrat challenging Sen. Ted Cruz for the Texas Senate seat — but there’s a twist. Proving there’s an element of truth in that joke about lawyers, catfish, and scum-sucking bottom dwellers, Avenatti set up his fundraiser to divert half the funds to his own PAC.
Billionaire Bill Gates Wants Washington Citizens to Pay More for Gas
Does a billionaire ever have any business telling regular people to pay more money? The Microsoft founder threw his support behind a carbon emissions fee in order to fight the planetary threat of global warming.
Florida Democratic Party Leverages Hurricane for Political Gain
The Florida Democratic Party has filed a lawsuit in federal court against the secretary of state attempting to get a one week extension on the voter registration deadline, as a result of the impending tempest. To say this is a cynical and opportunistic gambit is not a stretch.
Julie Swetnick Has a Thing for Group Sex with Morbidly Obese People
Former 350-pound DC meteorologist makes claim in letter posted by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Beto O’Rourke Demeans Women with “Tight Buttocks”
O’Rourke wrote a controversial review back in college about a play called “The Will Rogers Follies.” He penned a review of a musical for his college newspaper saying that actresses’ “only qualifications seem to be their phenomenally large breasts and tight buttocks.”