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A Culture War Trump Can Win

Pat Buchanan

Do the haters of Columbus think that destroying Columbus’ statues across America will not anger and alienate Americans of Italian descent who revere the explorer? Does Biden think Italian-Americans will reward a candidate and party that will not renounce the mob that did this?

Are Uncivil Protests and Mob Violence Winning?

Pat Buchanan

Consider what else the radicals and rioters have accomplished. They have made mass civil disobedience an acceptable and even praiseworthy form of protest, if you are justifiably outraged. They have won near-immunity for burning and looting stores. Blanket amnesties at the state and city level appear to be in the cards.

Now It’s Woodrow Wilson’s Turn

Pat Buchanan

Though Wilson attended Princeton as an undergraduate, taught there and served from 1902 to 1910 as president, his name is to be removed from Princeton’s School of Public and International Affairs. And why is this icon of American liberals to be so dishonored? Because Thomas Woodrow Wilson disbelieved in racial equality.

Biden’s Basement Strategy: Just Say Nothing

Pat Buchanan

If Biden emerges, then he will have to answer why all these institutions where his party and people are predominant — the media, Hollywood, the academic community, public schools, big-city governments, the big foundations, the federal bureaucracy — are apparently shot through with systemic racism after decades of Democratic dominance.

How Long Will Vandals Run Amok?

Pat Buchanan

Hating history and denying history and tearing down the statues of the men who made that history does not change history…A house divided against itself cannot stand. And a society whose history is hated by millions of its members will not survive.

If You Cancel the White Men, What’s Left?

Pat Buchanan

Not only does our national capital, Washington, bear the name of a lifelong slave owner, so does the capital of Missouri, Jefferson City. So does the capital of Mississippi, Jackson. So does the capital of Wisconsin, Madison. The capital of Ohio is Columbus. The capital of South Carolina is Columbia. Both are named for now-vilified Christopher Columbus whose statue still stands outside D.C.’s Union Station.

The Left’s Coming War on Cops

Pat Buchanan

As it rises in prominence, the issue of defunding police will divide the Democratic Party more than the GOP. For while the hard left sees cops in ideological and class terms as racist and fascist, the right, by and large, sees the police as the last line of defense against the anarchy we saw erupt when there were not enough cops in New York and D.C. to control the mobs looting Fifth Avenue and Georgetown.

Liberal Mush from Mad Dog Mattis

Pat Buchanan

Did the general actually produce this pile of mush that reads like something out of Ramsey Clark in the 1960s?My guess: Mattis, an obedient servant of President Trump for two years, has been persuaded that the wind is blowing the other way and his “place in history” demands that he get himself on the correct side. The general has just defected to the resistance.

The Cops Saved the Cities

Pat Buchanan

Without the thin blue line, far larger sectors of dozens of America’s cities would be in ruins, burned to the ground by the mobs that showered police and their vehicles with rocks, bricks, bottles, Molotov cocktails and any debris that could be thrown at them.

Behind Trump’s Strategic Pivot

Pat Buchanan

Trump can make the case that while China was the origin of the Wuhan virus that killed scores of thousands of Americans, it was Donald J. Trump who led us through the tragedy, and he is leading us forward, once again, to a new prosperity.

Will Covid-19 Retire the World’s Policeman?

Pat Buchanan

With the U.S. budget deficit for 2020 originally set at $1 trillion, now triple that, there is going to be a hard reckoning for the allocation of our diminished resources after the nation reopens. And policing the planet is likely to be seen as yesterday’s priority, and a primary candidate for discard.

Is the Pandemic Killing Biden’s Bid?

Pat Buchanan

For Biden to win this election, Trump must lose it. And the one way Trump can lose it is the perception on the part of a majority of Americans that he has proven an ineffectual president in America’s worst pandemic since the Spanish flu of 1918. If Trump is seen as the victor over the virus, Biden is toast.

Must We Kill the Economy to Kill the Virus?

Pat Buchanan

And if, by government command, America’s free economy is partly shut down as unessential in this medical crisis, the government could be responsible for imposing the conditions that lead to social disorder. At some point, the country is going to have to open up the supply chains and take the risks to let the market work to provide food — or people will engage in panic buying, hoarding and using any means to get what they need for themselves and their families.

Donald Trump Just Might Be the Great Uniter

Pat Buchanan

When have Republicans ever exhibited the home-team enthusiasm they demonstrated during that State of the Union address and the post-acquittal gathering in the East Room? When have working- and middle-class voters shown such support for a Republican as they do for Trump at his mammoth rallies? In a way, Donald Trump might be called The Great Uniter.

Is Bernie’s Hour of Power at Hand?

Pat Buchanan

If Bernie can best main rival Joe Biden in Iowa, he will likely thump Joe in New Hampshire. Biden’s campaign, built around “electability,” could suffer a credibility collapse before he reaches South Carolina, where Joe is banking on his African American base to rescue him if necessary and give him a send-off victory straight into Super Tuesday.