Acosta views himself like a soldier on Okinawa, valorously storming emplacements as he shouts nonsensical questions at the President. There was that one time where he had to be outside when during the winter though. Such bravery.
Publication: RedState
180 Business Executives Seem to Think We Care About Their Pro-Abortion Petition
This was an effort at self-promotion. A chance to be on a who’s who list of leftist corporate elites. Having your name on this list makes you look important at the coastal cocktail parties they attend, and fair enough…but the rest of us don’t care.
California Legislators Agree to Provide Full Health Benefits to 90,000 Illegals
Elizabeth Vaughn: I hope there’s something left in that budget to address the growing problems of homelessness and filth on the streets of the state’s largest cities. But, I know, priorities.
Whopper of a Misrepresentation Discovered in Mueller Report
In the opening of the report, the Mueller team ties Ukrainian businessman Konstantin Kilimnik, who worked for Paul Manafort’s lobbying firm, to Russian intelligence. The reality is that Kilimnik was a top informant for the U.S. State Department and other Western intelligence agencies as well.
West Point Must Cancel Its Nike Contract
This time, Nike has stepped way over the line. It has a new poster ad out showing 7 hijab wearing Muslim female athletes with the caption, “Don’t change who you are. Change the world.”
The Fabulous William Barr, the Right Man at the Right Moment
It’s almost as if Attorney General William Barr had been conjured up to meet this specific challenge. He’s folksy, yet savvy. He appears relaxed, yet he is keenly aware of every detail. He is highly intelligent and uncommonly articulate. He is bold and best of all, he’s on the President’s side.
Pelosi Was the Biggest Loser in the Mueller Presser
Nancy Pelosi is trying to keep her caucus in line, ignore all 23 midgets on the Democratic side running for President calling for her to do impeachment and hold onto her gig. She has the most heat on her right now.
Despite Disney’s Sanitized Remakes, Audiences Want Potentially Offensive Content from the Original Movies Preserved
While watching even just slightly old movies, I find myself constantly saying, “Wow — they’d never put that in a movie now.” And frequently, it’s something I find completely innocuous. Contemporary scripts seem to be heavily filtered according to left-wing notions of correctness.
The DNC Is Nearly Broke and the Numbers Are Brutal
People aren’t buying what they are selling.
RIP Beto, the Candidate No One Wants Opposition Research on
He is seen as too white and rich, out of touch with voters, and completely unaware of the political reality in which he lives. Now, the worst news possible for a candidate: No one even cares about your dirt.
Hospital Comes Under Social Justice Fire for Not Assuming a Man Was Pregnant
A hospital is currently the target of leftist-activist outrage because a patient came into the emergency room with stomach pains, who was “properly” listed as Male in the health records — but “he” also had some other gender-specific symptoms. From another gender.
Comrade De Blasio for President
The Democrats currently appear to have no actual plan, which means a lot of that extreme, far-left ideology they had been suppressing up until a few years ago is going to be hitting the airwaves more and more.
Gillibrand Takes a Page Out of Hillary’s Book and Blames Sexism for Failing 2020 Campaign
Nevermind that she’s as likable as a rabid possum.
Biden Has Been Wrong on Nearly Every Foreign Policy Decision for the Past 40 Years
Those are some pretty strong words, especially when uttered by Robert Gates, Obama’s highly respected Secretary of Defense. Gates spoke to CBS News’ Margaret Brennan on “Face The Nation” over the weekend and said he stands by the comments he made about Joe Biden in his 2015 memoir.
Converse Announces Line of LGBT Shoes Featuring an 11-Year-Old in Drag
The clothing company released a tweet on Wednesday promoting the new line with Desmond at the forefront. The tweet indicated that they’re launching their “Pride Collection” and were partnering with six individuals known for being within the LGBT community.
CNN Buys Out a Hundred Employees as Ratings Collapse, Stelter Hilariously Spins
Companies don’t offer buyouts if they aren’t looking to cull their staffs. In fact, buyouts are the normal first step in the corporate world when it comes to layoffs. You give people a chance to voluntarily leave a sinking ship.
Tlaib’s Father Says She Committed Election Fraud
Lying on an election affidavit is a crime.
Sen. Michael Bennett Becomes 500th Democrat to Enter the 2020 Race
There are more Democratic candidates than there are Duggar children…Bennet’s platform appears to be that he is a prostate cancer survivor and “telling the truth.”
World’s Wokest Dictionary Goes Full Transgender with New “Definitions”
Merriam-Webster is at it again. This time it’s to push transgenderism with some rather silly new definitions.
White House Correspondents Dinner Wallows in Self Pity as Trump Has Fun
For the second year, President Trump has declined to perform self-mortification by attending the White House Correspondents’ Dinner in favor of a rally. This year it was in Green Bay, WI. And while he was there he had some yuks at the expense of the media.
Biden’s Social Media Team Already Won the Biggest Fail Award for 2020
Using a somewhat dated social media technique, the team posted a series of photos to Biden’s Instagram page that, when viewed as a gallery, would show the entire logo…In addition to the creepy hand positioning, the placement of the “N” over the photo of Barack Obama is unfortunate, to say the least.
AOC’s Chief of Staff Is Quite Possible More of a Moron Than His Boss
While Bernie sees forbidding prisoners to vote as a slippery slope that we’ve been on since 1787, AOC’s idiot chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, takes the idiocy lot further with this tweet: What’s the reason NOT to let incarcerated people vote? Shouldn’t the people most affected by unjust laws have some say in electing people to change them?
Dem Candidate Amy Klobuchar Goes Full Jeb Bush in CNN Town Hall
The truth is, she’s about as charismatic as dish water…