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Nobody Wants to Read About President Zero

PJ Media

Books about Barack Obama and Donald Trump — whether they were filled with praise or venom — sold like crazy. There were many of them to choose from, too. But nobody wants to read about President Zero because everybody knows there isn’t much there-there left. 

Letitia James Is Single-Handedly Destroying America

PJ Media

Leftist judge Arthur Engoron, in concert with N.Y. Attorney General Letitia James, is demanding Trump put up another $464 million in cash so he can appeal their monstrous judgment against him. Of course, no one has that much cash on hand, even people worth billions, and Trump is no exception.

Biden Thinks John McCain Was His Predecessor

PJ Media

Remember how the media gushed over Biden’s SOTU speech? Well, he mentioned “my predecessor” a total of 13 times. So it seems like at the time he knew he was talking about Trump. Apparently, sometime between Thursday and Monday, Biden’s brain has decided that McCain — not Trump — was his predecessor.

McConnell Needs to Go Away Harder

PJ Media

By Stephen Kruiser: I would be remiss if I didn’t once again mention that we owe a huge debt of gratitude to Mitch McConnell for keeping the lawless psychopath Merrick Garland off of the Supreme Court. Unfortunately, he’s managed to fritter away much of that goodwill.

Radio Soros Is Going to Commie Up the Airwaves

PJ Media

Conservatives have long dominated talk radio, and no one was too worried about the news stations. Soros looks to be taking an “If you can’t beat ’em, buy ’em” approach, and that’s fraught with disturbing possibilities for the future of this country.  The kinds of things that might make us wish we were only dealing with a rampaging virus. 

The Media Are Lying About Trump’s NATO Comments

PJ Media

In light of the terrible week that Joe Biden had, it was inevitable that the media would try to drum up some fake controversy about Donald Trump. In fact, they happily obliged by grossly distorting comments Trump made during a campaign speech in Conway, South Carolina, on Saturday.

“Hell Yes, I Miss George Santos”

PJ Media

By Stephen Kruiser: I don’t really care whether any of the Republicans in Congress are good people or not, just as long as they’re consistently voting against tyranny. Something I’ve often said about presidential candidates applies in this case as well: I don’t need a prom date, I need a fighter. 

Say Goodbye to America

PJ Media

We’re in danger, and it’s not just because our military has gone woke or because the federal government seems to care more about every other issue than national security. We’re in serious trouble because our open border allows so many hostiles to come in and embed themselves in this country.