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Riley Gaines Is the Hero Sane America Needs This Pride Month

PJ Media

Gaines has endured ridicule and physical attacks from the Left but continues to speak out against the efforts of the Rainbow thugs to eradicate women from women’s sports. Yesterday, Gaines appeared at the House Judiciary Committee, along with sports trans madness advocate Kelley Robinson from the laughably named Human Rights Campaign.

Red Sox Pitcher Let Go After Offending the Thought Police

PJ Media

Red Sox “are doing damage control in the wake of past homophobic tweets from pitcher Matt Dermody, who started Boston’s game Thursday against the Guardians.” Oh, horror of horrors. The Red Sox also noted that Dermody had completed his required stint in reeducation camp but it wasn’t enough for the woke fascists, and so the Red Sox cut Dermody loose after the game.

Hooray! Bud Light Is No Longer the King of Beers

PJ Media

For the first time since 2001, Bud Light is not the top-selling beer in America. Ever since it embraced fake woman Dylan Mulvaney as the face of the brand and thereby endorsed the Left’s relentless efforts to force us to affirm that men can become women, Bud Light has been in a never-ending nosedive.

The Wokeification of Movies Begins with “The French Connection”

PJ Media

At one point in the movie main character Popeye Doyle dares to utter the forbidden word of all forbidden words, the racial epithet that can end careers and destroy lives in the blink of an eye. We see early on in the film that Popeye is not exactly cuddly. But if you get a new copy of the movie, you won’t see that at all. The Most Offensive of All Words has been removed without a trace.

Five Days into Pride Month and the Rainbow Weariness Is Already Bone-Deep

PJ Media

Stephen Kruiser: Gosh, are we almost through the first week of June already? The last several years, however, the left has really gone into full “You Will Be Made to Care” mode when it comes to all things LGBTQ+. They’ve always been pushy when it comes to the June rainbow, but the lefties have gotten super insistent since they’ve had their drooling puppet in the Oval Office

DeSantis Announcement Busts the Media’s Stranglehold

PJ Media

DeSantis made his announcement on Twitter, appearing in a live Twitter Space with CEO Elon Musk. The announcement was initially riddled with technical errors because the number of listeners crashed Twitter’s servers multiple time. That may sound like a major problem, but it reflects the interest in a DeSantis candidacy.

Vin Scully Is Rolling in His Grave After Dodgers Cave to Pride Mob

PJ Media

Stephen Kruiser: The Dodgers are glorifying a blasphemous hate group that delights in mocking Roman Catholics. Los Angeles has the largest Roman Catholic population in North America. The Archdiocese of Los Angeles has almost five million members, a number that I’m sure is far greater than however many drag queens might be buying Dodger Dogs one day.

This Pride Stuff Isn’t Healthy

PJ Media

Dennis Prager: What exactly is one proud of? What accomplishment is involved in being gay, lesbian or bisexual? Even trans is allegedly built into one’s nature. Isn’t the entire premise of the LGBTQ movement that one does not choose one’s sexual orientation or sexual identity?

As DeSantis Decision Nears, Media Ramp Up the Smears

PJ Media

The American mainstream media has been plumbing new depths since the 2016 presidential election. The cheerleaders were even worse in 2020. Sadly, they’re almost certain to go even lower trying to tear apart Trump and DeSantis. This is going to be ugliness on a Jill Biden dress scale. Both men are going to have to balance fending off unhinged attacks in the media and attacks from each other.

Dems Are Holding Dress Rehearsals for More “Summer of Love” Riots

PJ Media

Stephen Kruiser: It’s not outlandish to think that the Democrats are looking at “unrest” in cities they run and secretly hoping for some well-timed riots. Protests are a marvelous way to deflect from whatever Biden is screwing up at the moment. These dress rehearsals help them prepare for the big civil unrest finale that they almost certainly have planned for 2024.