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Ex-Infowars Employee Who Captured J6 Ashli Babbitt Shooting Gets Home Detention

NOQ Report

A Texas man who previously worked for Alex Jones’s website Infowars has been sentenced to four months of home detention and 60 hours of community service after he filmed the breach of the U.S. Capitol.. Samuel Montoya, 37, was employed as a video editor for Infowars when he joined other demonstrators in the Capitol as the joint session of Congress was certifying the 2020 presidential election results.

Our Guns Protect Us Against Tyranny

NOQ Report

You can be sure that brain-dead Biden and his gang of neocon controllers will use the latest school shooting to try to restrict our right to own guns. They will say, “AR-15s and AK-47s are military-style weapons. People shouldn’t be allowed to own them.” But we need weapons like this to protect us from a tyrannical government.

Was the East Palestine Train Sabotaged?

NOQ Report

Considering what has taken place since then combined with the evil machinations we’ve been seeing across the country, it makes sense that some have explored the possibility that the train was sabotaged, derailed on purpose, and that the ecological disasters that have ensued was all intentional.

We Have Failed America’s Children

NOQ Report

The mental health of our young people was steadily deteriorating long before the pandemic ever came along. No matter how much money we pour into our schools, it isn’t going to make things any better. Our pathetic system of public education is a big part of the problem. If you want your teens to hate life, just put them into a public high school.

The Real Reason for the Transgender Fight Over Our Children

NOQ Report

Why are they pushing children to make such a permanent and destructive decision when they clearly do not possess the experience or emotional fortitude to do so? The answer is quite clear, though it seems to be missed by many. This is a direct attack against God. It’s an attack against the Bible. It’s an attack against faith.

DHS Quietly Issues Terrifying Alert That Al Qaeda Is Planning Another Attack with Planes

NOQ Report

The Department of Homeland Security decided to drop a bombshell release about an upcoming terrorist attack on Saturday, New Year’s Eve. According to the intelligence, al Qaeda is actively recruiting new suicide bombers to use aircraft in attacks on the United States that are similar to what took place on September 11, 2001. They will use different strategies and tactics, according to the memo.

The War Against Medical Tyranny Is Not Over

NOQ Report

Our healthcare and pharmaceutical infrastructures are strained far worse today than they were at the height of the Covid scare. Medical tyranny is about to rear its ugly head in a way that is far worse than what we saw the last three years. It’s imperative that we keep fighting and prepare to escalate our battle plans going forward.