Let’s be honest here. Borrowing 50 million barrels from a strategic oil reserve for political purposes is a useless exercise. It’s not going to change anything. And the reserve will be refilled at higher prices. Iit’s a drop in the barrel, literally.
Publication: RedState
The Establishment Media Wants Us Gone
The establishment media doesn’t like us. We destroy their narratives, counter their talking points, and generally make their lives a lot harder. Since time immemorial, they’ve been trying to silence us. No matter what form we take they have some sort of plan to either reduce our presence in society or eliminate us from the equation altogether.
Executives at One of America’s Largest Investment Firms Must Get Approval to Hire White Men
State Street Global Advisors plans to triple the number of Black, Asian and other minority staff in senior positions by 2023.. If executives don’t meet the target, they will face lowered bonuses. Ah, quotas. Yeah, that’s not racist or all kinds of wrong, either.
Just How Bad Was It Last Night for Dems?
We’ve long suspected education was the way to woo black voters to vote more for Republicans, and the public education system has certainly given Republicans the ammo to do so over the last two years. School shutdowns, mask mandates, and even Critical Race Theory have had a major impact on the public’s perception on state-run education.
“Let’s Go Brandon” Makes It to Southwest Airlines Flights in an Amusing Way
The chant made its way to Southwest Airlines flights Friday when a pilot who was apparently feeling quite rebellious and chippy uttered it over his airplane’s intercom system in a message to passengers: As per the norm, the attempted cancellation of Southwest Airlines is now underway as triggered liberals express their fauxtrage and threaten boycotts.
Biden Mocks Freedom in Twisted Train Wreck of a Town Hall
Somehow, someone made the decision to let Joe Biden out and to go to a CNN town hall last night. Even within the friendly confines of CNN, it was a complete train wreck — even by Biden standards.
Pete Buttigieg Returns to D.C. from Playing House
Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg has been on family leave since August, and no one in the Biden administration seemed to care…In the midst of what is a true transportation infrastructure crisis, when the head of the transportation arms of our nation should be giving insight and working on solutions, Howdy Doody Buttigieg is a deer in the headlights.
Will Ron DeSantis Save Christmas?
Miami has opened its arms to tech companies fleeing California. Residents of the Golden State flocked to Florida in 2020 in numbers not seen previously. Maybe cargo ships will be next. Governor DeSantis made infrastructure investments to upgrade Florida’s ports. Let’s see if they pay off and save Christmas for everyone.
The Aspirin That Feds Told Seniors to Take Is Now Bad for Them
There they go again, federal experts changing their minds on more health guidelines. Masks, no masks, two weeks of lock-down, well, no, maybe two months, yada yada yada. How can anyone keep up, especially if they’re old and feeble like our current president?
Details Behind Kamala Space Video Get Even Worse
It also turns out that she was filming this from August 11 to August 13. Guess what was happening over that time that maybe it would have been important to pay attention to? The Taliban advance in Afghanistan. Kabul fell on August 15.
Picking a New 007: How About Jaime Bond? Or a Black, Gay Janice Bond?
Diversity seems to be the big catchphrase these days. Is it time for a change? A black man? A black woman? Hispanic? Transgender? Would audiences put up with a radical departure like a female secret agent who orders a Chardonnay spritzer? Not shaken. Not stirred? She’d have to be very good to top Angelina Jolie in “Salt.”
The War on Christmas Is Back
It might be rough and some will have to miss a family gathering due to sickness, but it’s not up to the government to decide whether or not you get to celebrate America’s greatest holiday. Gather together and celebrate.
The CDC Is Coming for Your Guns
Presumably, the CDC believes it can use regulations to curtail legal gun ownership under the idea that gun violence is an “emergency.” Emergency powers, after all, have formed the basis for much of the government’s overreach in the recent past.
The Buzzsaw Awaits Biden and His Cohorts
The Biden presidency is in a total freefall, and all of it is completely self-inflicted. History says the first mid-term is almost always a political graveyard for the party in power. Couple that with redistricting and these terrible state-level numbers and things are looking bleak for the Democrats. And the final nail in the coffin is what’s happening at the border.
The Scary Jan. 6 Solidarity Protest Was Entirely Media Concocted
This whole demonstration may have been called into being by right-wing activists, but the narrative surrounding it was entirely concocted by a media so desperate for a violent, right-wing riot that they amplified the coming dozen or into a frothing mob ready to liberate those imprisoned by the government. It is pathetic and absurd.
Biden Just Had His Worst 24 Hours in Polling with No End in Sight
So where does Biden go from here? There’s no reason to believe there’s an end in sight to his downfall. When a president drops into the mid-low 40s in approval, they typically languish. Remember, this is a president with no natural base outside of possibly African-Americans.
Trumpism Is Evolving into DeSantism
It’s almost impossible to tell how Trump might react to this. He could fight against it by trying to run and keep his base (or split that base in the process), or he can play kingmaker and unite the party behind someone who is clearly taking the ball and running with it.
For Biden, It’s All Downhill from Here
Joe Biden’s presidency is not going well…Ironically, given that foreign policy was supposed to be Biden’s area of expertise (lol), the deadly disaster in Afghanistan has represented a turning point for the president.
Biden Should Step Down Over Afghanistan
If voting to impeach Trump based on a call to Ukraine or not trying very hard to stop crazies from rioting at the Capitol Building was the right thing to do, then removing a President who refuses to listen to intelligence reports and military leaders and leaves Americans in a hostile territory with no sure way home… that President should be forced to step down.
That Story of Afghans Falling Off Fleeing Transport Plane Just Got So Much Worse
How did this happen? It happened because we are led by buffoons who clearly had no actual plan at all for how to conduct these evacuations. The United States gave up control of Bagram AFB, which was fully secured just weeks ago and could have been a vital staging area. Then they gave up control of the Kabul airport initially which led to the redeployment of troops in order to retake the area.
Biden Team AWOL in the Middle of Afghan Disaster
Jen Psaki is on vacation doesn’t want to have her face associated anywhere near this mess and is doing her best to avoid having to take questions on it, just like her boss. Same thing with Kamala Harris who also seems missing in action in talking to the American people. So who is actually running or responsible for anything on this clown car of an administration?
CDC Director Walensky’s Husband Received $5 Million in HHS Grants
New information provided exclusively to RedState by syndicated radio talk show host Howie Carr shows that Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky is finding multiple ways to benefit from her new position. Walensky, who took over as director with Biden’s inauguration, is married to Loren D. Walensky, a renowned pediatric oncology researcher at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute at Harvard.
Why Does CNN’s Chris Cuomo Still Have a Job?
The lesser Cuomo is an anchor at CNN. He and his brother are Democrats. The media is not calling out CNN in the way they would Fox News, because CNN plays for the same team as they do.
Still Think Liz Cheney Is a Republican?
Besides voting to impeach Trump, she is a poster child for endless wars in the Middle East and has accused the Republican Party of being the “party of white supremacy.” And now she’s providing political cover for Pelosi’s “J6 commission,” which is nothing but a hyper-partisan show trial aimed at justifying The Hologram regime’s weaponization of the government against Trump supporters and other political enemies.