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The Groomers’ Road Map to Hell on Earth

NOQ Report

With the rise of the Drag Queen Story Hour campaign, older adult men are consorting with even younger children in highly sexualized and intimate settings with active “parental” involvement. Not even the public exposure of numerous convicted sex offenders involved in these grooming sessions has stopped the spread of this abomination.

Stacey Abrams Exemplifies True Ugliness of Leftist Ideology

NOQ Report

Occasionally, in between grandstanding about their exalted ideology and their superiority of morality and virtue, leftist Democrats have a moment of candor that actually exposes the truly hideous nature of who they are and what they believe. The latest episode of such came on October 19, when Democrat Georgia Gubernatorial wannabe Stacey Abrams actually attempted to promote abortion as a cure for inflation!

Globalists Pushing Their Bug-Eating Agenda in the Name of Climate Change

NOQ Report

The bug-eating agenda is no laughing matter: It is now seeping through mass media and the educational system as a way to normalize and even glamorize the consumption of bugs. But why are these superpowers focused on forcing the mass public to eat crickets, mealworms and cockroaches? A World Economic Forum insider said they plan on breaking people enough to destroy the human soul.

A Commie Coalition of Racists, Butchers, Liars and Ghouls

NOQ Report

It is clear that the commie coven has cast a spell upon the country, transfixing too many otherwise rational-thinking Americans into supporting wicked things. Who could be in favor of explicitly judging people by the color of their skin? Who could support secretly grooming innocent children to partake in sexual fantasies? Who could promote mutilating a child’s body as if “transgenderism” were a sacred rite?

Covid Deaths Are Causing Mass Depopulation

NOQ Report

Excess deaths, as they call them, continue to spike in nearly every industrialized country that pushed the shots on their populations. It is happening in the United Kingdom, Nordic Europe and North America – all places where Operation Warp Speed mass vaccination took place.

The Economic Meltdown Has Roots in Lockdown

NOQ Report

In 2020 and following, money appeared like magic in bank accounts all over the country. A third of the workforce had gotten used to languishing at home, pretending to work. Students started Zooming instead of learning. Adults who had spent a lifetime embracing the normal disutilities of labor gained for the first time a vision of a life of luxury without work.

The War Against the Unvaxxed Will Not Be Forgotten

NOQ Report

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Fomenting hatred is a tool of tyrants, and over the past two years, political leaders, agency heads, academics, medical professionals and media personalities alike have publicly encouraged hatred and violence and wished painful death upon anyone who didn’t want to be part of the medical experiment that is the Covid jabs.

Bill Gates Lays Out Plan for Global Takeover

NOQ Report

The World Health Organization is attempting to seize control over global pandemic monitoring and, ultimately, all health care decisions. Bill Gates is building a pandemic response team for the WHO, dubbed the “Global Epidemic Response & Mobilization” which will have the authority to monitor nations and make pandemic response decisions, such as when to suspend civil liberties to prevent spread of an illness.