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Stacey Abrams Is the Grift That Keeps on Grifting


Stacey Abrams is trying very hard to stay relevant, despite the fact that she lost a gubernatorial race (but hasn’t admitted it). She is still making appearances before whatever media will talk to her and let her tell her sob story. The best part is that the media will keep having her on out of a tremendous sense of guilt they feel for ignoring her and focusing on Beto O’Rourke.

The Media Crossed a Line This Week and There’s No Going Back


Driving the division, broad brushing, and hatred this week had been the liberal media. Whether it’s newspapers amplifying the disgusting rhetoric of people like Beto O’Rourke and Elizabeth Warren or the constant stream of divisive, racially tinged editorials that are being pushed out, there’s no question of their role.

If Trump Isn’t This Clever, Then He’s the Luckiest President in History


The 2020 contenders for the Democratic nomination have a debate next week, and no one is paying attention. Those candidates are talking about The Squad. The media is talking about The Squad. The Republicans are talking about The Squad. The Democrats are talking about The Squad…If that’s not a planned political strategy, then Trump has to be the luckiest guy on the planet.

A Major Dem Figure Is About to Join the Race for 2020


Billionaire and liberal sugar daddy Tom Steyer is likely to jump into the 2020 Democrat primary. Steyer is most famous for setting bags of cash on fire. He’s been the money man behind a lot of the efforts to impeach Donald Trump and has shown himself to be your typical liberal conspiracy theorist.

Agriculture Dept. Employees Protest After Learning They Might Have to Live in Flyover Country


There is simply no logical reason that so many federal departments need to be located in a city as expensive as Washington D.C. while being so far away from the industries they are involved in…This entire protest also comes off as nakedly elitist. It’s as if their lives are over because they might have to survive among the rubes outside of the North East corridor.