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The NPR Emperor Has No Clothes

PJ Media

NPR, you think that Twitter’s actions undermine your credibility? Welcome to the world that conservative media has lived in for years. If Twitter and other social media outlets and big-tech conglomerates undermine anyone, it’s countless conservative outlets like PJ Media.

It’s Looking Like Trump Won’t Be Indicted

PJ Media

That’s right. No indictment. No handcuffs. No perp walk. The radical left has been yearning for this moment for years. And for a few days, it seemed like that wish might finally come true. However, it now appears to be just another chapter in a never-ending fantasy that always falls short of becoming a reality.

Who Is Directing the Annoying Trump/Bragg Soap Opera?

PJ Media

We find ourselves in another one of those 24-hour news cycles that’s well past its shelf life, closing in on a week now. Yeah, other things are happening in the world, but — right or left — everyone is talking about whether Donald Trump is going to be arrested or not. It’s the one truly bipartisan thing happening in the United States at the moment.

Climate Change Whackos Are the Real Danger to the Planet

PJ Media

The Biden administration is slavishly devoted to the Climate Church message, forcing the green agenda into every area of policy. It’s an even higher priority than making first graders take field trips to drag shows. It’s full speed ahead with the assault on carbon, whether the world is ready for it or not.