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Impeachment Is the Left’s Ultimate Weapon

Pat Buchanan

LBJ ordered the wiretapping of Martin Luther King, and his White House shared the fruits of that FBI surveillance with a friendly press.No one was impeached. For Trump, a phone call with a Ukrainian president saying, “Send us your Biden file and we will have a meeting,” is a political capital crime justifying democracy’s version of a death penalty.

If Bagdad Wants Us Out, Let’s Go

Pat Buchanan

How can our troops, detested by the PMF militias and their thousands of fighters, unwanted by the Iraqi Parliament majority, the acting prime minister, and much of the Shiite majority, remain safely inside the capital city of Baghdad or the country? What a difference a presidential decision can make.

Today France, Tomorrow the US?

Pat Buchanan

it is worth looking more closely at France because she appears to be at a place where the rest of Europe and America are headed…The questions the U.S. will inevitably face are the ones France faces: At what point does government consumption of the national wealth become too great a burden for the private sector to bear?

Is Impeachment Backfiring on Dems?

Pat Buchanan

The House impeached President Donald Trump on a straight party-line vote. Not one Republican signed on to the most partisan impeachment in U.S. history. Yet, as we head for trial in the Senate, Democrats seem to be having nervous second thoughts over what they have done.

Will “Sexist” White Males Derail Warren?

Pat Buchanan

After celebrating Tuesday’s takeover of Virginia’s legislature and the Kentucky governorship, the liberal establishment appears poised to crush its biggest threat: the surging candidacy of Elizabeth Warren. From the tempo and tenor of the attacks, establishment fears of Warren’s success are real — and understandably so.

Nixon Routed the Establishment in His Speech 50 Years Ago

Pat Buchanan

On Nov. 3, 1969, Nixon delivered an Oval Office address that was carried live on every network. After reciting the case Ike, JFK and LBJ had all made for resisting a Communist takeover of South Vietnam, Nixon laid out his own policy, the rationale for it, and urged the “great silent majority” to stand by him for peace with honor…Ten days after the “silent majority” speech, Vice President Spiro Agnew, in Des Moines, launched an assault on the unholy matrimony of media power and liberal bias.

Is Democracy a Dying Species?

Pat Buchanan

If the “end of history” and worldwide triumph of democratic capitalism thesis has, as most agree, been disproven, is it possible that the Age of Democracy is itself a passing phase in the history of the West and the world?

Is Impeachment Inevitable?

Pat Buchanan

Declaring for impeachment gives Biden a way to deflect questions about what son Hunter did for that $50,000 a month from a Ukrainian energy company, while Joe Biden was Barack Obama’s point man battling corruption in Ukraine.

Is Trump at Last Ending Our Endless Wars?

Pat Buchanan

Among those objecting most loudly to an American withdrawal from the forever wars of the Middle East are those who were the most enthusiastic about plunging us in. And, yes, there is a price to be paid for letting go of an empire, but it is almost always less than the price of holding on.

Pelosi Fast-Tracks Impeachment

Pat Buchanan

While the “whistleblower,” whose memo is the basis of these impeachment hearings, is well on his way to Beltway beatification, no campaign to depose the president can be allowed to cloak itself in anonymity indefinitely, for one man’s whistleblower is another man’s seditionist.

Will Ukraine-Gate Imperil Biden’s Bid?

Pat Buchanan

With the revelation by an intel community “whistleblower” that Trump, in a congratulatory call to the new president of Ukraine, pushed him repeatedly to investigate the Biden family connection to Ukrainian corruption, the cry “Impeach!” is being heard anew in the land. But…it’s a good bet that the principal casualty could be the former vice president.

Let Them Howl, Boris Johnson

Pat Buchanan

Whatever may be said of him, Johnson has shown himself as a man of action, a risk-taker, a doer, like Trump, who has hailed Johnson for the suspension. And leaders like Johnson are today shouldering aside the cookie-cutter politicians to dominate the world stage.

Are Yanks and Brits Going Their Separate Ways?

Pat Buchanan

Among London’s elites today, many see their future in the EU. U.S. trade with Britain is far less than U.S. trade with Canada, Mexico, China or Japan. Britain’s economy is a diminished share of the world economy. The British Empire has been history for over half a century. The U.S. population is now five times that of Great Britain. And London is as much a Third World city as it is an English city.