Democrats, including Brian Stelter and most at CNN, seemingly have no ability to not politicize tragic events. Because this was likely an Islamist attack, they can’t blame Trump like they tried to do with the New Zealand attack. So instead, they snipe around the edges at a typo (Trump originally tweeted that 138 million died).
Publication: RedState
The Second Half of the Mueller Report Was Written for Jerry Nadler, Pelosi, CNN and MSNBC
The Mueller Report was deliberately designed to provide a plausible rationale for the left to continue their persecution of President Trump.
Disturbing and Inconvenient Surprises May Lurk in Trump’s Rebuttal to Mueller Report
Why is no one talking about Trump’s rebuttal which is scheduled for release at 3 pm? Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and his staff have had lots of time to prepare it and every reason to make sure it packs a punch.
CNN’s Ratings Continue to Collapse in Epic Fashion
More people would rather watch reruns of 90 Day Fiance than sit through Chris Cuomo or Anderson Cooper bloviating for an hour. The real question is how do they stay solvent if this keeps up?
Barr Is Right: We Must Investigate All Investigations
This should not be controversial. Imagine if the parties were flipped.
An Uproar Over Trump-Branded Yarmulkes
When Trump supporters engage in the practice that has been commonplace for at least a decade prior it becomes a theistic crisis, according to those who harbor a deep disdain for anything of a religious nature. Yes, it is petty, and it is blatantly hypocritical.
Woman Gives Birth to Her Gay Son’s Child
Here’s one for the record books. A 61-year-old woman from Omaha, Nebraska just gave birth. To her granddaughter. To help out her son. It’s not that Matthew Eledge’s wife can’t have a baby; it’s that Matthew’s gay partner — Elliot Dougherty — can’t.
CBS News Celebrates Human Traffickers as People Just “Helping Migrants”
This report by CBS News is an absolute joke. Not only that, it’s morally repugnant. It’s sympathizing with and celebrating human trafficking, something that costs thousands of people their lives every single year.
Trump Gives the Democrats a Preview of the Next 5 Years at Grand Rapids Rally
He’s touting the accomplishments of his administration and giving the Democrats the choice of working with him or being painted as hucksters who tried to destroy his presidency with transparently false allegations…He’s also going to tie the tin cans of socialism and anti-semitism to their tail and chase them down the street.
Barron Trump Will Suffer from Special Olympics Cuts Say Ohio Dems
When you have a problem with any politician’s policies, you should take it directly to them or the administration officials who are designated to implement them. Taking shots at teen children of elected officials is just lazy and unethical.
New Zealand Mosque Leader Blames Massacre on the Jews
It’s a turn for the worse.
Bannon Predicts That Trump Will Come “Off the Chains” Now That the Report Is in
Bannon also predicts that Trump will now “go full animal” against his political foes.
Hope Fades as Democrats in DC Are Anticipating an Impotent Mueller Report
The witch hunt had begun to morph into a fishing expedition…Prepare yourself for close to two years of political pasta being flung at walls.
Texas Democrat Proposes Masturbation Tax
In the Texas state legislature there is a proposal to pass a law to tax the practice of men self-pleasuring by Rep. Jessica Farrar, a Democrat (I know, shocker). Farrar’s bill proposes men be taxed $100 for each instance they endure self-gratification…Her proposal of course is rooted in what she sees as invasive and otherwise intrusive policy as applied to getting an abortion.
Beto Once Presented a “Verdant Turd” to His Wife as an Avocado
This dude just gets weirder and weirder…Now, he’s apparently got a thing for trying to trick his wife into eating baby poo.
The US’s New Zealand Ambassador Says There’s No Credibility to Murderer’s Mention of Trump as a Symbol of White Identity
He’s an freaking psycho, so who gives a crap what he says? He represents nothing and no one but an insane murderer. Many on the Left, however, will surely care. And they’ll no doubt insist upon a continuance of blaming Trump for horrors in the world.
AOC Responds to New Zealand Shooting by Attacking People of Faith
Never once has Donald Trump openly attacked people of faith. He has never told them their prayers are worthless. Ocasio-Cortez, the new face of the Democratic Party, has just done that.
In Vanity Fair Profile, Beto Reveals Just How Thirsty He Is
It shows him as an elitist who is completely out of touch with experiences and challenges that the vast majority of people in America go through, and one whose positions and principles change regularly.
Brilliant. Spain Combines Boys and Girls Basketball Leagues
In the same vein of “equality,” some genius in Spain decided it’d be smart to combine boys and girls junior basketball leagues. 16-18 year old male and female teams ended up competing directly against each other and the results were probably even worst than expected.
Creepy Video of Rashida Tlaib’s Speech at CAIR-Chicago Event
Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) delivered the keynote speech at the Council on American-Islamic Relations’ (CAIR) 15th annual banquet on February 26. She opened by saying, “‘We always said ‘the Muslims are coming’… I think we’re here!” The crowd roared.
Good Start, Mr. President
Yesterday, President Trump signed an Executive Order designed to help reduce the number of Veteran suicides, now numbered at 20 per day…His heart is definitely in the right place. He obviously cares about the troops, both present and past, especially as compared to “corpse-man” Obama and “Benghazi” Clinton.
Minnesota Residents Learned the Hard Way That Green Energy Is Unreliable
When the wind stops blowing or your solar panels are covered in heavy snow, you’re in trouble.
Violent, Angry, Moronic, Leftist Idiot ID’d in Berkeley Attack on Conservative
On February 19, Hayden Williams — a field rep for the conservative Leadership Institute — was on the campus of the University of California, Berkeley to recruit. Along the way, he was shoved, called a racist, and punched in the face by an angry moron. The school reports the angry moron’s identity has been confirmed.
Dems Have Put Their Hatred of Trump Ahead of the Interests of the US — Again
Did the spectacle of the Michael Cohen hearings embolden Kim?