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Biden Supporters Should Stop Celebrating


Biden supporters think they have reason to celebrate. They don’t, because either their candidate ultimately loses, or they and their families do. If anti-abortion, pro-peace, pro-America President Trump doesn’t ultimately win this election, nobody wins.

Will New York Ever Find Another Rudy Giuliani?


The city’s residents will need to elect someone like Rudy Giuliani to save the city again. The Democrats, and their allies in the media, can criticize “America’s Mayor,” but they cannot erase his record of public service…As we celebrate Thanksgiving this week, New Yorkers should be grateful that we had Rudy Giuliani to reduce crime and decay in Gotham.

Will Dems Use Race Card to Steal Georgia’s Senate Runoff?


In the current racially tense political environment, Georgia’s U.S. Senate runoff election shapes up to be all about race-baiting. The question is whether and how the two Republican U.S. senators, Kelly Loeffler, who has a Black opponent, and David Perdue, will overcome expected attacks accusing them of being racists because they support Trump.

The Magnificent American Experiment Is at Risk


Conrad Black: A large number of Americans now fear that a shoplifter, arsonist or looter cannot legally be intercepted, that social media are censored by the social-media cartel, and that a great many of the 140 million Americans who wish to attend their house of worship to exercise their constitutionally guaranteed liberty of religious practice are prevented from doing so and officially despised for having the impulse.

“Why I’m a Trumplican”


Paige Donner: The Republican party, once thought of as country-club, white-glove, soft-shoe and high-brow has now officially become the party of the working class, the party of inclusion and, at long last, a political party where women can excel in notable numbers. Under Trump we now also have the first female Justice to the Supreme Court with school-age children.

Let Mike Pence Handle the Transition


President Trump should retire immediately and let Mike Pence concede the election, occupy the White House, and handle the transition…This would give Pence a head start on securing the Republican nomination in 2024. It would also be a gracious reward for his undivided loyalty to Trump during the last three and a half years.

Trump Can Still Win


Dick Morris: Only the Electoral College or the various state legislatures can declare a candidate the winner. To base this decision on network vote totals and projections and to call Biden the president-elect is irresponsible.The recounts in Arizona, Georgia, and the other states are likely to go heavily for Trump.

Democracy Is in Jeopardy


The fact is Biden’s ballot bandits are hard at work trying to steal an election. In just one example, buckets of ballots are being suddenly produced for Biden in congressional districts that went solidly for Republicans.

Yes, It’s Time to Talk About President Kamala Harris


Mike Huckabee: She is on the record supporting the legalization of prostitution and the end of cash bail, as well as strongly implying that she believedthe Knights of Columbus is an extremist group because, as Catholics, its members oppose abortion. When riots broke out this summer, she not only encouraged them, she promoted a fund to bail rioters out so they could continue looting and burning businesses.

Watch “Bad Decisions: The Joe Biden Story” on Sunday Night


In his nearly five decades at the very top of American politics, Joe Biden has often been an embarrassment to the nation — flip-flopping on issues like war, immigration and taxes, and helping broker unsavory deals to enrich his family.  Now, for the first time, Newsmax TV’s special “Bad Decisions: The Joe Biden Story” presents a powerful and balanced look at the checkered record of the Democratic presidential candidate.

The Lazy Campaign of Joe Biden


Compared to the President’s colossally huge 30,000-plus mega, MAGA events, Biden’s already lost the race in disgrace. The ability of the incumbent to answer hateful/hostile questions from the most Marxist reporters in this country for hours at a time and habitually humiliating them in the process is stark contrast.

How Trump’s Covid Diagnosis Elicited Compassion


We are intrinsically wired to feel empathy and compassion in response to misfortune — regardless of who is impacted. And particularly with respect to an unpredictable threat like coronavirus, our sensitivity is heightened by the recognition that we are all vulnerable. It could be the the president and his family today. Or, our family tomorrow.

Freedom Finally Returns to Michigan


Late last week, the Supreme Court of Michigan invalidated the pandemic executive orders of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The opinion was a sweeping victory for personal liberty in a free society…Whitmer made herself a one-woman government when she purported both to write the laws during the early days of the pandemic and to enforce them.

Trump Heals and Leads


If the president continues to heal and lead, he will upend the transparent agenda of our nation’s adversaries, foreign and domestic, to employ the CCP virus as a weapon that keeps us afraid and isolated, demoralized and unfree. Should that happen, it will be Trump’s finest hour and one that just may save our Republic.

Pulmonologist Predicts Trump Will “Resolve This Quickly”


Dr. Qanta Ahmed of the NYU Langone Health center made her comments on Friday during an appearance on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends.” “Our president is constitutionally incredibly strong,” she said. “He operates more like a 45-year-old than a 74-year-old in terms of his stamina. He has no underlying comorbidities. He will naturally resolve this quickly.”