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Are the Good Times Over for Joe?

Pat Buchanan

With all his chips now in the middle of the table as this session of Congress winds down, Biden’s hand looks weaker and weaker. Wednesday, four polls found that half the nation — and in three of them, more than half — now disapprove of his presidency.

The Coming Climate Crisis Shakedown in Scotland

Pat Buchanan

In Glasgow beginning Oct. 31, Boris Johnson will host the 26th U.N. Climate Change Conference. There, new demands will be made on the Americans, both for more money and new reductions in carbon emissions. Brand the U.S. as history’s great producer of carbon dioxide. Depict the Second and Third Worlds as victims of American self-indulgence. And get on with the shakedown. Demand more money. Castigate the Americans by calling Biden’s $11.4 billion a pittance, not enough.

Is America Becoming a Failed State?

Pat Buchanan

Biden is failing in his first constitutional duty — to defend the United States from foreign invasion. We Americans no longer decide who comes into our national home and whom we shall adopt as new citizens… We defend the borders of scores of nations; we cannot, or Biden will not, defend our own.

America’s Great Leap Forward into Socialism

Pat Buchanan

 if Biden gets the $1 trillion infrastructure proposal and the $3.5 trillion package, he will have enlarged federal spending by $6 trillion. This would constitute the greatest leap forward toward socialism of any American president…This would not only be a quantum leap toward European-style socialism. It would cross a divide for America, from which history teaches us there is no return.

Why the Left Can’t Let Go of Jan. 6

Pat Buchanan

A huge pro-Trump demonstration of tens of thousands, out of which a mob of hundreds moved on the Capitol, broke police lines, assaulted cops, rampaged and disrupted an official proceeding. All in all, a shameful disgrace. But 1/6 was not 9/11 or Oklahoma City or Pearl Harbor or the Pulse nightclub or the Las Vegas massacre.

Why Can’t Biden Stop This Invasion?

Pat Buchanan

This June, 188,800 illegals crossed into the United States. If the present rate of illegal entries continues, Biden, by the end of his first year as President, will have failed to stop perhaps 2 million illegal aliens from having breached our southern border. Biden is conducting the border policy of a failed state.

Are the Good Times Over for Biden?

Pat Buchanan

The new president was taking office in a brief era of good feelings produced by the departure of the party and president who had given us the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. Thus did Biden begin his administration with his approval at a level his predecessor never reached in any year of his presidency. But now the storm clouds are gathering and rumbling.

The Return of Law and Order

Pat Buchanan

“Law and order,” the issue that arose in the ’60s to tear apart President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal Coalition, is back. And the emotional anti-cop wave after the George Floyd killing in Minneapolis a year ago, manifest in the “Defund the Police!” demand of Black Lives Matter, has receded.

Jan. 6 Commission or Kangaroo Court?

Pat Buchanan

Democrats had anticipated that the commission hearings would rivet the nation and media’s attention all year, with the final report coming out at year’s end. This would enable the Democrats to make Trump’s actions on Jan. 6 the issue of 2022. When Trump labeled this commission idea a “Democratic trap,” he nailed it. 

Are Biden’s Halcyon Days Over?

Pat Buchanan

And the defining crisis of the Biden presidency may be the crisis on our southern border with annual rate of 2 million people walking into our country uninvited, the advance guard of a Third World invasion…The America we grew up in is disappearing — without our consent.

Biden Bets the Farm to “Change the World”

Pat Buchanan

While Biden’s $6 trillion in total spending is spread over several years, it represents a claim on the nation’s wealth equal to 30% of GDP — a figure comparable to FDR’s New Deal and LBJ’s Great Society… Where does Biden propose to get the money to pay for this great leap forward for government?

Is America Led Today by Anti-Americans?

Pat Buchanan

Biden said that when Chauvin knelt on the neck of George Floyd the world, for once, was getting a good, close look at the diseased soul of America. What Chauvin did to Floyd, said the president of the United States, is a reflection of the kind of justice America delivers to Black Americans.

Biden’s Bid to Remake America

Pat Buchanan

If Joe Biden’s American Jobs Program is enacted, then the federal government will take a great leap forward toward irreversible control of the destiny of the Republic. To finance this leap, to subsidize this giant stride toward socialism, U.S. corporations are to be forced to turn over to the government a far larger slice of their earnings.

January 6 Wasn’t Even Close to a Domestic Terrorism Event

Pat Buchanan

If assaulting cops and besieging public buildings amounts to domestic terrorism, the rioting, looting, arson and assaults on cops we saw all last summer in Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, Kenosha and Louisville from antifa and Black Lives Matter protestors would more than qualify…My guess, Minneapolis, not Capitol Hill, is where the action will be this spring, and it will not be Proud Boys keeping the cops busy, but folks who, if they did vote in 2020, voted Democratic.