Ambassador Taylor’s testimony yesterday overall was enough to convince some Republicans that there might actually be a there there. This now combines with Trump’s unfortunate tweet comparing the process to a “lynching” and recent polling that shows several key Senate seats in play, and it appears to be helping Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell make his choice on who to support. Hint: It’s not the President.
Publication: RedState
What’s Going on with the Transgender Craze?
The big thing in education these days is teaching our children acceptance. There is a huge difference between accepting diversity and encouraging children who cannot tie a shoelace to change their gender with hormone therapy or, in the extreme, genital mutilation.
Should the US Extradite Hunter Biden to Ukraine After He’s Indicted for Corruption?
Apparently, there is a fantasy on the left that being the son of a Democrat politician gets you to carry the Immunity Idol when it comes to felony investigations because, the reasoning goes, to indict a Democrat politician’s kid might hurt that politician’s chances for election and that would be a “thing of value” to the Republican in the race and therefore a violation of campaign finance law.
Hunter Biden Apparently Gets Around, Caught Doing Shady Deal in Another Country
It’s amazing how a guy with zero experience in certain fields kept getting jobs in certain fields…We’ve already heard about Hunter Biden’s lucrative dealings in Ukraine. Then there was the bribery scheme in China involving a guy under indictment. Now, we are finding out that he advised a guy headed to prison in Romania.
Dems, Media Wet Themselves Over a New Trump “Scandal” Involving Australians
Just when you thought things couldn’t get dumber, Democrats and the media hand their beer off and go headfirst into another wall.
Whistleblower Story Implodes
One of the major problems with the whistleblower complaint that some in the mainstream media are glossing over is that the person wasn’t even on the phone call, so how could he/she know what was said? The answer of course is that the person could not know.
There May Be Something in the Whistleblower Report
The Democrats have found an issue to keep the investigations into Trump going, considering the dud that Mueller’s report has turned out to be.
The Emmy’s Viewership Craters to a Record-Breaking Low
People are tired of having politics injected into their escapism by people who live inside a very gilded bubble.
The Trump-Ukraine “Whistle-Blower” Story Is Ridiculous and It’s Going to Blow Up in the Media’s Face Again
You want to know why conservatives hate the liberal media and have no faith in many commentators on their own side? All you have to do is look at the reactions to this stupid story.
“Women’s March” Fires Anti-Semites, Hires More Anti-Semites
Meet the new racists, same as the old racists.
The New Kavanaugh Hit Piece Is a Dumpster Fire
The idea that Max Stier, a Yale classmate of Kavanaugh, is a reliable, unbiased source is laughable. Yet, the media are running with his accusation without even disclosing who he is. It’s extremely relevant that he has direct ties to the Clintons and that he’s ensconced in Democratic party politics.
Biden Won the Contest for the Most Ridiculous Statement at Last Night’s Debate
“Nobody should be in jail for a non-violent crime.” This is Joe Biden, so the first thing we have to ask is whether he even knew what he was saying.
CNN Does Something Absolutely Disgusting on the Anniversary of 9/11
Yes, on the anniversary of the worst attack on America in history, instead of reflecting on Islamic terrorism or simply focusing on the victims, CNN decided to run interference for terrorists and lecture Americans on the violence of “right-wingers.”
CNN and Stelter Continue to Create Their Own Storm Damage in Targeting Trump
As Hurricane Dorian has moved off and become an inconsequential storm in the North Atlantic over at CNN they continue to make themselves inconsequential in their attempt to brew up a tempest over President Trump’s Sharpie advisory.
Majority of Republican Students Stay Silent About Their Views Out of Fear for Their Grades
We know that academia is filthy with hard-left leaning professors and students, and it seems like college-aged Republicans are few and far between in academia. As it turns out, they’re not uncommon, they’re just incredibly quiet due to fears that if they’ll speak out, their professors will harm their grades.
A Houston Woman Proves to Her Attackers and the Media that a Gun Is a Girl’s Best Friend
The truth is that, despite everything that the gun grabbers promote, guns are a girl’s best friend. Women aren’t typically as strong as men and are too often victims of men with ill intent…A gun does a lot to tip the scales for the woman. If anyone should be advocating for the rights of gun owners, it’s women.
Beto Starts Selling a Racy New T-Shirt Because He Thinks He Can F-Word His Way to the White House
In response to what we’re being led to believe is the rising popularity in Democratic circles for the struggling 2020 presidential candidate to use the f-word, the Beto campaign has come out with a new t-shirt in order to capitalize on the alleged momentum. It says: “This is F***KED up.”
How Is Lowering Standards in Industries to Attract Women Not Insulting to Them?
Lowering standards is only sending the message that women are weak, stupid, and not worth as much as a man, and we’re supposed to applaud this? Moreover, how do the “women are the same as men” crowd justify applauding this when industries and fields are clearly sending the message that they’re not with these lowered standards?
While O’Donnell Retraction Wasn’t a Knockout Blow to Mainstream Media, It Was a Humiliating Kick in the Groin
O’Donnell’s humiliation won’t long be forgotten. It will be right up there with Rathergate, when CBS’s Dan Rather presented documents that criticized President George W. Bush’s service in the Texas Air National Guard. Several of those documents turned out to have been forged.
Bill Barr Booked a Party at Trump’s Hotel and Then the Facts Came Out
This entire outrage is stupid. Barr is free to spend his money as he wants. If he wants to burn a ridiculous sum on a Christmas party, more power to him…It’s refreshing to see a political appointee throw some shades on and ignore the woke mob for a change.
Trump Gets It On Israel and the Democrat Party
The President makes a very strong case that the Democrat Party has gone off the rails and has slipped so far to the left that it actively supports people who are hostile towards America and it’s allies. Trump is making a steady case that the Democrat priorities are anything but hard working Americans.
We Can Now Officially Label Omar an Anti-LGBT Bigot
By every definition of the left, Ilhan Omar is a homophobic bigot.
New York Times Magazine Declares War on America and History
Four hundred years ago this month, the first ship carrying African slaves came to the shores of the New World….None of it is new to the vast majority of American citizens. That isn’t stopping New York Times Magazine from launching an interactive website that declares its mission to revise American history as we know it and tell it from a viewpoint that can only lead its readers to assume that America is terrible, has always been terrible, and, without some sort of political revolution, will continue to be terrible.
Democrats Are Insane
They see President Trump making inroads with “their” minority base of Blacks and Hispanics. That’s why all of the sudden, racism has now become the number one threat to our society…or so they say.