Books about Barack Obama and Donald Trump — whether they were filled with praise or venom — sold like crazy. There were many of them to choose from, too. But nobody wants to read about President Zero because everybody knows there isn’t much there-there left.
Publication: PJ Media
Are You Ready for a Major Jihad Attack in the U.S.?
What’s coming is as plain as day. Courting Muslim votes by tiptoeing around the reality of the jihad threat is more important to our elected and appointed officials than stopping the next Islamic jihad attack.
Christine Blasey Ford’s Whitebread Anita Hill Shtick Is Beyond Tedious
Dems have trotted out out Professor Hill every few years to fuel their never-ending character assassination attempt against Clarence Thomas. Now they are putting Christine Blasey Ford into the rotation. She’s revisiting her fiction about Justice Kavanaugh with a memoir and a book tour.
Christine Blasey Ford Never Actually Said Kavanaugh Tried to Rape Her
Christine Blasey Ford made waves when she accused Justice Kavanaugh of — something. She is back in the news again, now that she is peddling a book about the Kavanaugh kerfuffle that almost derailed his appointment to the Supreme Court.
Letitia James Is Single-Handedly Destroying America
Leftist judge Arthur Engoron, in concert with N.Y. Attorney General Letitia James, is demanding Trump put up another $464 million in cash so he can appeal their monstrous judgment against him. Of course, no one has that much cash on hand, even people worth billions, and Trump is no exception.
The Language Police at GLAAD Have a Whole New List of Words We’re Not Allowed to Say
While “homosexual” is now a term to avoid, the term “homophobia” is not. Also, the guidelines say that the terms “gay marriage” and “same-sex marriage” are also to be be avoided because they “suggest marriage for same-sex couples is somehow different or less equal than other marriages.” Maybe because it is?
Biden and His MSM Lapdogs Hit New Lows with Trump’s Bloodless Bloodbath
By Stephen Kruiser: The leftmedia Dem propagandists know that they have to create a lot of fake spin to help drag Biden across the finish line, and they have no worries about how tall the tales might end up being. They’ve used their untruthfulness about the “bloodbath” comment to play the idea that Trump and his supporters are just itching for some violence.
Hunter Biden Knows He’s Untouchable While Daddy Has Merrick Garland on a Leash
The stink around Hunter eventually leads to Joe. That’s why Hunter knows he can’t be touched right now. Yes, he has a high-powered attorney, but he also has the full weight of the Executive Branch working to keep the wolves at bay.
Dems Bring a Schiff to a Truth Fight, and Robert Hur Breaks Them
The Democrats had Adam Schiff running point for the effort. Any time that Schiff isn’t talking to a friendly, he embarrasses himself. He’s too stupid to know that he’s embarrassing himself, of course, so he never stops doing it.
Biden Thinks John McCain Was His Predecessor
Remember how the media gushed over Biden’s SOTU speech? Well, he mentioned “my predecessor” a total of 13 times. So it seems like at the time he knew he was talking about Trump. Apparently, sometime between Thursday and Monday, Biden’s brain has decided that McCain — not Trump — was his predecessor.
The Academy Awards Are Again on the Wrong Side of History — and Boring!
Who can ever forget how the Academy was fully committed to Black Lives Matter. The 2021 Oscars were effectively a BLM rally. Host Regina King dedicated her opening monologue to George Floyd and BLM.
Biden’s Handlers Really Overshot His SOTU Uppers Dosage
By Stephen Kruiser: The speech was an hour and seven minutes — and, wow, did they have the old boy juiced. It was immediately apparent that Biden’s handlers decided that a simple two-word script was all he could handle, so they went with “BE LOUD.”
This Is the Moment When Trump Won the 2024 Election
Biden paid lip service to border security while he oversaw a backdoor immigration infusion that broke faith with the American people. Wait till they find out about it. And when they do, that will be the moment that Donald Trump will win their vote and general election in 2024.
McConnell Needs to Go Away Harder
By Stephen Kruiser: I would be remiss if I didn’t once again mention that we owe a huge debt of gratitude to Mitch McConnell for keeping the lawless psychopath Merrick Garland off of the Supreme Court. Unfortunately, he’s managed to fritter away much of that goodwill.
The LGBTs Need to Do Something About Their Pedophiles
The inconvenient truth is that there are more pedophiles in the LGBT crowd than they want to admit, and some of them are the most vocal, Christian-phobic, attention-starved people in the galaxy — drag queens.
Radio Soros Is Going to Commie Up the Airwaves
Conservatives have long dominated talk radio, and no one was too worried about the news stations. Soros looks to be taking an “If you can’t beat ’em, buy ’em” approach, and that’s fraught with disturbing possibilities for the future of this country. The kinds of things that might make us wish we were only dealing with a rampaging virus.
NY Times Gets a Neuroscientist to Say Biden Is a Smidge Forgetful
The Official Publication of the Democratic National Committee — more familiarly known as The New York Times — enlisted a neuroscientist to assure the American public that Joe Biden’s brain isn’t the functionless pile of bird seed that he continually leads us to believe it is.
The Media Are Lying About Trump’s NATO Comments
In light of the terrible week that Joe Biden had, it was inevitable that the media would try to drum up some fake controversy about Donald Trump. In fact, they happily obliged by grossly distorting comments Trump made during a campaign speech in Conway, South Carolina, on Saturday.
Biden’s Unannounced Nightime Speech Is An Absolute Disaster
The address was scheduled for 7:45 p.m. but did not actually get underway until around 8 — well past his usual 7 p.m. bedtime.
“Hell Yes, I Miss George Santos”
By Stephen Kruiser: I don’t really care whether any of the Republicans in Congress are good people or not, just as long as they’re consistently voting against tyranny. Something I’ve often said about presidential candidates applies in this case as well: I don’t need a prom date, I need a fighter.
Biden to Send Troops to Stop Texas Protecting the Southern Border
Joe Biden has called out the cavalry to ride to the rescue of illegal aliens breaking into the country. You read that right.
Those January Job Gains Never Happened
When are 335,000 new jobs not 335,000 new jobs? When Washington makes them up and the media dutifully report them with all due breathlessness.
The United States of Allah
By Kevin Downey Jr: It happened in my neighborhood. Your neighborhood is next.
Say Goodbye to America
We’re in danger, and it’s not just because our military has gone woke or because the federal government seems to care more about every other issue than national security. We’re in serious trouble because our open border allows so many hostiles to come in and embed themselves in this country.