The J6 insurrection is as fake as the Russia collusion from the 2016 presidential election. What the Democrats have done to the lives of American citizens to perpetuate their lie is unconscionable.
Publication: PJ Media
Finally, Trump Is Hitting the Right Notes
Stephen Kruiser: At CPAC, Trump said, “I am your warrior for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution.” That’s not just what the base needs to hear; that’s what the country needs. I wonder if he’s gotten a new speechwriter in the last month because that kind of stuff is gold.
Christianity Is Still Fair Game for Secular Leftists Loons
American leftists are always going on about being anti-hate and anti-bigotry, portraying themselves as pillars of tolerance. They are tolerant of anyone who adheres to their brand of godless secularism. People of faith, however, don’t get much of a fair shake from them. OK, they have a soft spot for Islam, but that’s only because so many Islamists hate the United States.
The Greatest Cover-Up in Human History
Ben Shapiro: First, it was supposedly a conspiracy theory. Then, it was banned. Finally, it was true. The so-called “lab leak” theory of the origins of COVID-19 — the theory that COVID-19 originated in at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and then was unintentionally loosed — was always the most probable explanation for the outbreak of the deadly virus.
License to Rewrite
If James Bond can be rewritten in Fleming’s manuscript, what in principle prevents 007 from being retroactively invented as a Nazi or KGB agent?
Score Another One for the Tinfoil Hat Covid “Disinformation” Crowd
Stephen Kruiser: Many of us won’t be satisfied until we see Anthony Fauci perp-walked and deposited behind bars. Toss everyone who became a Fauci cultist and worshipped him in there too. We are all aware that we’re still getting played by the government. What we’ve found out thus far is surely only the tip of the tip of the Covid corruption iceberg.
Buttigieg Enters the Biden Diversity Hire Hall of Failures
Mayor Pete checks off the all-important “G” box on the Democrats’ LGBQT+ diversity list, so he was soon to become a cabinet member. Never mind the fact that black people in South Bend hate the guy; the Dems needed someone from every column. To say that Buttigieg hasn’t handled his duties as Transportation secretary well would earn one an award for understatement.
What the Hell Is Going on with That Trump Grand Jury Foreman?
The Trump grand jury in Georgia has yet to reveal any indictments, but the jury’s foreman — forewoman, foreperson, forexian, whatever — is already doing the cable news circuit… and in the weirdest way.
Snowflake Rebellion at Project Veritas Leads to James O’Keefe Departure
The snowflakes at Project Veritas, none of whom could probably raise $5,000 if their livelihood depended on it (which now it does), put together a shocking bill of particulars why James didn’t belong at the organization he founded. He took someone’s ham sandwich after all. Worse, James yelled at someone once.
NY Times Already Busy Repackaging Biden as Working Class and Thoughtful for 2024
Stephen Kruiser: Real Joe Biden is — and always has been — a hateful, divisive piece of work who shoots from the lip and whose politics are malleable so he can adjust to whatever the moment requires of him. Kindly Grandpa Joe the Uniter was a pile of horse dung taller than those buildings they’re putting up in Dubai every week or so.
Why Is the Left Pushing Straight Men to Date Trans Dudes?
Kevin Downey: I don’t care what or whom toots a man’s horn. If you’re into bearded women, have at it. But understand, I am not into chicks with a dingle. I prefer my hen house to have a single rooster. In short, my fruit salad has but one banana.
What a Relief! The New White House Comms Director Is Gay
With the military shooting a series of strange and unexplained objects out of the sky, a nonexistent Southern border, skyrocketing inflation, and all the rest of the catastrophes that Biden’s handlers have caused, it’s good to know they have a firm grasp of what’s really important, and are doggedly continuing to pander to their gay base.
Disney Is Letting Go Thousands of Employees
Do you know who isn’t getting the boot? Disney+ producer Latoya Raveneau, who admits to pushing a “gay agenda” by “adding queerness” to children’s programming wherever she can.
It’s Time for Trump to Pass the Torch
Ben Bartee: The man is constitutionally incapable of leadership because he does not have a personality conducive to leadership. There was no consistent vision or strategy in the execution of his presidency because the entire enterprise was an exercise in ego-appeasement. Trump also displays an obvious lack of interest in learning how the U.S. government actually functions.
Let’s Scrap the State of the Union Address
Stephen Kruiser: This televised dog-and-pony show that we’re subjected to now gets worse the longer it goes on. Biden was his usual trainwreck self, phasing in and out of whatever narcotic cocktail they pump him full of for extended public appearances.
We’re Painfully Aware of the State of Biden’s Union
Brace yourselves, America. Joe Biden is going to be squinting into a teleprompter for an hour or so tonight, giving his State of the Union address. Hs speech will be a real test of his staff’s creative writing skills.
That Noise You Hear Is the ChiComs Laughing at Pudding Brain Biden
Stephen Kruiser: If the Chinese balloon thing was a mini dress rehearsal for World War III, we may want to form some Mandarin study groups.
Kari Lake Is Too Reckless to Run for Office Again
Regardless of whether the election was stolen from her, the fact is that Lake underperformed the other Republicans running for statewide office. The reason: She recklessly insulted Arizona Republican voters right before the election.
You Will Be Forced to Care: Gay Hockey Edition
Stephen Kruiser: The Pride Police are on the prowl again, this time in the National Hockey League. One of the more tedious aspects of the woke crusade for “inclusivity” is that we now have to be bombarded with radical messaging in what used to be escapist activities, like sports fandom.
Washington Post Journalists Are Getting Fired!
Megan Fox: I opened Twitter a few minutes ago to see my favorite thing ever: journalists crying big, salty tears over losing their jobs. The Washington Post is making cuts, and the puffed-up writers over there, who think they’re very special and irreplaceable, are having meltdowns. It’s beautiful watching the wokest people on earth suffer.
Did the CIA Engineer Watergate to Get Rid of Nixon?
Tucker Carlson made some explosive assertions Friday, suggesting that the CIA and the FBI brought down Richard Nixon because he was on to their efforts to undermine the American system as the Founding Fathers had intended it to run and knew that the CIA was involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
Dems and Their Media Puppets Still Hate Cops
Stephen Kruiser: Democrats still have a lot of issues with law enforcement. They might not be as open about it these days, but nothing has really improved since they threw cops under the bus during the 2020 George Floyd Summer of Love and Oh Yeah Lots of Rioting.
The Super Shady Coverup of the Paul Pelosi Story Is Worse Than You Thought
Last year, if you questioned the preferred narrative of the Paul Pelosi attack story, you were a conspiracy theorist; now, critical details are being kept from the public. Why would that be? Are some of the “conspiracy theories” actually correct? What are they trying to hide?
Just Let the Democrat-Run Hellhole Cities Destroy Themselves
The descent into lawlessness in America’s Democrat-run cities has pretty much been on steroids ever since the George Floyd Summer of Love riots in 2020. To be sure, most of them were already headed in a bad direction, but they’ve been moving at breakneck speed these past two-and-a-half years.