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Will the Radical Left Reunite the GOP?

Pat Buchanan

When Antifa, Black Lives Matter and leftist allies smashed statues, looted and torched inner cities and attacked cops in 2020, that was the norm. And the street criminals who compiled those new records of shootings and killings last year in almost all of our cities, they were not Oath Keepers or Proud Boys.

Now, the Left Owns It All

Pat Buchanan

The media is airing endless footage of the mob marauding inside the Capitol. Purpose: to plant indelibly in the public mind the fiction that this was the deliberate work of Trump and his people, and our elites are the real adversaries of violent protest.

Can Democracy Hold Us Together?

Pat Buchanan

We Americans disagree on whether our country is a good and great nation worth defending, or a place that needs a deep cultural cleansing of its sins. And we have no common code of morality. One side is rooted in modernism and secularism and the other in the teachings of the Old and New Testament, Christian tradition and a natural law written…People who disagree upon such basic beliefs naturally drift apart, as we Americans are doing today.

What Biden’s First 100 Days Might Look Like

Pat Buchanan

Tthe truly formidable challenge for a President Biden will be China, which is not the China of 2016 that Vice President Biden recalls. The U.S. has been thickening ties to Taiwan. Yet, what many Americans see as a democratic island of 25 million whose defense is a moral obligation and strategic necessity, China sees as a breakaway province, and signals in every way that it would fight a war rather than let Taiwan go.

Will Georgia Halt the Radicals’ Revolution?

Pat Buchanan

President Donald Trump, given all he has endured for five years from those piously pleading now for a “time of healing,” cannot be faulted for his defiant resolve to unearth any and all high crimes or misdemeanors committed in the counting of ballots in the election of Tuesday last. Trump owes his people this, and he owes the establishment nothing.

Trumpism Lives On!

Pat Buchanan

Democrats  visualized the ouster of Trump in a defeat so massive and humiliating that it would serve as an eternal repudiation of the man. And, most intoxicating of all, they believed they would be seen by history as the angels of America’s deliverance. It was not to be.

A Focused Trump Can Still Pull It Out

Pat Buchanan

Despite the worst hand dealt a sitting president since Herbert Hoover in 1932, Trump is by no means cooked…Trump speaks out in the open, before huge crowds, in arenas and airport hangers. Biden, a socially distancing septuagenarian who is sheltering in place, looks more like an applicant for a retirement home residency.

Is Biden Ceding the Law and Order Issue?

Pat Buchanan

Eventually, the country is going to go with law and order, for, no matter how the liberals’ recoil from the phrase and its associations with Barry Goldwater and Richard Nixon, without law and order there is no justice and there is no peace. What Nixon said in ’68 remains true: “The first civil right of every American is to be free from domestic violence.”

The Progressive Racism of the Ivy League

Pat Buchanan

Is it praiseworthy to advance Hispanic applicants over Asian applicants with far higher test scores and academic achievements? Why? What did these Chinese, Korean, Filipino and Vietnamese high school seniors do to deserve discrimination in the country to which their parents came where, supposedly, “All men are created equal”?

The Biden Rule: No Men Need Apply for VP Position

Pat Buchanan

With the pandemic crisis, the economic crisis and the racial crisis gripping the nation, what are the unique conditions Biden has set down for the person he would put a heartbeat away from the presidency? Biden began his selection process by eliminating and discriminating against whole categories of people. First, no white men need apply.