Stephen Kruiser: Fox will have to decide if it wants to recapture some of its glory or continue to meekly wander down the milquetoast path that it’s been exploring for the past couple of years. If that happens, they’ll be popping the champagne at MSNBC for a long time.
Publication: PJ Media
Save Democracy. Send Biden to Prison
The Bidens are accused of things far worse than the Trump/Stormy Daniels nothingburger.
Rep. Matt Gaetz Assaulted by Deranged Leftist
A woman from Tallahassee has been charged by Florida authorities for her involvement in an incident on Saturday, during which she reportedly assaulted Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) at a private event.
Will Trans Madness Weariness Play a Big Role in 2024?
Stephen Kruiser: There are many on the right who insist that we dial it down with the social issues for 2024. The prevailing theory with these people is that it was a hyper-focus on the social and cultural stuff that led to the dismal performance of the Republicans in 2022. Yeah… no.
Tucker Says He’s Still Employed by Fox
In a text message to the news analysis site 19FortyFive, Carlson said flatly: “I’m still employed by Fox.” This doesn’t mean, however, that all is forgiven and that his show will be back on the air Monday. On the contrary, it could hinder Carlson’s plans to take his truth-telling elsewhere.
Tucker’s Haters Are Going to Be Disappointed
Carlson’s star has risen so much in recent years that he can’t be canceled, not even by the once-mighty Fox News. I’ve been reassuring people since Monday that I don’t even think this is a hiccup for him.
Fox News Is Dead and Tucker Is Already Living Large with a Job Offer
It came within hours of the shocking announcement that he and Rupert Murdoch’s Fox Corporation were “parting ways.” Who took the biggest hit? It looks like Fox News has.
Fox News Has Been Hitting the Bud Light a Little Hard
“Parting ways” with Tucker Carlson seems to be a screw-up of Bud Light proportion. People are angry about this. The lefties, of course, are rejoicing. They think that this is going to permanently damage Tucker Carlson’s brand or something. They’re in for a huge disappointment.
We Could See Tucker Carlson’s Split with Fox News Coming
One could tell that the wildly anticipated January 6 insights by Carlson appeared to shake the Fox News suits to the core. Carlson was given access to thousands of hours of video from the J6 protest and riots. Viewers expected multiple nights of exposés. Instead we got 1.4. The next night, a chastened-looking Carlson gamely lead his show with something else…
RFK Jr. Is the Thorn We Need in Biden’s Side for 2024
Stephen Kruiser: His presence in the 2024 Democratic campaign puts every bit of Covid fiction that Joe Biden ran on in 2020 on political trial. RFK Jr. is running as a throwback to his ancestral Democratic heritage. Yeah, they were lefties, but they weren’t fascists. Covid Joe Biden is a fascist. Whether he says is or not, RFK the Younger is heavily implying it.
Republicans Need to Stop Being Cowards on Abortion
How many voters know that the Democratic Party supports legalized abortion through all nine months of pregnancy on demand for virtually any reason? How many voters know this position aligns with only six other countries in the world — three of them, not incidentally, being North Korea, Vietnam and China?
Even the Lying Dems Can’t Play Make-Believe Forever About Fetterman
Stephen Kruiser: If Fetterman had any decent human beings around him, they would have encouraged him to focus on his health and make sure that he completely recovered.Unfortunately for him, he was surrounded by Democrats. We’re now forced to witness Fetterman’s painful attempt at assimilating into the rigors of being a United States Senator
Did Mark Hamill Hang with Nazis on Twitter?
Mark Hamill, who plays a Jedi Knight in the movies and apparently thinks he is one in real life, beclowned himself on Twitter recently. He was chatting up a group of Ukrainian soldiers, without the slightest clue that one of the groups in question had a Nazi flag in the background. Hamill of course is a Leftist, and the Left loves to assign the descriptor “Nazi” to anyone who disagrees with it on any given topic.
Is Mitch McConnell’s Retirement Imminent?
If McConnell decides to retire from the Senate altogether, and not just from his leadership position, it would be up to Democratic Governor Beshear to fill the vacancy. However, Kentucky’s Republican-controlled legislature recently passed SB 228, which would constrain Beshear’s power by requiring him to choose one of three candidates recommended by leaders of the same political party as the outgoing senator.
The NPR Emperor Has No Clothes
NPR, you think that Twitter’s actions undermine your credibility? Welcome to the world that conservative media has lived in for years. If Twitter and other social media outlets and big-tech conglomerates undermine anyone, it’s countless conservative outlets like PJ Media.
Defending Yourself in Blue Cities Might Land You in Prison
Commie prosecutors — many funded by George Soros — have been told to punish crime victims who dare stand up for and protect themselves from the lefty legions of drug zombies, street thugs, and modern brown shirts who roam the outhouses that are Democrat-run American cities.
Steven Van Zandt Hates You and Wants You Dead
Apparently, he has taken both Springsteen’s fanatical and unreflective Leftism and mob thuggishness deeply to heart and combined the two together; on Sunday, he tweeted a call to “Exterminate the (Republican) cockroaches.”
Bud Light Goes Quiet After Signing Transgender Star
Cat got your tongue, Bud Light? The giant beer corporation has been silent for over a week, ever since it came to light that pretend woman Dylan Mulvaney was the pretend beer’s new spokesman. Since then, silence. Gee, Bud Light, aren’t you proud of your front guy?
The New Nike Spokesperson for Sports Bras Is…Yeah, That Guy Again
Dylan Muvaney is here, he’s queer, and the corporate elites are demanding that we get used to it.
Stormy Daniels Made Far More as Trump “Victim” Than She Ever Did as Porn Actress
Adult film actress Stormy Daniels has cashed in on her notoriety, sporting a net worth of $6 million, according to her latest tax filing. She has an annual income of $800,000 with $1 million in assets and $3 million in investments.
The Trump Indictment Is Worse Than We Thought
With the arrest of Donald Trump, we’ve entered into a new era of country’s history. The kind of corruption we’ve long believed was limited to third-world countries has made it to the Land of the Free.
The U.S. Has Lost the Moral High Ground
Yesterday was doubtlessly among the darkest days in the history of the nation.
America’s Real Domestic Terrorists Are Hiding Behind Pride Flags
Members of the trans mob are a protected species. They can be as out of control as they want because of their permanent victim status, according to the lefties. It’s OK to be violent if they’re feeling put out by the right-wing nutjobs.
Trump Gets the Green Light to Take a Flamethrower to the System
Stephen Kruiser: After the antics of Bragg’s pet grand jury, I would hope that Trump is in a flamethrower mood and ready to go after the corrupt system with more verve than ever before.