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No Gun Control Proposal Would Have Prevented Tuesday’s Tragedy

PJ Media

Everyone wants to do something. Everyone demands action. But far and away the most popular “solution” that comes out of any tragedy like this is tasking the government with finding a way to control gun ownership. Calls for gun registration in the wake of an 18-year-old kid murdering 21 people is ludicrous and a transparently useless political act.

Will Hillary Ever Take the Fall for Being Pure Evil?

PJ Media

Stephen Kruiser: Every person involved in the Russia collusion hoax should have to spend a long time in a low-grade prison. We may never see Mrs. Clinton perp-walking her way to a state-issued jumpsuit wardrobe but we’re getting to the point where it’s not out of the realm of possibility.

Kamala Exists to Make Biden Seem Coherent

PJ Media

Stephen Kruiser: While I don’t like to attribute any competence to Team Biden, I am beginning to think that his handlers had Kamala Harris in mind for the second spot on the ticket all along. Joe Biden appears to be the epitome of oratorical brilliance and competence when side-by-side with Harris. I sincerely hope that the English language survives two more years of this.

Ghoulish Left Quick with Ignorant Hot Takes About Buffalo Shooter

PJ Media

Stephen Kruiser: The progressives got the white shooter they’ve been dreaming warning about, so the hot takes have been flowing like lava from Mt. Vesuvius to Pompeii. As usual, they’re all wrong, idiotic, or both. Like any garden variety nutjob, the Buffalo shooter had written a manifesto. The lunatic feelings journal debunked one of the left’s most immediate and pedestrian talking points.

Riots Are Now an Establishment Industry and Part of Summer

PJ Media

Looks like a pretty safe bet that the summer riots of 2022 will be about women’s “rights,” complete with marching vulvas and Handmaid cosplay platoons. But you never know. Polls have been showing that minorities, who are usually reliable Democrat voters, have been souring on the party, so there’s always a chance we’ll pivot to race riots.

Already Unhinged Abortion Cretins Sink to New Lows

PJ Media

Stephen Kruiser: We just spent Mother’s Day weekend watching the freakshow that is the pro-abortion left harassing people at their homes and in churches all because they don’t understand biology or how laws work in the United States. Oh, and also because they are mentally unwell.

Where Was Lefty Outrage When Bezos Bought Washington Post?

PJ Media

Stephen Kruiser: The reason that the progressives are having fits about Musk’s purchase of Twitter is that Twitter had become one of (along with Facebook) the left’s primary drivers of false narratives. There are a lot more impressionable idiots on social media than there are reading The Washington Post every day. They’re terrified of Musk’s commitment to free speech because free speech is honest and they aren’t.

Supreme Court Leaks, Progressive America Freaks

PJ Media

American leftists wake up overwrought and only get worse from there as the day goes on. They didn’t exactly take the news well. Nothing infuriates them like the thought that they might be inconvenienced on the way to killing a baby. The meltdown was instantaneous. Because none of them ever seem to work, they took very little time to gather at the Supreme Court to protest.

Biden’s Disinformation Commies Have a DeSantis Problem

PJ Media

Stephen Kruiser: Democrats can’t be arbiters of what is and is not the truth because they no longer even have a casual relationship with honesty. Putting them in charge of ferreting out disinformation is like putting Keith Richards in charge of keeping everyone sober. Now let’s just hope Biden doesn’t start babbling about gulags.

ESPN Anchor Sues for Violation of Free Speech

PJ Media

Sage Steele is the only openly conservative personality at ESPN, and she has never shied away from or compromised her beliefs. That’s made her a target for wokes at the subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company, and now she’s suing ESPN and Disney for violating her free speech rights.

Leftists Are Sure That Going Maskless Will Kill Us All

PJ Media

You knew this would happen. A federal judge struck down Biden’s handlers’ mask mandate, and now the true mask believers are sure that we are all doomed. The sky is falling because they’re not wearing masks on airplanes, and civilization as we know it, such as it is, is coming to a rapid end, not that we will see its end because we will all be dead.

What’s Really Going on with CNN+

PJ Media

What was the pitch? The network of sex scandals, the Cuomo boys, pedophiliacs, and low-budget partisan propaganda wants your money! You can almost picture McKinsey running to the bank to deposit CNN’s consulting check before CNN woke up to the scam.

Blue State Commies Had the Worst Covid Policies

PJ Media

Let us all take a moment to remember that New York’s response — which is graded among the worst — was routinely being praised by the media and held up as a model for what the federal government should have been doing. The prominent voices in the Democrat fever-dream were talking about ways to insert then-Governor Andrew Cuomo in as their nominee to run for president. It was surreal.