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Tucker Carlson Tells the Pentagon That Treating Him as an Enemy Sounds Like a Good Deal


Carlson’s grave offense was pointing out the blinding stupidity of military services becoming obsessed with hairstyling and pregnancy outfits for women in the military… and with general wokeness… while giving short shrift to things like combat readiness. The dishonest military hierarchy took a noncontroversial critique of a command structure that is perfectly willing to kill as many young Americans as it has to in order to get the pronouns right on the death certificates, and spun it as an attack on all women in the military.

Biden’s Totalitarian Promises


Watching Biden lie to us and hearing him insult us is annoying and, frankly, boring at this point – because we expect it. But in this speech Biden went far beyond annoying and straight onto a terrifying new path, the path of complete government control. He led into his plans with a bit of communistic propaganda by speaking to a “common purpose” our hands…

Elaine Chao Is a Pox on the GOP


She is an ethically challenged former Secretary of Labor and an ethically challenged former Secretary of Transporation. There is no reason why she should have been in either office in the first place — other than the fact that she’s married to Mitch McConnell. He should pay the price for his wife’s transgressions because he’s responsible for her being in those positions.  

The Trump Comeback Has Begun


Did you watch his keynote speech? That was Trump at his best. This wasn’t the angry, flailing Trump we saw belatedly address the nation on January 6. This was the Trump we saw during the GOP convention last summer: Positive, energetic, and showing he’s still just head-over-heels in love with this country.

Merrick Garland Doesn’t Even Know What Day It Is


The myth of Merrick Garland ended yesterday. He’s not a moderate. He’s not smart. He’s a political hack who will be exactly what Eric Holder was to Barack Obama. That any Republican is even considering voting to confirm this man is depressing, and such a vote shouldn’t be forgotten.

Springsteen, Jeep, a 5-Pointed Red Star and China


The spot ends with an outline of the continental U.S. and text that appears with the words, “To The ReUnited * States of America.” It also has a five-pointed Red Star that is taller than the capital letters in the text on either side. The five-pointed Red Star has long been an international symbol of communism and/or socialism…and it is said to represent a totalitarian political ideology. Jeep as a brand and a vehicle has a long connection to China that began in 1983.

AOC Weaponized Her Followers in an Attempt to Silence a Free Press


Yesterday, AOC sent out an email claiming that “right-wing operatives”…“are spreading flat-out lies” and misleading information about her and asking them to report these stories and posts to the social media overlords.This isn’t a typical call-to-action email from a politician to her supporters. This is a sitting Member of Congress asking her supporters to engage in a targeted harassment campaign aimed at suppressing a free press.

Remember That AOC Is Well Acquainted with Over-Dramatics


Brandon Morse: Ocasio-Cortez reminds me of people who sensationalize stories because they want to make themselves seem more interesting due to the fact that their low self-esteem makes them feel like they aren’t very interesting by themselves. While I’m not sure if AOC actually suffers from this problem, I don’t think her reasons for over-dramatizing events are completely divorced from this concept.

Dear Teachers: Get Back to School or Hit the Pavement


Nobody cares that you put years and thousands of dollars into your education. That was your choice, as was the decision to become a public school teacher. No one forced you to take the job in the first place and no one is going to force you to stay. Your job is not sacred. You are not special. You get paid to perform a service. 

Enough! There Was No Riot, Insurrection or “Storming”


Mike Ford: Stormed?! Please! Aside from a couple of bozos who broke a window to get in, I clearly saw Capitol Police opening doors for protestors to enter, while appearing to cordially chat with them as they strolled through the building…There was a peaceful rally and a largely peaceful protest that was marred by some bad acts by a very few people.

What Did You Think Would Happen When a Leftist Government Rams Policies Down Our Throats?


The media were hyping this. You would think there was an all out assault by heavily armed rioters, hell bent on killing everyone inside the building. The media kept using the words, “shots fired,” implying that the “mob” had shot somebody, maybe even a policeman…Also, effeminate media prissies like Fox’s Chris Wallace and Minority leader Kevin McCarthy, were quick to badmouth the entire protest as a “mob” and an assault on the Constitution.

A Post-Trump Media Landscape


Joe Cunningham: The media hasn’t learned from its mistakes over the past four years, and there have been no repercussions for their mistakes. But now that Trump is potentially gone forever, they won’t be able to survive playing by the same rules they used during the last four years. Can they survive it? I’m not sure.