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Gay Married Couple Used Their Adopted Boys in Child Porn Films

PJ Media

The facts at hand are about as revolting as they can possibly be. A married gay couple in metro Atlanta, William Dale Zulock, 32, and Zachary Jacoby Zulock, 35, is accused of using their two adopted boys in child porn films. The case raises numerous questions that will never be answered because no one will dare to raise them.

The Flailing Ways of White House Spokesditz Karine Jean-Pierre

PJ Media

Stephen Kruiser: Jean-Pierre came to her present gig sporting not one, but two HISTORIC FIRSTS that could be checked off on the diversity list, which is more precious than gold or love to the Democrats. It’s also the law in America now that one has to mention that whenever speaking or writing about Ms. Jean223-Pierre. Sadly, it seems that’s all she had on her résumé.

Harvard Study Wrecks Insurrection Narrative of Capitol Riot

PJ Media

Democrats and the media claim the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, was an insurrection, and they’ve pushed that narrative relentlessly. But last week, the Harvard Kennedy School’s Shorenstein Center published a study that debunked their claim. According to the analysis, most of the rioters were motivated by loyalty to President Trump.

The Incredible Implosion of Team Kamala

PJ Media

It seemed obvious that Joe Biden’s selection of Kamala Harris as his running mate was a bad idea. Of all the Black Women™ he could have chosen, how he landed on her is a question for the ages. Unless, of course, someone figured they needed someone so awful that she would make Joe Biden look better by comparison.

Clarence Thomas Annoys All the Right People

PJ Media

The lefties hate Thomas because he loves the Constitution and because — let’s be honest here — they’re all racists. There is no other objective explanation for their ire. Let us all hope and pray that Justice Thomas enjoys good health for a very long time. He is, indeed, a national treasure. And a constant thorn in the side of those who are trying to destroy the United States of America.

Did Our Health Experts Lie About Covid Vaccines?

PJ Media

Former White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx says she knew that the COVID-19 vaccines would not protect against infection. While it’s encouraging that she admits this, one can’t help but wonder how truthful she’s being because that’s not what the federal government has been telling us.

On Cue, Biden Gets the Covid Election Panic Ball Rolling

PJ Media

The buzz around conservative circles for weeks has been about just when the Dems would start ramping up the Covid panic porn in order to lay the groundwork for a sequel to 2020’s election “irregularities.” Who knew that Biden would kick things into high gear? It’s not difficult to imagine that the Dems have been doing everything but making Biden lick doorknobs and kiss hobos to get some pre-election Bat Flu.

America’s Cop-Hating Cities Will Soon Face an Ugly Reckoning

PJ Media

Stephen Kruiser: The super woke commie blue cities that Granny Boxwine and the rest of the Democratic elite embraced are — SURPRISE! — facing a bit of a cop shortage, though. It turns out that His High Holiness the Lightbringer Barack Obama is the only Democrat who can routinely crap on law enforcement and still receive adequate armed protection.

Fake Native American and Pathological Liar Elizabeth Warren Is a Psychopath

PJ Media

Stephen Kruiser: She often seems on the verge of losing it during public speeches, exhibiting a level of anger that really seems out of place given her level of privilege. Put mildly, Lying Lizzie is rather unhinged. Now this mentally unwell woman who has far too much power is on the warpath against women who have unplanned pregnancies but opt to not have abortions in Massachusetts.

Trump Is Still the Dems’ Daddy

PJ Media

Stephen Kruiser: The Dems haven’t been able to enjoy one single moment of their “victory” in the 2020 election because Trump is still out there, smiling, and teasing a run in 2024. They wake up thinking about him. They retire to their beds of shame thinking about him at the end of every day.

America-Hating Leftists Should Be Forced to Try the Alternatives

PJ Media

The biggest reason they don’t leave is that deep down in their dark commie hearts, they know that there isn’t a better option than the U.S. They are part of an insular, ideologically rabid culture that doesn’t allow them to state that publicly, but they know it’s true. Let Jessica Chastain spend a year in Tehran and see how her feminist ways are embraced there.

Why Is Fauci Still Talking?

PJ Media

Stephen Kruiser: After dominating the news for over two years, the Wuhan Chinese Bat Flu has recently spent a little time in the background. Pandemic cheerleader and Chief Snake Oil Salesman Anthony Fauci was so irritated that he was no longer getting foot massages from the interns at the MSM Sunday news shows that he went and finally got Covid himself.

Another J6 Trump “Bombshell” Outed as a Hoax

PJ Media

On Tuesday, the liberal media soiled themselves over the so-called bombshell story that on January 6, 2021, President Trump grabbed the steering wheel of the presidential limo and then lunged at a Secret Service agent because he wanted to join the protesters at the Capitol.

Elon Musk Is the Boss All Woke Losers Need

PJ Media

Companies too often roll over for the woke mob. Sometimes it can just be a mob of one that makes them quake in their boots. The world has been suffering from a dearth of adults in the room who aren’t willing to stand up to petulant whiners. We are well and truly doomed unless more people follow Elon Musk’s example and give the crybabies their marching orders.