Denial is not just a river in Egypt, as the ancient joke goes. It’s the Democratic/media/left’s comprehensive response to the nationwide riots that rage on, seven weeks after the funeral of police-brutality victim George Floyd. His memory has been kidnapped by the most violent insurrectionists America has seen since 1968.
Publication: Newsmax
Dems’ Agenda Endangers Our Safety
Bernard Kerik: Democrats are putting our law enforcement officers in harm’s way just to push their radical political agenda.
Can Baseball Be Saved?
Adding to the weird opening day was the choice of Dr. Anthony Fauci to throw out the traditional first pitch The infectious disease expert boldly took his place at the pitcher’s mound. In what looked like a metaphor of his failed public health predictions and flawed computer models, Dr. Fauci threw out a pitch that was off target to the point of ridiculousness.
Prepare for November Trump Win and Thank the Independents
Remember that elation you felt watching liberals scream at the moon and hold onto one another for support after Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump became President-elect Donald Trump? Prepare for it to happen once again this November.
Trump Is Practically Indestructible
The fact that Trump is now returning upwards in key polls illustrates again that no matter what is thrown at him he is practically indestructible. This indestructibility rests partly on his record in office and partly on what appears to be an almost impenetrable resistance to the pressure of events.
Rename All 50 States to Stamp Out White Supremacy
if we should tear down all the monuments that honor George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln, we should do the same to state names as well. Only this will show future generations just how “awokened” and full of righteous madness we truly are.
Fauci Disregards Simple Tools for Coronavirus Statistics
Dr. Anthony Fauci has denied President Donald Trump’s claim that 99% of coronavirus cases were “harmless,” declaring it’s “obviously not” the case…Yet even basic research on coronavirus statistics confirms beyond doubt that President Trump is correct.
NFL Chief Roger Goodell Never Learns
Goodell continues to act like a 19-year-old grievance studies major at Oberlin College. First, as if the public wasn’t divided enough, the league will play the so-called “black national anthem” before our country’s real national anthem. Finally, in a move that may place the league on suicide watch along with Ghislaine Maxwell, Goodell is considering allowing players to decals on their helmets to protest “systemic racism” and “police brutality.”
Media Contributors in a National Surge in Violent Crime
The media’s failure to cover the sharp rise in murders in cities run exclusively by Democratic mayors who have all rebuked President Trump’s law and order platform illustrates a noticeable double standard in holding politicians accountable.
Colin Kaepernick Should Leave the Country He Despises
Despite being surrounded by multi-millionaire black athletes, agents, and sportscasters, Kaepernick sees blacks solely as chased, beaten, and killed by whites. In his world, blacks have been stooped and as miserable as he is since 1619.
It’s Safe to Bring Children Back to the Classroom This Fall
Pediatricians know the data shows there’s very little risk to returning students to the classroom. Keeping children at home again, coupled with parents trying to work from home, is a disaster.
We’ll Long for the Day When the NBA Was About Sports, Not Politics
With Colin Kaepernick no longer playing are you starved for “social justice” in professional sports?…You’re in luck. The NBA and the National Basketball Players Association are now in talks to allow players to replace their last name on the back of their jerseys with the “social justice” message of their choice.
Sleepy Joe Can’t Match Trump’s Speed and Vigor
Former Vice President Joe Biden recently urged President Trump to “wake up” and save the country, yet Biden is the one who can’t keep his chin off his chest during a crisis.
Where Have the Black Leaders Gone?
Where, by the way, is Barack Obama? Wouldn’t he be the perfect guy to be on TV right now asking the black community tough questions and challenging young people to cut the crap, shape up, quit thinking like victims and make successes of themselves the way he and so many other blacks have?
Why We Should Defend Police Unions
Defend police unions as an institution that’s inherently conservative for upholding its duty to provide law and order. Show courage for those who display it for their communities and nation everyday.
The “Silent Majority” Still Wants Law and Order
Bernard Kerik: President Trump understands the American people better than any high-priced political consultant. He knows that the silent majority of voters still overwhelmingly support law and order in our communities.
The Left Coddles Looters and Rioters
The left’s celebration of this violence is shocking. Rather than mere sweatpants-clad zealots in their moms’ basements, Democratic politicians and their left-wing media comrades encouraged, enabled, and empowered those who saw four Minneapolis cops go low and then went lower.
If Dems Win in November, Expect Planned Parenthood in Cabinet
Taxpayers would be forced to fund abortion through all nine months of pregnancy and for any reason. Planned Parenthood — likely with a new, family friendly name — will take over school health departments and sex education programs will aim — as they do now —to ensure that every student will become sexually active as early as possible.
Trump’s Ability to End the Outrage Is Within His Grasp
President Trump faces the greatest challenge of his very eventful life, and also an immense opportunity to silence his detractors. Not since Charles de Gaulle faced a prolonged general strike in France in 1968 has the leader of a large Western democracy faced something so closely approximating an insurrection as the situation President Trump faces now.
One Good Thing Coming Out of the Lockdown: Homeschooling
Ron Paul: Students using my homeschooling program develop a love of learning, study superior communication skills, and gain real-world business experience. They also develop the critical thinking skills necessary to see through the lies peddled by government officials and their sycophants in the mainstream media.
Why Trump’s Use of Hydroxychloroquine Makes Sense
Dr. David Samadi: The decision is really up to and between a patient and their doctor. The government should not be in the business of dictating what medications we can be prescribed if our doctors have approved them for our own personal use.
Let Americans Roll the Dice
There are people who are extremely susceptible to the China flu and they should take responsibility for their own health and self-quarantine while the rest of us start living again.
Trump Should End Flynn Travesty with a Pardon
It now appears that during the Obama regime, a group of plotters in our intelligence services, our Department of Justice (DOJ), and our executive branch set out — to not only remove Gen. Flynn from his post as adviser to the president-elect, and later as national security adviser — but to undermine, and potentially remove Donald Trump from office.
Are Red States Reopening Faster?
It’s really true that blue states controlled by Democrats are closing their economies…Democrats concern themselves with the whims of the media far more than their Republican counterparts. Mainstream outlets have made the decision that they will punish those who open early.