NPR, you think that Twitter’s actions undermine your credibility? Welcome to the world that conservative media has lived in for years. If Twitter and other social media outlets and big-tech conglomerates undermine anyone, it’s countless conservative outlets like PJ Media.
Publication: PJ Media
Defending Yourself in Blue Cities Might Land You in Prison
Commie prosecutors — many funded by George Soros — have been told to punish crime victims who dare stand up for and protect themselves from the lefty legions of drug zombies, street thugs, and modern brown shirts who roam the outhouses that are Democrat-run American cities.
Steven Van Zandt Hates You and Wants You Dead
Apparently, he has taken both Springsteen’s fanatical and unreflective Leftism and mob thuggishness deeply to heart and combined the two together; on Sunday, he tweeted a call to “Exterminate the (Republican) cockroaches.”
Bud Light Goes Quiet After Signing Transgender Star
Cat got your tongue, Bud Light? The giant beer corporation has been silent for over a week, ever since it came to light that pretend woman Dylan Mulvaney was the pretend beer’s new spokesman. Since then, silence. Gee, Bud Light, aren’t you proud of your front guy?
The New Nike Spokesperson for Sports Bras Is…Yeah, That Guy Again
Dylan Muvaney is here, he’s queer, and the corporate elites are demanding that we get used to it.
Stormy Daniels Made Far More as Trump “Victim” Than She Ever Did as Porn Actress
Adult film actress Stormy Daniels has cashed in on her notoriety, sporting a net worth of $6 million, according to her latest tax filing. She has an annual income of $800,000 with $1 million in assets and $3 million in investments.
The Trump Indictment Is Worse Than We Thought
With the arrest of Donald Trump, we’ve entered into a new era of country’s history. The kind of corruption we’ve long believed was limited to third-world countries has made it to the Land of the Free.
The U.S. Has Lost the Moral High Ground
Yesterday was doubtlessly among the darkest days in the history of the nation.
America’s Real Domestic Terrorists Are Hiding Behind Pride Flags
Members of the trans mob are a protected species. They can be as out of control as they want because of their permanent victim status, according to the lefties. It’s OK to be violent if they’re feeling put out by the right-wing nutjobs.
Trump Gets the Green Light to Take a Flamethrower to the System
Stephen Kruiser: After the antics of Bragg’s pet grand jury, I would hope that Trump is in a flamethrower mood and ready to go after the corrupt system with more verve than ever before.
American Left Has Grown More Violent While FBI Was Hunting Soccer Moms
Ever since Joe Biden and his handlers decided to turn the FBI into the American Stasi, we’ve been hearing that the real threat to America are “right-wing radicals.” The FBI has been targeting soccer moms at school board meetings and pro-lifers who pray outside of abortion clinics. You know, the scariest people among us.
Kamala Goes to Africa. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
The Biden Administration is scrambling after China stole a march on the U.S. and has been signing deals right and left on the continent. While Biden was tied up with the war in Ukraine.
It’s Looking Like Trump Won’t Be Indicted
That’s right. No indictment. No handcuffs. No perp walk. The radical left has been yearning for this moment for years. And for a few days, it seemed like that wish might finally come true. However, it now appears to be just another chapter in a never-ending fantasy that always falls short of becoming a reality.
Who Is Directing the Annoying Trump/Bragg Soap Opera?
We find ourselves in another one of those 24-hour news cycles that’s well past its shelf life, closing in on a week now. Yeah, other things are happening in the world, but — right or left — everyone is talking about whether Donald Trump is going to be arrested or not. It’s the one truly bipartisan thing happening in the United States at the moment.
America’s Looming National Divorce Is Beyond Couples Counseling
Stephen Kruiser: Just looking around at what’s going on here early in the week, the news is full of evidence that there is a chasm between right and left in America that’s growing and more than likely has reached a size that can’t be bridged.
Yes, Leftism Is a Religion
The University of Helsinki award climate change activist Greta Thunberg with an honorary doctorate in theology.
Climate Change Whackos Are the Real Danger to the Planet
The Biden administration is slavishly devoted to the Climate Church message, forcing the green agenda into every area of policy. It’s an even higher priority than making first graders take field trips to drag shows. It’s full speed ahead with the assault on carbon, whether the world is ready for it or not.
DeSantis Notches Another Win Against Woke Corporate Idiots
DeSantis and his administration aren’t afraid to pick fights with the heavyweights like Hyatt Regency. It takes that kind of fearlessness to battle the woke mob, which wins its fights by publicly intimidating opponents until they yield to the radical lunacy.
J6 Proud Boys Find Out That Federal Court Is Where Civil Rights Go to Die
We’ve grown familiar with stories of one-sided justice from the D.C. courts in January 6 cases. The one-sided justice follows the one-sided news coverage and the one-sided narrative that has come from the Left, who whisper lies in the ears of their transcriptionists in the media.
China Is Probably Just Waiting for U.S. Military to Get More Woke
Stephen Kruiser: The best we can hope for is that we don’t get into WWIII with the Woke Brigade leading the charge with Pride flags and apologizing for all of the toxic masculinity and systemic racism. We can’t win a war when grooming is our primary weapon.
As J6 Narrative Implodes, Pence Still Blames Bad Orange Man
Mike Pence is running hard to be the Mitt Romney of 2024, the controlled opposition establishment Republican nominee who will run for president and lose gracefully. Or if he somehow wins, he will do the Left’s bidding, but in a restrained, ostensibly conservative way.
Stand Up Ladies, Because the Left is Out to Replace You with Men
The liberals progressives on the far left will jump, jive, and wail for a woman’s right to abort her baby two days before the due date, but will do a 180 on women’s “rights” when a dudette named “Carl” decides he is “Carla.”
GOP House Hearings Reveal Some Uncomfortable Truths for Dems
Stephen Kruiser: Let’s hope the House GOP keeps the sunshine coming and that, one day, some of these people will be wearing ill-fitting orange jumpsuits.
Mitch McConnell Reminds Regular Republicans That He Hates Them
Stephen Kruiser: McConnell doesn’t mind being in the minority forever. He’s fat and comfortable just kicking around the Senate, adding new chins every year. As long as his comfort zone isn’t disturbed, Mitch doesn’t give a damn about what the Republican rubes in the hinterlands need or want.