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Freedom, Walz Style

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz declared an emergency on March 25, 2020, and ruled by decree for the following 15 months. His rule was arbitrary, petty, deceitful, tyrannical, and hugely destructive to life, liberty, jobs, commerce, and family. (This blog is based in Minnesota.)

Trump Goes on Trial

Power Line

The case against Trump is a joke because the records violation of which Trump is accused is a misdemeanor, on which the statute of limitations has run. It is only a felony if the records were falsified to cover up another crime.

United Auto Workers for Genocide

Power Line

It’s a mystery why UAW bosses consider wiping out Israel to be in the interest of their union’s members. But then, union bosses stopped caring about their members’ interests a long time ago. Now, they are just flacks for whatever cause the Left comes up with.

America’s Slow Motion Kristallnacht

Power Line

With each passing week since October 7, the outbursts of anti-Semitism in America have become more brazen, more widespread, more ferocious, and with fewer attempts to disguise its true character with academic jargon about colonialism. The Jew-hatred is completely out in the open now.

Why Didn’t MIT Expel Pro-Hamas Students?

Power Line

Most of the pro-genocide students are non-Americans, most likely from the Middle East. They have brought their unAmerican attitudes with them to this country. MIT doesn’t want them to be deported, likely in part, at least, because they are rich kids who pay full freight. Foreign students are a cash cow for universities.

Jamaal Brown Is a Liar

Power Line

Bowman is the Democratic rep who pulled the fire alarm next to an emergency exit in one of the House office buildings, in order to delay a vote on the House floor. A new video shows that every word Bowman has said about the incident was a lie. Bowman, meanwhile, was last seen voting for Hamas on the House floor. A thoroughly detestable character.

Take a Load Off Fani

Power Line

Scott Johnson: Fani Willis held a brief press conference just before midnight. In response to one of the few questions she took Willis emphatically professed ignorance regarding the posting of the Case Information by the clerk before the grand jury had voted the indictment. I don’t believe her.

Covid Is Over

Power Line

Covid is so over that even Joe Biden gets it, though his declaration over the weekend that Covid is over is going to annoy the masks-forever faction of the Democratic Party, and make J. Edgar Fauci totally redundant.

About Those Nuclear Secrets in Mar-a-Lago

Power Line

John Hinderaker: I think the likelihood that Trump has a good reason for keeping 10 or 15 boxes of miscellaneous records in his basement, after having returned 15 other boxes to the Archives months ago, is negligible. I suspect that Trump and Biden are collaborating in what both want–the elevation of a faux controversy over a few boxes of White House files into an election-defining battle.

Media Closing Ranks Around Biden on Ukraine

Power Line

It has taken over 80 years, but Hollywood finally got round to exonerating Neville Chamberlain for his malfeasance in Munich in 1938. Today’s media isn’t even waiting 80 hours to exonerate President Biden. They are already declaring this to be Biden’s finest hour.

Has Covid Been Good for Women?

Power Line

We conservatives would say that what makes sense for a given family is best determined by the members of that family. If the best course is for a wife to choose to devote her time to caring for her children (and, not incidentally, her husband), it’s fine with us.  Liberals, however, are generally not so tolerant.

Trump’s Success with Black, Male Voters

Power Line

In the 2020 election,Donald Trump won around 18 percent of the Black male vote.  What accounts for Trump’s 2020 numbers? The usual explanation is economic. Black employment soared under Trump until the pandemic hit, so this explanation is quite plausible. As for Black men, some believe that Trump’s style — direct, aggressive, and macho — has appeal to this cohort.

Why Trump Will Win

Power Line

Just wait till the Trump campaign gets done with Joe Biden’s long track record of corruption and lies. They’re going to make Lee Atwater look like a Boy Scout, and make Democrats pine for the good old days of quality candidates like Mike Dukakis and Walter Mondale.

Will the Shutdown Cause More Deaths Than It Saves?

Power Line

We will see an unknown number of preventable deaths due to the suspension of much non-COVID related health care. Those who die because of the shutdown of “non-essential” care, including a large number of surgeries, will never be counted, and their names will not make headlines. But they represent one more cost of the overreaction to the Wuhan virus.

Some Rationale Perspectives on Covid-19

Power Line

Currently our economy is being decimated, not by a disease but by a series of governmental shutdown orders that have closed most businesses and resulted in millions of layoffs. These orders were based not on experience, but on models that we now know were wrong. 

Slow Joe’s Latest Whiff

Power Line

Someone has suggested that Joe Biden’s frequent video chats from his basement are meant to be “proof of life” evidence, because if he actually went silent for a few days speculation would build that he has COVID-19.

Coronavirus Has a Silver Lining

Power Line

It has exposed the frailty of the Communist Chinese regime, which reportedly is now sending some of the one million Uyghurs they have been holding in concentration camps to factories that have been vacated on account of the virus. No doubt Tom Friedman and other Democratic advocates for the Communist regime will hail this as one more sign of the superiority of autocratic states.