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The War for the Soul of America

Pat Buchanan

By picking up the credentials of CNN’s Jim Acosta and booting him out of the White House, Trump has set a good precedent. Freedom of the press does not mean guaranteed immunity of the press from the same kind of abuse the press directs at the president.

Casualty Lists from the Kavanaugh Battle

Pat Buchanan

After a 50-year siege, the great strategic fortress of liberalism has fallen. With the elevation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, the Supreme Court seems secure for constitutionalism — perhaps for decades…The Democratic Party has sustained a historic defeat. And the triumph is President Trump’s.

Are Republicans Born Wimps?

Pat Buchanan

Despite civil right laws declaring race discrimination illegal, the court has given its blessing to affirmative action, deliberate discrimination in favor of peoples of color against white men in the name of diversity and equality. The court has declared that what were once crimes, abortion and homosexuality, are now constitutional rights all Americans must respect…But while the Democratic left is fighting bare-fisted, Republicans are sparring with 14-ounce gloves.

The Late Hit on Kavanaugh

Pat Buchanan

Palpable here is the desperation of the left to derail Kavanaugh, lest his elevation to the high court imperil their agenda and the social revolution that the Warren Court and its progeny have been able to impose upon the nation.

Do Democrats Want an Impeachment Fight?

Pat Buchanan

Twenty-six months after the Watergate break-in, President Nixon had resigned. Twenty-six months after the hacking of the DNC and John Podesta emails, Mueller has yet to deliver hard evidence the Trump campaign colluded with Putin’s Russia, though this was his mandate.

Trump Stands His Ground on Putin

Pat Buchanan

Not since Robert Welch of the John Birch Society called Dwight Eisenhower a “conscious agent of the Communist conspiracy,” have such charges been hurled at a president. But while the Birchers were a bit outside the mainstream, today it is the establishment itself bawling “Treason!”

A Fascist Right or a Hysterical Left?

Pat Buchanan

The comparisons with Nazi Germany are absurd. Does anyone truly believe that the centers where the children of illegal migrants are being held, run as they are by liberal bureaucrats from the Department of Health and Human Services, are like Stalin’s Gulag or Hitler’s camps?  This is hyperbole born of hysteria and hate.

Has the West the Will to Survive?

Pat Buchanan

While our forefathers would have not hesitated to do what was needed to secure our borders and expel intruders, it is not a settled matter as to whether this generation has the will to preserve the West. Progressives may parade their moral superiority as they cheer the defeat of the “zero tolerance” policy. But they have no solution to the crisis.

Behind Trump’s G-7 Exasperation

Pat Buchanan

Trump sees America as a nation being milked by allies who free ride on our defense effort, as they engage in trade practices that prosper their own peoples at America’s expense. Where our elites live to play masters of the universe, Trump sees a world laughing behind America’s back, while allies exploit our magnanimity and idealism for their own national ends.


Is America’s Racial Divide Permanent?

Pat Buchanan

How does ABC’s cashiering of “Roseanne,” or apologies to the two guys at Starbucks, or restrictions on the rights of millionaire NFL players to kneel during our national anthem address the real crisis? Is white America really black America’s biggest problem?