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Elon Musk Is Making All the Right Enemies

PJ Media

What really annoyed the lefties was not only that Musk purchased one of the crown jewels in social media, but that he did it on a whim. It was his casual, You commies are annoying, I think I’ll just buy the place, attitude that got the poor dears right in the feelings. 

Leftists Are OK with Rape Because of Islamophobia

PJ Media

The frontline of the pro-Palestinian crowd is found in Academia, of course. Highly-compensated academics are teaching impressionable young people that the Islamic terrorists are not the bad guys. Pay no attention to that suicide vest, we need to hit our diversity quota numbers.

Jack Smith Is the Fascist Thug of the Year

PJ Media

By Stephen Kruiser Smith is the worst of the people involved in the Trump character assassination, and that’s saying a lot. Smith, his boss, and the rest of the players in this sick, seditious drama are the ones who should be behind bars. Trump is practically a choirboy when compared to them. 

Here’s the One Democrat Who Can Beat Biden

PJ Media

There’s one Democrat who actually beats him: Michelle Obama, who edges out Joe Biden 45% to 43%. “Michelle Obama currently has the best of multiple worlds,” said David Byler, chief of research at Noble Predictive Insights. “She’s a celebrity with near universal name recognition.”

Hamas Lovers Want to Ruin Christmas Now

PJ Media

It would be nice if even a couple of prominent Democrats would denounce the pro-Hamas miscreants. Sadly, they’re too invested in their lunatic fringe now. That fringe has been waging war on Christmas for years. This is just old rage in a new package. 

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion — and the Elimination of Jews

PJ Media

How the “social justice” categories are defined is by now familiar to all of us: whites, males, heterosexuals, the able-bodied, the well-to-do, Christians, Jews, and Asians are oppressors, while BIPOC (black, indigenous, people of color [except Asians], females, LGBTQ2S++, the otherwise abled, the poor [except poor whites, Christians, Asians, and Jews], and Muslims are oppressed.

Who Had “American Youth bin Laden Fetish” on Their Bingo Card?

PJ Media

By Stephen Kruiser: These kids were taught to be this way, of course. They’re buttered up with leftist basics in K-12 public schools, which then makes them ripe for whatever seeds of anti-Americanism that the academics want to sow. This works in tandem with the fact that the Democrats insist that Islamic terrorism isn’t really a problem, but Islamophobia is. 

So Much for “Nikkimentum”

PJ Media

By Stephen Kruiser: The Democrats are doing all that they can to permanently destroy our freedoms. The last thing we need are Republicans like Nikki Haley giving them an assist with her comment against free speech on the Internet.

NM Woman Plays All the Woke Cards During DUI Stop

PJ Media

She’s non-binary, so stop calling her ma’am. The officer is allowed to call her Kai. She has social anxiety. The cop says he does as well. And if he has to deal with this kind of thing every night, it’s no surprise. She’s indigenous, so is the cop colonizing the car?

Why Not Trump/Tucker?

PJ Media

Tucker Carlson is still needed in conservative media. It is fun, however, to think about him and Trump ruffling all of the dainty feathers of the Washington elite, especially the effete, squish Republicans. That, and the exploding heads in all of the MSM newsrooms would almost make these last few years worth it. 

Hunter Biden, Secret Agent?

PJ Media

Odds are that Hunter is one of the 40 confidential human sources providing information to the spy agencies about the dirty Biden Crime Family. Or at least that’s what the FBI would say if pressed.