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Will America-First News Outlets Make It to 2023?

NOQ Report

There’s something happening behind the scenes at several popular conservative news outlets. 2021 was bad, but 2022 is proving to be disastrous for news sites that aren’t “playing ball” with the corporate media narrative. It’s being said that advertisers are cracking down, forcing some of the biggest ad networks like Google and Yahoo to pull their inventory from conservative outlets.

We Are at War with Disney

NOQ Report

It doesn’t matter whether you’re the parent of young children. Disney is leading the charge to indoctrinate children of today to be the Democrats and radical progressive leaders of tomorrow.

If Will Smith Was a White Guy…

NOQ Report

Smith won Best Actor for his role in King Richard. But would he have even made it to the stage if he were a White man slapping a Black man on national television? Would the Oscars have been swarmed with LAPD within minutes of the incident? Would the debate over whether he was right or wrong to assault Rock be moot because of his race?

Zelensky Is the New Fauci

NOQ Report

Just like Fauci was not the brilliant angel that he was billed as by government and media, neither is Zelensky the Eastern European messiah figure representing peace and democracy. He’s a thug. He’s a puppet. He’s an actor playing a role. And the people are starting to realize this.

Social Media Reacts to Biden’s Latest Failures with Ukraine

NOQ Report

Gab, Twitter, and other social media sites have been brutal for Biden voters. While some are taking the odd approach of pretending that it’s a good thing Joe Biden is in the White House instead of Donald Trump, most are either silent or changing their tune about the Dear Leader. Some are still idiots, like horror writer Stephen King.

The Jabs Kill

NOQ Report

Dr. Joel Hirschhorn: Imagine parents finding their teenage sons dead in their beds in the morning with no prior indications that they were seriously ill. Imagine the heartache of parents who bought into the coercion and propaganda to get their kids vaccinated despite all the CDC data showing little risk of serious health impacts from Covid for children. Now, their kids died in their sleep shortly after getting the shots.