West Point’s gone woke and gotten rid of its central motto, a shameful cave-in to lefty nonsense.
Publication: NY Post
How Donors Can Shake Up Woke Higher Education
The better approach is to support specific scholars or academic centers that directly align with a donor’s values. It’s much harder for universities to co-opt this money.
No, Joe, Illegal Immigrants Didn’t Build America
The idea that a fraction of all immigrants, whose numbers have only drastically increased the past couple of decades, “built the country” is a ridiculous fabrication and a profound insult to American workers, past and present.
Jill Biden’s “Work Husband” Is a #MeToo Disaster with Claims of Bullying, Sexual Harassment
Anthony Bernal, whose status as the first lady’s top aide grants him enormous clout in both White House operations and Democratic politics, has repeatedly speculated in the workplace about the penis size of colleagues, according to three sources with firsthand knowledge.
The Oscars have Gone Astray Thanks to Academy Pushing Diversity Over Talent
By Cindy Adams: For a future statuette you’ll only need a passport. Shove ability. We’re talking ethnicity, background and religious affiliation.
Katie Britt, Alabama Senator, Shreds Biden in GOP SOTU Response
Alabama Sen. Katie Britt slammed President Biden as a “dithering and diminished leader” — and lashed out at his handling of the migrant crisis in a no-holds-barred GOP rebuttal to the State of the Union address.
Biden Looks Like a Loser on the Eve of the State of the Union
His kingdom of lies is crumbling. Americans belatedly are waking up to the border disaster he inflicted on the country, the rancor and division he stoked, the preposterous wokery he imposed on every corner of the government, the incompetence, the wars, the “Bidenomics” that translated to empty wallets.
The Left Serves as Apologists for Hamas Rapists’ Heinous Crimes
Remember when #MeToo was a universal movement against sexual violence that brooked no exceptions? Those landmark advances are now being riddled with exclusions and in danger of being gutted. All because the latest victims are Israelis. Or, as an Instagram meme put it, “Me Too Unless You’re a Jew.”
The Rise of Trump Nostalgia
It’s a clear and present danger to Biden’s presidency.
Don’t Count Michelle Obama Out for 2024
As President Biden’s poll numbers get weaker and weaker, the Democratic Party at some point will likely turn to Michelle Obama.
McConnell’s Service to the Nation Deserves Thanks of All Americans
Perhaps his proudest achievement is his successful protection of the third branch of government, the judiciary, from the left’s decades-long drive to colonize it — to turn it into a force that would ram through the progressive agenda with no need for democratic lawmaking.
Reckless Lefties Celebrate Aaron Bushnell’s Suicide by Self-Immolation
Social-media posts praised Bushnell as some form of hero, telling millions of people that suicide is a courageous form of political protest. It’s particularly disturbing that millions of impressionable young people likely saw these TikTok videos because mentally struggling young people are among the most vulnerable to suicide contagion.
Biden Keeps Teaching the Same Class on How to Fail as President
President Biden continued his wobbly ways by mucking up the two-year anniversary of the war in Ukraine.
Will Student Debt Racketeering Save Biden in November?
Team Biden has not explained how the president became the Czar of All Debts, personally entitled to shift endless burdens from individual borrowers onto taxpayers in general. Biden’s student-loan racketeering is becoming almost comically brazen.
Biden the Political Opportunist Might Sell Out Israel to Save His Hide
Biden is moving to sell out Israel, with a UN Security Council resolution calling for a “temporary” cease-fire and opposition to an Israeli attack on the last major Hamas stronghold.
Biden Is Betraying America and Israel by Demanding a Gaza Ceasefire
Terrified of losing Michigan and other states with sizable numbers of Muslims, the president is willing to endanger Israel’s existence to gain the support of a voting bloc where Jew hatred is prevalent.
America’s Medical System Has Become Totally Woke
In barely two generations, American medical care has gone from being staffed predominantly conservative practitioners to those who are mostly liberal.
Shameful Biden Tries to Reward Hamas Terror with a Palestinian State
So long as the Palestinians celebrate terror, encourage terror and pay for terror they should not have another state. Two-states? It’s not a solution. It’s part of the problem.
Impeaching Mayorkas Over Border Crisis Is Justified, But Pointless
The impeachment of Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over the Biden administration’s handling of the migrant crisis at the US border was warranted.
It’s Time for a Serious Talk About Kamala
Kamala isn’t an asset to any effort to push Biden aside — she’s his best insurance policy. And because she was selected largely for her race and gender, it would be extremely awkward either to ditch her or to promote someone else to the top of the ticket over her.
Biden Is Not Fit for President If He’s Not Fit to Prosecute
President Biden is not guilty because he is hopelessly clueless about his own life and career.
Biden’s Constant Verbal Blunders Show He’s Not Fit to Lead the Country
You don’t have to be a neurologist or even a physician to notice his problems with gait, memory and orientation, as well as apparent changes in mood. These can all be signs of faltering cognition, which is directly tied to executive function, flexibility of thinking, problem solving and the ability to lead.
Jill and Dems Committed Elder Abuse — And Now They Must Force Joe to Step Aside
With the benefit of pandemic lockdowns, they could imprison Old Joe in the basement, limit his interactions with the press, and keep him tied to a teleprompter between the hours of 10 am and 2 pm. It worked.
Trump Is Not Afraid to Face the Nation on Super Bowl Sunday — Unlike Biden
Giving Trump his prime-time slot would teach Biden a lesson. He will get the message quick smart that if he leaves a vacuum, his opponents will fill it, and that being accountable for his actions is one of the most important responsibilities of a president.