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Journalists Care More About Trump’s Exclamation Points Than Khashoggi’s Death


They’re collectively (did someone send out a memo? Yeesh.) outraged that Trump is being flippant and dismissive of the death of Khashoggi by using so much inappropriate punctuation; but by focusing their “reporting” on that and not on the substance of the report…they have also chosen flippancy over reporting context and facts surrounding the death of their “dear” colleague.

When the Left Simply Can’t Believe That Women Would Vote for Republicans, They Resort to Lousy Journalism to Explain It


If you have a vagina, and there is a female candidate running, you must vote for the female candidate, unless, of course, that female candidate happens to be running as a Republican. In fact, it doesn’t matter if there is a female candidate running: if you have a vagina, you must vote for the Democratic candidate, or you are a traitor to your sex, a betrayer of all other vagina-endowed persons.

One More Reason Why Jim Acosta Is an Idiot


He’s nothing resembling a reporter. And he’s a major contributor to — or, perhaps more accurately, manifestation of — the death of actual news. If he called himself a pundit, he’d merely be a left-winger. But he fancies himself a reporter and, therefore, he’s an idiot.

The Leftist Complex Owes Kavanaugh an Open and Very Publicized Apology


Between the Democrat’s ridiculous behavior in the Senate Judiciary Committee to the activists/protesters storming the doors of the Supreme Court to beat on its doors, to the media’s attempts to make the entire scene seem like the most nefarious thing to happen to modern America, the left was a disgusting display gross behavior over the confirmation of now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Avenatti Running Shady Fundraising Scheme to Help Beto — and Line His Own Pocket


Michael Avenatti is taking advantage of what is hopefully the 14th minute of his 15 minutes of fame to launch a new fundraising venture, allegedly to help Robert “Beto” O’Rourke, the Democrat challenging Sen. Ted Cruz for the Texas Senate seat — but there’s a twist. Proving there’s an element of truth in that joke about lawyers, catfish, and scum-sucking bottom dwellers, Avenatti set up his fundraiser to divert half the funds to his own PAC.