Flynn faced the full brunt of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. He was threatened with enforcement of the Foreign Agents Registration Act for minor omissions in his contract to represent a Turkish businessman who Flynn later admitted was standing in for the government of Turkey…After fighting the case for nearly a year, Flynn wanted the nightmare to be over.
Publication: Newsmax
Lockdowns Are Not America
Ben Stein: We really have a clearly dictatorial policy in place here in our glorious California. I see sheriffs pulling over to talk to people in my Malibu neighborhood just because those people have gotten out of their cars on the side of the road to look at the ocean.
Where’s #MeToo on Biden Allegations?
This silence of the supposed proponents-of-women is nothing new; the question of whether these groups are really left-wing fronts answers itself, particularly if you look at their silence during the Clinton Impeachment.
We’re All Stuck in Trump’s Nightmare
Margaret Carlson: If only Trump were a neurotic and believed everything was his fault, instead of being a narcissist who thinks it’s all someone else’s. No one appreciates that he’s the king of ventilators and a hero for closing down travel from China, although with loopholes, 40,000 people flew in.
Don’t Let Liberal Governors Rip Us Off
In most liberal states (like New York, Illinois, Connecticut, and Michigan) the coronavirus deficit comes on top of the regular state budget shortfall surfacing each year. For years, particularly after the open-handed Obama administration left office, these states have papered over their deficits by borrowing and other fiscal gimmicks.
Happy Birthday to Our Composed, Elegant First Lady
There will be the future equivalent of entire bookshelves full of stories about this enigmatic first lady. The envious and spiteful critics who snap at her now and who are tormented by her power and poise will be long forgotten — their names unknown. And thus, history will provide Melania’s revenge.
Jared Kushner Is the Man to Help Win the Coronavirus War
He was someone who had proven to the president that he could get things done. He knew how to bore into the essentials of an issue. He knew how to think strategically. He knew how to spot talent and he knew how to get people to work together.
National Institute of Health Gave Money to China to Study Bats
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) sent a $3.7 million grant to the Wuhan Institute of Virology during the Obama/Biden administration in 2015. That name probably sounds familiar to you because evidence points toward that institute being the source of the current “Wuflu” pandemic that’s busy killing Americans and their economy.
Governor Cuomo Sets Example on How Not to Respond to Pandemics
Gov. Cuomo says he is proud that the curve of new COVID-19 cases is declining. Yet the decline in new cases is a natural phenomenon that occurs with most epidemics — regardless of countermeasures taken.
Dems Will Leverage Pandemic to Delegitimize a Trump November Win
The mainstream media drive hysteria about voting risks during this time so state leaders and members of Congress will continue to demand changes in voting laws for the presidential election and important down-ballot races. With those changes unlikely in many places, Democrats will then have their messaging ready.
Radical Islamists Continue Spewing Virus Conspiracy Theories
Radical Islamists of all stripes — from the Islamic State to the Islamic Republic of Iran — continue to spew conspiracy theories on the origins of the coronavirus. Jihadist groups like ISIS praise COVID-19 as divine punishment against infidels. Others, like Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, claim that the United States developed the coronavirus to hurt its adversaries.
It’s Time for Faith Over Fear on Coronavirus
Alveda King (MLK niece): With all too many of the news and daily reports filled with fear and terror regarding COVID-19, I don’t know about you, but I believe that it is time to exercise faith over fear. We must join President Trump; we must pray rather than panic.
Dems Plan to Use Covid-19 to Steal 2020 Elections
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is still using the COVID-19 crisis to push for nationwide voting-by-mail, claiming that to do otherwise would equal voter suppression…But President Trump knows it would lead to widespread fraud.
We Never Signed on for Government by Epidemiologists
In our age of sexually transmitted diseases, as well as virally transmitted ones, it’s a wonder the epidemiologists haven’t sought to ban sex, although perhaps the notion of “safe sex,” of always using prophylactic protection, is a step in that direction.
White House Press a Peanut Gallery at Truth’s Expense
It’s becoming harder and harder to resist the notion that the First Amendment is wasted on clowns supposedly covering the Trump administration. Between their posturing for the camera and their reflexive oppositional stance to any initiatives associated with Trump, it’s difficult to see these “Guardians of the First Amendment” as anything but petulant adolescents.
Dems’ Virus Mismanagement Barbs Won’t Stick to Trump
Conrad Black: The new Democratic pre-electoral chorus is already audibly arising like a Wagnerian finale from the largely hidden choir. President Trump, they intone, bungled this and must be investigated for his incompetence which is costing countless American lives.
Stop Pointing Fingers. No One Was Ready for This Pandemic
Unless you’re hopelessly blinded by “Trump derangement syndrome,” you have to admit that President Trump has become a pretty good “war general.” He’s made several huge strategic decisions, unleashed trillions of federal dollars, put together important public-private partnerships, delegated lots of power to governors and surrounded himself with some of the best experts in the country.
Coronavirus Causes Death of “Woke”
There is no serious person today that is addressing what one could call woke concerns. These include, but are not limited to, concerns about pronouns or labels-mislabeling in general, white male patriarchy, social justice warrior activism, or spending on a myriad of dubious woke monetary programs that do not help people in economic need.
Trump Takes Charge on Coronavirus
Conrad Black: No one can say he has not moved swiftly and decisively to increase testing ability, distribute possible ameliorative medication, raise the country’s supply of ventilators and distribute them fairly, and increase hospital capacity.
Getting America Back to Work Must Come Sooner, Not Later
The virus poses decidedly less risk and disability to younger working populations who are most essential to America’s economic recovery and restoration of social lifestyle normalcy.
Stop Blaming Trump for Coronavirus
When Democrats now scream at Trump for respirators, masks, gowns and other materials we have to ask —why didn’t the Obama administration and Congress order them under their watch?
Thanks Owed to Trump for Pushing Coronavirus Trial Medicine
Despite FDA inaction, it’s still quite fair to thank President Donald Trump for initiating a major chloroquine clinical trial that — bureaucratic intransigence notwithstanding — might result in saving thousands if not millions of American lives.
Don’t Let Pols Use Coronavirus to Seize Your Healthcare
Democrats (and alas some Republicans) have threatened to ram medical price controls through in an emergency coronavirus-relief bill. At a time when our healthcare system is so overtaxed that we’ve had to mobilize the Navy to help, the plan is to get the government’s claws into that system more than they already are.
Chinese Regime’s Responsibility for Coronavirus Pandemic
Biden and other American liberals refuse to mention that China’s communist government is singularly responsible for the coronavirus pandemic. Chinese officials punished and silenced doctors who identified the virus in December and tried to warn about the seriousness of the disease.