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Coronavirus: “I’m Betting on America. Are You?”


Wayne Allan Root: The CDC reports that this virus could kill up to 1.7 million Americans. Are you aware this same government agency projected Ebola could infect over 1 million in Africa? It wound up affecting under 30,000. Why are we letting government bureaucrats scare us to death?

Trump Should Avoid Nodding to Politics on Coronavirus


Conrad Black: In the United States, the antics of the Democratic politicians and media grasping at straws more desperately than ever to try to prevent the long-unthinkable reelection of the president, have exacerbated the problem. So, unfortunately, has the president’s effort to minimize the problem, an impossible task given the uncertain extent of the danger and the fear-mongering of the president’s enemies.

The Exoneration of Former Missouri Governor Eric Greitens Is a Lesson for All Americans


Bernard Kerik: While it’s good that Greitens has been exonerated, the people of Missouri were robbed of their governor…Let the word go forth as a warning to all patriotic Americans: this is what the left, political insiders, and some member of the fake news media will do: they will commit crimes to drive conservative outsiders from office. The proof is in Missouri, but the fight has to be won across the country.

Delusional Dems Still Believe Trump Is Easy to Beat


Conrad Black: The Democrats are clinging to the inevitable pious fraud that Donald Trump is a compromised president because he was impeached. The Democrats, after a spurious investigation in which the president had none of the constitutionally guaranteed rights of a defendant or the defenses available by precedent to presidents who are the subjects of such investigations, charged Trump with acts that are not impeachable.

Can Trump’s Impeachment Be Expunged?


An idea has been floated by Republican leaders to pass a resolution that would fundamentally alter the impeachment record of President Donald Trump. The means that would be used to bring about the auspicious outcome is a legislative approach commonly known as expungement. 

Enjoy the Applause Mitt — It Won’t Last


He’ll get an applause every time he walks into a Montauk restaurant, but even that acclaim won’t last. Romney was always a man of indistinct ideology, an opportunist who, in 1984, easily threw Ronald Reagan over the side as a tribute to Ted Kennedy and to suck up to the liberal Boston media. Romney’s courage has always been in doubt.

Bernie Wants All Your Money


Bernie Sanders has a serious shot at being the Democrat presidential nominee. Many polls have him leading in both Iowa and New Hampshire. That’s disturbing. That’s like handing America over to Castro.

Anatomy of the GAO Trump Smear


The anti-Trump chorus is breathlessly declaring that the January 16 Government Accountability Office (GAO) report asserts “Trump broke the law” regarding Ukraine aid. That is not what the report states and that is not what happened.

The Adoring Media Let Obama Get Away with Murder


Wayne Allyn Root: I believe Obama was among the worst presidents in America’s history. I believe his administration was among the most corrupt in history. I’m shocked and disgusted that Obama got away with it all — because he had the biased, liberal mainstream media on his side — lock, stock, and barrel.

Trump Killing Soleimani Was Good Policy


Well, it’s about time. America finally has a Commander-in-Chief who learned from history that a nation’s most valuable asset is its people. In taking out Iranian-terrorist-masquerading-as-a-General Qassem Soleimani, President Trump has shown that he will protect every one of his countrymen, whatever the cost may be. 

Happy Trump New Year


President Trump has stolen the thunder of Barack Obama. It’s a New Year actually filled with “hope and change.” Someone has actually “fundamentally changed” the direction of America. And it wasn’t Obama.

Will Trump Tenure Boomerang into Resurgence of Idealism and Civility?


Perhaps Trump is a godsend because by going to the limit of abusive incivility and disrespect of traditional values he will incite those elements in America who believe in the historical greatest of what we achieved before Trump came to office and to rebound in their commitment to democracy, America’s institutions and public servants, and most importantly respect for divisiveness and difference of opinion. 

Dems Use National Security Lie to Justify Impeachment


House Democrats increasingly justify the imminent impeachment of Donald Trump on the grounds that he damaged “national security” because he allegedly impeded the flow of U.S. military assistance to Ukraine. This is a big lie. Adolf Hitler and his Nazis used the technique to manipulate public perceptions by insistently repeating “colossal” untruths.