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An Uproar Over Trump-Branded Yarmulkes


When Trump supporters engage in the practice that has been commonplace for at least a decade prior it becomes a theistic crisis, according to those who harbor a deep disdain for anything of a religious nature. Yes, it is petty, and it is blatantly hypocritical.

Woman Gives Birth to Her Gay Son’s Child


Here’s one for the record books. A 61-year-old woman from Omaha, Nebraska just gave birth. To her granddaughter. To help out her son. It’s not that Matthew Eledge’s wife can’t have a baby; it’s that Matthew’s gay partner — Elliot Dougherty — can’t.

Texas Democrat Proposes Masturbation Tax


In the Texas state legislature there is a proposal to pass a law to tax the practice of men self-pleasuring by Rep. Jessica Farrar, a Democrat (I know, shocker). Farrar’s bill proposes men be taxed $100 for each instance they endure self-gratification…Her proposal of course is rooted in what she sees as invasive and otherwise intrusive policy as applied to getting an abortion.

Good Start, Mr. President


Yesterday, President Trump signed an Executive Order designed to help reduce the number of Veteran suicides, now numbered at 20 per day…His heart is definitely in the right place. He obviously cares about the troops, both present and past, especially as compared to “corpse-man” Obama and “Benghazi” Clinton.