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Stalin’s Last Laugh

Power Line

Has Bernie Sanders ever lavished the kind of praise on the United States that he has heaped on the old regime of the Soviet Union, the dictators of Venezuela, or the Communist masters of Cuba? Has he ever praised the United States, period? When it comes to the United States versus its enemies, the guy is on the other side.

The Left Is Awash in Money


Jeff Bezos announced that he will spend $10 billion to “fight climate change.”The Bezos Earth Fund would help back scientists, activists, non-government organizations and any other effort that “offers a real possibility to help preserve and protect the natural world.” So the money will go to “scientists, activists [and] non-government organizations” – in other words, the Left.

Mayor Pete, Sane Democrat?

Power Line

“Mayor Pete” Buttigieg has been touted as a favorite in the “sane lane” of the Democratic presidential chase, but there is good reason to question whether any such lane exists. Buttigieg blamed Iran’s shooting down a Ukrainian passenger airplane on…President Trump.