Silicon Valley is a place filthy with hard leftists, and these leftists comprise the corporations that control our main modes of information distribution today. Needless to say, if you’re on the right, you can expect not to receive fair treatment.
Publication: RedState
Trump-Hating Journalist Jorge Ramos Met a Real Dictator and It Did Not Go Well
Ramos had secured a private meeting with Maduro in fact, but then when he lapsed into his style of brash confrontational journalism he found that his grandstanding did not make for the same kind of news bite as he expects here in the U.S.
2 Daily Beast Jerks Teamed Up to Harass a Mar-a-Lago Pastry Chef
If there is a list somewhere of reporters who really need their ass whipped and then be told to Learn to Code, The Daily Beast’s Will Sommer and Zach Everson are near the top of the list. They used the platform of The Daily Beast to try to humiliate and ultimately get fired from her job a pastry chef at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.
CNN’s Van Jones Says Smollett Was Like the Jackie Robinson of the Gay Community
If you felt the earth shaking a little bit today, don’t worry. It wasn’t an earthquake – it was all the people shaking their heads over CNN commentator Van Jones’s absurd comparison of hate crime hoax perp Jussie Smollett to a Major League Baseball icon.
Sue the Pants off Smollett, Mr. President!
Trump should sue him six ways from Sunday for bringing harm to the MAGA brand. Tie him up in court(s) hemorrhaging money to pay lawyers until he cries “uncle.” This is the way to deal with leftists who attack.
Ocasio-Cortez Cheers 20,000 Lost Jobs
Rep. Ocasio Cortez believes it’s more important to verbally castigate Amazon, than to creat jobs for her constituents.
Pro-Communist, Anti-Semitic Ilhan Omar Uses House Committee Hearing to Demonstrate Both
Omar is an rabid antisemite who was condemned by a near unanimous vote of the House. She’s a Maduro apologist. And both of those avocations merged when the Jewish guy charged with removing Maduro testified.
Turns Out, Rep. Omar Is Not So Sorry
Despite issuing her non-apology for her anti-Semitic tweets, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is scheduled to share the stage with Islamic Relief USA official Yousef Abdullah…He is well-known for his extreme anti-Semitic rhetoric, his support of terror and his private social media posts which reveal an intense, violent hatred of Jews.
NFL Pushes Social Justice Message During Super Bowl After Rejecting Pro-America Commercial
CBS had rejected a patriotic ad by Nine Line which promotes the idea of respect for America…Still, despite Gillette’s sexist commercial airing, as well as various other pro-cause messages being thrown around during the Super Bowl, CBS decided a contrary message to the social justice theme being displayed by the NFL wasn’t going to happen.
New Series “Walls Across America” Shows Us Democrat’s Walls Around Their Homes Starting with George Soros
For all the bloviating we hear from Democrats about how walls are immoral and even racist, the Democrats sure do love to live behind walls themselves. In fact, the relationship between the left and walls is so regular that the Daily Caller’s Benny Johnson decided to start his own series where he travels to the homes of various leftists in order to check out the walls around their homes.
Pretty Sure Kamala Scared the Hell Out of Pelosi and Schumer Last Night
They don’t want to go so far left so quickly. She and others are forcing them.
Hillary Won’t Rule Out 2020 Run
You can never say never with the Clinton’s unless they are dead. Even then it is a 50/50 shot they are still running for something. In the file under “What could you be possibly thinking?” drawer comes news that former first lady, carpetbagging Senator from New York and Secretay of State, Hillary Clinton, has not closed “the door” on a 2020 run for President.
Nathan Phillips’ Certificate of Military Discharge Shows He’s Not Quite What He Claims
His duty status lists “discharged,” not “honorably discharged.” That could have to do with his multiple stints in confinement after being AWOL.
Covington High School Forced to Close Because Deranged Leftists Refuse to Accept the Media Lied
It isn’t much of a surprise that the jack boots of the Left decided to insert themselves into this controversy, so of course ANTIFA planned to show up at the school Tuesday morning.
Buzzfeed Reporter Admits They Haven’t Seen Documents Supporting the Bombshell Cohen Report
Anthony Cormier, the Buzzfeed reporter who dropped the bombshell report, appeared on CNN with Alysin Camerota to discuss it, and fully admitted that he hasn’t even seen these reports.
Carl Bernstein Plays the Role of Hobo on the Crazy Train
Where Woodward can count of unfettered access to any administration as well as rely upon the Washington Post to serialize parts of his books to promote them, Bernstein receded into virtual anonymity only to emerge in the Age of Trump as an angry, bitter, and pathetic figure willing to say anything for air time.
Are We Seeing the First Cracks in Democrats’ Resolve on the Wall?
One by one, Democratic lawmakers appear to be defecting from the hard line drawn by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). As President Trump’s fight for a border wall is rapidly gains momentum, and more and more Americans are showing support for it, legislators may be seeing that their unyielding opposition to border security will hurt their chances in 2020.
James Carville Compares Schumer’s Response to Trump Speech to a Colonoscopy
According to Democratic strategist James Carville, on Tuesday, Chuck Schumer put the butt in rebuttal…His observation was a clear commentary on Schumer’s demeanor.
Pelosi and Schumer Are Trying to Muzzle Ocasio-Cortez
For all her incredibly bad politics, there is one thing that is incredibly exciting to see when it comes to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: The Democratic Establish is losing their minds over her.
Dems Attempting to Restore Millions of Dollars for Overseas Abortions as They Refuse Border Funding
The House funding bill that was flatly rejected contained within it all sorts of ridiculous spending, including putting money aside to fund abortions outside of the U.S.
Gen Z Is Forgoing College to Attend Trade Schools and This Is Bad News for the Left
So ingrained is the idea of the importance of college in our culture to our prosperity that we’ve sidelined the very idea of skilled labor as a legitimate option, and even somewhat consider it beneath us. Generation Z, however, is not making that mistake. As a result, more and more are moving away from the highrise office and looking more seriously at learning how to be an electrician or plumber.
The 7 Top Liberals You Wish Would Go Away
Includes Michael Moore, Alyssa Milano, Hillary Clinton and #1 David Hogg.
Brian Stelter Claims, Without Evidence, That Climate Change Is Under-Covered on TV
What he says is nonsense. There is not an environmental disaster or storm that does not lead to a week-long television discussion about climate change. Fires, droughts, flooding, tornadoes, hurricanes, snow storms — you name it, the debate about climate change is found on nearly every news channel in existence.
Democrats Are Angry That the Top 2020 Contenders Are All White Men
Well, we knew this was going to happen eventually. Democrats are already getting a bit miffed over the fact that the current frontrunners to take on President Donald Trump in the 2020 Presidential election are men. (They are Bernie Sanders, Beto O’Rourke and Joe Biden.)