While prosecutor NY Country DA Alvin Bragg leaves no stone unthrown in his assault on Trump’s creatively designed “crimes,” he’s letting thieves, murderers and illegal immigrants who assault cops run free. He’s not policing the streets, he’s policing threats to Democratic power.
Publication: NY Post
Why Is the Media Running Interference for Professional Pro-Hamas Thugs
Members of the press wanted to stick to the narrative that the protests come solely from a wellspring of youthful outrage — which made it easier to obliquely cheer the pro-Hamas occupiers from the sidelines while conveniently staying out of the political violence where they might get hurt.
Howard Stern Lost Any Remaining Edge with Joe Biden Interview
On Friday, the once almighty “King of All Media” proved he is now simply a left-wing court jester. A toothless political shill.
Biden Is Far from “Decent” Despite What the Media and Celebrities Claim
Joe Biden is not “decent.” He made that clear at Saturday’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner when he gave a graceless, inappropriate stump speech in which he lied about Trump and then laughably urged the assembled media to fight “disinformation.”
Campus Leaders Must Show Courage and Stop Radical Professors
By Robert Kraft; While difficult, our larger universities need to set an example and start stripping tenure away regardless of the legal fights they may face. Anarchist members of the faculty must know that they will be held accountable for their actions.
The Rot in U.S. Academia Extends to Most Every Faculty
This is the result of the left’s decades-long “march through the institutions”: You only by being voted in by already-tenured profs get tenure — and right-of-center views are increasingly enough to get you blackballed.
Elite Schools Turning into Hamas University as Antisemitism Runs Rampant
The United States’ top institutions and assets for higher education are being lost to extremists. Students across the country glorify the first woman to hijack an airplane, Leila Khaled, rather than the women who graduated from their own universities.
NPR Chief Katherine Maher Funded Stacey Abrams’ Election Denial
She has no business leading a news outlet.
Liberals Have Made Our Schools Less Safe
And turned teachers into targets.
Privileged Young People in West Celebrate Terror Thugs for Kicks
These protesters are romanticizing terror, romanticizing theocrats. A generation of TikTok-educated so-called “leftists” and “progressives” turn their support toward the Islamic Republic, as they cheered on from the safety of New York and London streets a series of rockets.
Instead of Fighting Crime, Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Launches a Trump Show Trial
Instead of leading with courage to defend New Yorkers by enacting the necessary changes to make life safer, freer and more affordable, our elected officials have set their sights elsewhere — trying to imprison and bankrupt President Biden’s chief political opponent, Donald Trump.
A Serial Perjurer Will Try to Prove an Old Misdemeanor Against Trump in an Embarrassment to the NY Legal System
By Jonathan Turkey: For those of us who have been critics of Michael Cohen from when he was still working for Trump, it is mystifying that anyone would call him to the stand to attest to anything short of the time of day . . . and even then most of us would check our watches.
OJ Simpson’s Terrible Legacy: How He Shamelessly Weaponized Race
OJ Simpson and his defense team exploited America’s racial wound, peeled off the fresh scab of the Rodney King debacle and invited press vampires to endlessly feed off our bleeding.
When Will the Brave NPR Editor Exposing Woke Broadcaster Be Shown the Door?
NPR brags that one in three Americans believes what he or she hears from WAMU in the East to KQED in the West. Never mind those two out of three who don’t trust what their tax dollars pay for. Conservatives and moderates who used to listen to NPR are fleeing.
Letitia James’ Nitpicking Over Trump Bond Is More Spiteful Nonsense
Tish has become the Wile E. Coyote to Trump’s Road Runner, setting up harebrained traps and decoys to sabotage the former president — and making New York’s legal system look like a joke in the process.
Transgenderism Among Kids Is Mostly a Fad
The “gentle parenting” being pushed right now that makes good parents consider putting their kids on drugs to help them achieve an unattainable sex change needs to run up against tough love and fast.
Don’t Knock Trump’s Bible Marketing
By Rich Lowry: In reality, there’s a dizzying array of Bibles in this country for people with different interests, whether it’s the law-enforcement Bible, busy-mom’s Bible or outdoorsman’s Bible with a camouflage cover and “devotions that tie directly to the sports of hunting, fishing, backpacking, or any outdoor activity.”
Dems’ Lawfare War on Trump Is a Threat to Democracy
For all Democrats’ screams about Donald Trump’s threat to democracy, their own abuses of the law against him add up to a potent threat in its own right.
Biden’s $25M Fundraiser Is the Height of Dem Elitism
While Trump was at the Massapequa wake for a police officer, Biden mingled with boldface names at the ritzy Essex House hotel on Central Park South. Reveling in decadence while a cop family mourns and Americans pinch pennies sure exposes Biden’s true base: trendy liberals in the highest income brackets.
Ronna McDaniel’s NBC News Firing Is Must-See-TV That Proves Leftist Media Set Rules They Never Follow
The “Mean Girls” pile-on at NBC against Ronna McDaniel is the perfect demonstration of what bullies these leftists are — while pretending to be paragons of compassion. They impose disastrous “anti-bullying” measures on schools only because they want to reserve this instrument of social control for themselves.
Dem Lawfare Puts Trump Through Hell, But He Hardly Breaks a Sweat
The array of civil and criminal cases have Trump literally running from courthouse to courthouse. . . and Trump seems to be loving every minute of it. With every new indictment, Trump’s popularity has increased. The lawfare just is not reaching the guy. He appears in his element.
The Chaos of Sweden’s Uncontrolled Immigration
Within just a few years, Sweden has moved from a peaceful paradise to the country with the second-most bombings in any country in the world not at war. The only country with more bombings is our own neighbor, Mexico.
Irish PM Leo Varadkar’s Career Ended Because He Went Woke
Ireland’s prime minister Leo Varadkar has resigned. The news follows a brutal referendum loss that saw more than 70% of the Irish electorate vote down proposals to amend the Constitution to eliminate the words “mother” and “woman” and expand the definition of family beyond those based on marriage.
After Four Years, Covid Damage Remains While Fauci & Co. Pay No Price
We just passed the fourth anniversary of “15 Days To Slow the Spread,” the start of the Covid lockdowns that did damage from which we still haven’t recovered.