Stacey Abrams is trying very hard to stay relevant, despite the fact that she lost a gubernatorial race (but hasn’t admitted it). She is still making appearances before whatever media will talk to her and let her tell her sob story. The best part is that the media will keep having her on out of a tremendous sense of guilt they feel for ignoring her and focusing on Beto O’Rourke.
Publication: RedState
The Left Doesn’t Get to Be Mad That Someone Publicly Confronted Chris “Fredo” Cuomo
Brandon Morse: “Fredo” is not an ethnic slur. It’s a character insult, and the left knows it, but everything is racist…I’m not particularly applauding the guy who instigated Fredo’s meltdown, but Fredo did choose to have a meltdown instead of shrugging it off and walking away as Cruz does, and that’s the entire reason this is now a story.
The Media Crossed a Line This Week and There’s No Going Back
Driving the division, broad brushing, and hatred this week had been the liberal media. Whether it’s newspapers amplifying the disgusting rhetoric of people like Beto O’Rourke and Elizabeth Warren or the constant stream of divisive, racially tinged editorials that are being pushed out, there’s no question of their role.
Mexico Says It Will Sue the US Over El Paso Shooting
Regardless of their motive, there’s something gross about the double standard given the violent conditions in their own country. The fact that our media are reporting this uncritically is also disappointing, yet typical.
Kamala Got Wrecked at Wednesday’s Debate
Harris was exposed last night. She’s mechanical, way too rehearsed, and is deeply unlikable.
Elijah Cummings Can’t Hide Behind the Race Card Anymore
Representative Cummings has been living on his reputation for several decades. What has he accomplished for the citizens of his district? Nothing. Their only value to him, is once every two years when they flip the lever for him. Calling him out isn’t racist.
Jerry Nadler Confuses Everyone with Bizarre Rant on Impeachment
Nadler absolutely, 100% knows that Trump is guilty and has violated the law “six ways from Sunday,” yet he needs more evidence before even taking the first step in impeachment. Wait, what?
And So Mueller Is Their Last Great Hope (Again)
And, once again, there is no there there.
PETA Means to Stifle Medical Innovation and Stop Medical Advances
If PETA gets their way, most of the research that feeds the amazing future cures that we read about will be shut down.
If Trump Isn’t This Clever, Then He’s the Luckiest President in History
The 2020 contenders for the Democratic nomination have a debate next week, and no one is paying attention. Those candidates are talking about The Squad. The media is talking about The Squad. The Republicans are talking about The Squad. The Democrats are talking about The Squad…If that’s not a planned political strategy, then Trump has to be the luckiest guy on the planet.
It’s Like AOC’s “Squad” Wants Trump to Win
The can’t help it. They have to be the most extreme people in the news cycle.
Pelosi Loses Control of Her Party and It’s All Her Fault
Over the weekend, the Democratic Civil War spilled out into the open, consuming social media and setting a blaze on Twitter that could be seen rising to the sky all the way from barren wasteland of MySpace.
Amazon Tries to Sandbag the New Book on Kavanaugh Nomination
This is a clear case of a major corporation penalizing a book that it is selling by singling it out for disparate treatment based on its viewpoint.
Vanity Fair Buries the Lede as Bill Clinton Is Further Implicated in Epstein Saga
The big story is that there are possibly pictures of Bill Clinton on Epstein’s sex slave island…But what does Vanity Fair do with that information? They don’t even look into it. They just let it go like it’s no big deal that a former President may have been a guest on the personal island of a pedophile accused of sex trafficking.
Dear Megan Rapinoe, Get Over the Fact That You’re a Gay Person with a Political Opinion
What’s more, a lot of your actions are just microwaved leftovers of what Colin Kaepernick already served up when his nonsense was trendy in the NFL… It’s likely that world’s buzz around you will fade, and your divisive advocacy will go with it.
A Major Dem Figure Is About to Join the Race for 2020
Billionaire and liberal sugar daddy Tom Steyer is likely to jump into the 2020 Democrat primary. Steyer is most famous for setting bags of cash on fire. He’s been the money man behind a lot of the efforts to impeach Donald Trump and has shown himself to be your typical liberal conspiracy theorist.
Hard-Left Site ThinkProgress Is Up for Sale Thanks to a Loss of Millions of Dollars
What used to be bastions of leftist news and thought are collapsing like a house of cards as the Trump administration thunders forward despite their best efforts. Leftist news sites have been facing layoffs and cutbacks left and right, and the once mighty anti-Bush site ThinkProgress is now facing its own problems.
The Disgusting Lie Hiding Behind the Left’s Circulation of the Viral Photo of a Dead Migrant Child
There are people to blame for tragedies such as this, but it’s not Trump. Trump is simply upholding the laws that govern how migration is handled in our country to the letter. Obama was more or less doing the same but with far less media oversight.
The NBA Stops Using Completely Innocuous Phrase, Cites Racial Insensitivity
This is one of those double take stories where you have to make sure it’s not a Babylon Bee or The Onion article. The NBA has decided that the completely innocuous, objective descriptor of “team owner” is racially insensitive and are stopping it’s use within the NBA. Yes, people who own teams are no longer allowed be called the owner of their teams.
The Media’s Turn on Biden Is Complete
While it’s nice to see it happen to a Democrat for a change, it does raise some very interesting questions about the effect the media’s coverage will have on the voters.
Here’s How Long CNN and MSNBC Showed Trump’s Campaign Launch Speech
In total, CNN showed six minutes of the speech before cutting away for “analysis.” MSNBC didn’t show the speech at all, but that’s to be expected. They don’t even try to hide who they are…
Slate Attacks Taylor Swift’s New Pride Month Song for Not Being Woke Enough
They say you can’t please all of the people all of the time, and when it comes to the diversity police at Slate and other liberal outlets, all too often you can’t please any of them, ever.
Agriculture Dept. Employees Protest After Learning They Might Have to Live in Flyover Country
There is simply no logical reason that so many federal departments need to be located in a city as expensive as Washington D.C. while being so far away from the industries they are involved in…This entire protest also comes off as nakedly elitist. It’s as if their lives are over because they might have to survive among the rubes outside of the North East corridor.
Dems Are Apoplectic That Trump Would Listen to a Foreigner with Dirt on an Opponent
Considering that the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC paid $12 million to a foreigner to not only dig up dirt on candidate Donald Trump, but to disseminate it among the Washington political community, the Intelligence agencies and then to the media, their reaction was extraordinary indeed.