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Trump 2028? Many Think He Could Win a Third Term

More than a third of voters favor altering the Constitution to allow President Trump to run for re-election again – and a majority think he could win in 2028. The latest Rasmussen Reports survey finds that 35% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of repealing the 22nd Amendment, which limits the President to two terms in office.

Voters Blame Biden, Not Trump, for Taliban Takeover

Rasmussen Reports

Most voters aren’t buying President Joe Biden’s attempt to shift the blame for the Taliban’s sudden takeover of Afghanistan. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters say Biden is more to blame for the Taliban taking over Afghanistan, while 38% say former President Trump is more to blame. 

More Americans Than Ever Are Optimistic About Economic Opportunity in America

Rasmussen Reports

With the Dow closing at new highs this week and unemployment down, Americans are more confident than they have been in years that it’s possible for just about anyone to find a job – and even get rich – in America.  A new Rasmussen Reports survey finds that 63% of American Adults think it’s possible for anyone who wants to work to find a job in this country.