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Trump Didn’t Avoid Taxes, He Prepaid Them


Contrary to the false impression in The New York Times story, Donald Trump did not avoid taxes. He pre-paid them. In 2016 and 2017, he requested and got an extension to file his returns…He took advantage of every way to cut his tax burden. Do you know any taxpayer who doesn’t?

What If Justice Ginsburg Was in a Coma?


Alan Dershowitz: We know what would happen if a president were to be comatose. The 25th Amendment would kick in — a process would be in place for replacing him either temporarily or permanently. But there is no such constitutional amendment for a justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Trump-Hating Farce Will End in Shambles Nov. 3


Conrad Black: There have been hopeless and implausible candidacies and bungled campaigns before, but there has never been in the United States such a long-sustained fraudulent campaign on an unfeasible platform and by such a seriously incapable potential president as this one. It must now, finally, be almost the time when it falls down in shards.

Will Debates Be Trump’s Last Chance?


Margaret Carlson: If this is the most important election, and debates, of a lifetime, Biden should match Trump’s demands with his: turn over your tax returns as every candidate has for 40 years…If not, Biden should consider Pelosi’s advice and call the whole circus off. Otherwise, the best man could lose.

Sgt. Verardo Believes Trump, Not the Atlantic


If Donald Trump disliked being seen around amputees, why was he so glad Newsmax published a photo of him with a double amputee Sgt. Verardo on the cover of our magazine? And why was he so interested in Verardo’s story that he thought it was important to share with me? The President deeply respects and honors the incredible sacrifice people like Sgt. Verardo have made on behalf of the United States.

Babies Born in 2020 Are Seeing Faceless Humanoids


What babies are seeing since birth in the Year of the Covid is a world of faceless humanoids who do not make eye contact with others. What they are hearing are muffled and garbled sounds from behind masks. Our children are being robbed of normal cues that contribute to healthy social development and it’s happening at a critical time in their development — their first two years.

The End of Republican America, the Dawn of a Trump Imperial Dynasty?


President Donald Trump, succeeded by Donald Jr, then by Ivanka … with her vice president, Jared, ready to succeed her? Unless, as Donald Trump recently suggested, suspend the Constitutional limitation on the presidency to two terms. That might confine the succession from Donald to Donald Jr., then on to the most gifted of the Trump grandchildren. Impossible? Tell it to the Romans.

Republican Convention Turned the Race in Trump’s Favor


Conrad Black: In place of the gloom of the Wagnerian sorceresses that oppressed watchers of the Democratic convention last week, Republicans produced a crisp, lively procession of articulate women and African Americans, in particular, who swaddled themselves in the usual patriotic exultations; by their demeanor and the content of their remarks, they have spiked the Democratic effort to portray the Trump Republican Party as a wretched ragtag of bigots and quasi-fascists.

Trump Doesn’t Like Strong Women


Margaret Carlson: Every time he calls a strong woman like Kamala Harris nasty, another swing voter gets her wings and flies into a Democrat’s arms. Our cruel-nicknamer-in-chief also took madwoman and angry out for spins until aides told him to drop the loaded terms.

Trump’s Hiring of Dr. Atlas May Mean the Return of Common Sense


People like Fauci and others who demanded lockdowns and stay-at-home orders were still collecting their paychecks, so what did they care about anyone else? Dr. Scott Atlas is not only a former top physician and hospital administrator: as a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution he also understands the policy implications of locking a country down.

Either Way, Kamala Wins


Conrad Black: If the ticket is successful, her chances of being president are excellent. If Biden completes his term, Harris is the principal candidate to follow him. And if the Democrats lose, the ranks of defeated vice presidential candidates include many who went on to greater things: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Earl Warren, Edmund Muskie, Robert Dole, Walter Mondale, and Lloyd Bentsen.

Media Never Stop Blaming Good Guy Trump


Ben Stein: The media accused him now of somehow being responsible for a worldwide virus pandemic. Clearly, he didn’t cause it. It would have been micro-biologically impossible for him to have caused it. He responded to it right away on the basis of the best advice he could get. The virus turned out to be a lot worse than almost anyone had foreseen. How could that possibly be Trump’s fault? 

Biden Campaign Goes from Bad to Worse to Worst


Joe Biden managed to win the Democratic nomination more or less by default. He never had to define himself as anything more than a generic Democrat who used to appear in photos with Barack Obama. The truth is, he didn’t need to do any more than that to defeat the unelectable socialists he was running against.

Biden’s Weaknesses Have Become Impossible to Ignore


Mike Huckabee: Biden’s current speaking and interviews are so incoherent that as the most prolific plagiarizer in political history he should at the very least go back and plagiarize some of his own speeches when he at least spoke sentences that made sense. His views may have been bone-headed and wrong, but it was understandable.

The Question to Ask: Who’ll Pull Biden’s Strings?


The candidates include Steve Richetti (former Chief of Staff and Bill Clinton veteran); Anita Dunn (the ex-Obama communications powerhouse who’s married to former Obama counsel Robert Bauer); political uber-meister Mike Donilon (he and his siblings family have served in premier roles within the Clinton-Obama-Biden axis); and sister Valerie Biden Owens (she’s managed every campaign in her brother’s career).

Dems Won’t Need the Police at Their Convention


Mike Huckabee: Since Democrats are so eager to defund the police, they should welcome the absence of law enforcement at their party’s upcoming national convention in Milwaukee. They can perhaps use some counselors from a Scout camp as replacements or some social workers borrowed from the local universities.

Orwellian Dems Claim Violence Equals Peace


Denial is not just a river in Egypt, as the ancient joke goes. It’s the Democratic/media/left’s comprehensive response to the nationwide riots that rage on, seven weeks after the funeral of police-brutality victim George Floyd. His memory has been kidnapped by the most violent insurrectionists America has seen since 1968.