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Tucker Says He’s Still Employed by Fox

PJ Media

In a text message to the news analysis site 19FortyFive, Carlson said flatly: “I’m still employed by Fox.” This doesn’t mean, however, that all is forgiven and that his show will be back on the air Monday. On the contrary, it could hinder Carlson’s plans to take his truth-telling elsewhere.

We Could See Tucker Carlson’s Split with Fox News Coming

PJ Media

One could tell that the wildly anticipated January 6 insights by Carlson appeared to shake the Fox News suits to the core. Carlson was given access to thousands of hours of video from the J6 protest and riots. Viewers expected multiple nights of exposés. Instead we got 1.4. The next night, a chastened-looking Carlson gamely lead his show with something else…

RFK Jr. Is the Thorn We Need in Biden’s Side for 2024

PJ Media

Stephen Kruiser: His presence in the 2024 Democratic campaign puts every bit of Covid fiction that Joe Biden ran on in 2020 on political trial. RFK Jr. is running as a throwback to his ancestral Democratic heritage. Yeah, they were lefties, but they weren’t fascists. Covid Joe Biden is a fascist. Whether he says is or not, RFK the Younger is heavily implying it.

Republicans Need to Stop Being Cowards on Abortion

PJ Media

How many voters know that the Democratic Party supports legalized abortion through all nine months of pregnancy on demand for virtually any reason? How many voters know this position aligns with only six other countries in the world — three of them, not incidentally, being North Korea, Vietnam and China?

Did Mark Hamill Hang with Nazis on Twitter?

PJ Media

Mark Hamill, who plays a Jedi Knight in the movies and apparently thinks he is one in real life, beclowned himself on Twitter recently. He was chatting up a group of Ukrainian soldiers, without the slightest clue that one of the groups in question had a Nazi flag in the background. Hamill of course is a Leftist, and the Left loves to assign the descriptor “Nazi” to anyone who disagrees with it on any given topic.

Is Mitch McConnell’s Retirement Imminent?

PJ Media

If McConnell decides to retire from the Senate altogether, and not just from his leadership position, it would be up to Democratic Governor Beshear to fill the vacancy. However, Kentucky’s Republican-controlled legislature recently passed SB 228, which would constrain Beshear’s power by requiring him to choose one of three candidates recommended by leaders of the same political party as the outgoing senator.

The NPR Emperor Has No Clothes

PJ Media

NPR, you think that Twitter’s actions undermine your credibility? Welcome to the world that conservative media has lived in for years. If Twitter and other social media outlets and big-tech conglomerates undermine anyone, it’s countless conservative outlets like PJ Media.