It is endangering our free speech, free press, political playing field, and personal liberty. Watch your back. The Democrats are using the outrageous and unsupportable Capital riot the same way that the Reichstag Fire of 1933 was used — as a pretext for an authoritarian crackdown in Germany.
Publication: Newsmax
Biden Is Listening to Trump
Chris Ruddy: By assembling an administration with many moderate voices, Biden is showing that four years from now he may not want a repeat of the Democrats’ 2016 and 2020 election fiascos. In that sense, he really is listening to Donald Trump.
Pence Sets the Right Example and Calms the Nation
Newt Gingrich: The real prize for courage goes to Vice President Mike Pence. He had been the brunt of a number of public comments from President Trump trying to push him into doing something he did not think was constitutional. A weaker person might have buckled and given in.
Capitol Riot Was Trumpism, “Self Righteous, Patriotism” on Display
It should also be remembered as a result of the devaluation of character. Trump’s critics have dwelt — even harped, we’ve been told — on his character flaws. But his extreme indifference to truth, his eagerness to spread conspiracy theories, his unwillingness to take responsibility for his own failures: All of it has had real consequences.
Trump Awards Two Great Patriots the Medal of Freedom
President Trump is awarding the prestigious Medal of Freedom to two great patriots in Congress who have fought tenaciously to protect our democracy against the weaponization of intelligence for political purposes: Congressmen Devin Nunes, R-Calif., and Jim Jordan, R-Ohio.
Are the Days Numbered for DC Elites?
Rob Carson: The elites never seem to miss a paycheck — or a well-prepared meal. During a pandemic, they’ve expected those who’ve suffered to be sated with $600 “pay,” for 10 months of suffering…But change is coming my fellow patriots. It’s too late for the elites to join the movement. Twelve senators and 140 members of Congress are apparently joining this resistance to the Electoral College certification of the 2020 Presidential election.
Trump Georgia Transcript Shows Case for Vote Fraud and That President Acted Properly
The Washington Post claimed that in his talk with Raffensperger, Trump “repeatedly urged him to alter the outcome of the presidential vote in the state.” This claim is false. The transcript of the call shows Trump demanding an honest accounting of the ballots, which he says would give him more than 11,000 votes.
Is CDC Recommending Letting Some Cut in Vaccine Line?
Journalists covering the pandemic by doing on-the-scene reporting from nursing homes or hospital intensive care units probably do have a strong case to be vaccinated early. So do criminal defense lawyers meeting clients in prisons.The “media” and “law” categories, though, also include the copyeditors at Vogue and the big-firm lawyers who rarely show up in court but spend their time instead helping companies minimize their taxes.
Biden’s Immigration Gyrations Mean Open Borders
President-elect Joe Biden is a man with a very leftist immigration agenda. With buzzwords like modernization, mitigate, reaffirm, establish and welcome, the Biden immigration plan is to open borders, the likes of which no other country would consider.
Biden Lauded as Churchgoer, But It’s All Show
Mainstream media are praising presumptive President-elect Joe Biden for being the first openly churchgoing president in decades, observing that he rarely misses Catholic Mass. But it’s one thing to spend an hour in church once a week. It’s another thing altogether to actually live your faith, and with Biden, it’s all showboating. In reality, Biden’s neither honorable nor devout.
Media Know Acknowledging Kushner Means Crediting Trump
Jared Kushner is a remarkable figure in American history. We’ve not seen the likes of him before and we will not likely see someone like him again again for a long time. Kushner towers above all other White House aides, (and all but a handful of cabinet officers). This description applies to both the type of assignments he took on and his inherent ability to resolve whatever mission he was assigned effectively.
The War on the First Amendment Has Gone on Long Enough
We urge everyone who is not sick or vulnerable to attend Christmas services if your church is open. And if your church is not open we urge you to contact your priest or pastor and demand to know why the church isn’t holding services.
Trump’s Next Big Move
Chris Ruddy: After his presidency, Trump will become an unequalled global political and media force. Trump will be surprised how much influence he has as a former President, without the limitations placed on being the actual President.
Radicals Back in Charge Will Devastate Alaska’s Resource Economy
The thought of Gina McCarthy as “climate change czar” for the incoming Biden administration should send chills throughout the Northwest. It certainly does through Alaska, which has an economy already reeling from a loss of tourism and oil patch jobs this year due to one of China’s more notorious exports.
Trump Deserves a Memorial
He warded off war with Pyongyang. He made giant steps towards peace in and around the Mideast. He was — after Nixon — the best friend Israel has ever had. But he stood up to the media elite and to the Deep State, and they did him in — just the way they did to Nixon.
Massive Vote Manipulation Found in Rural Michigan County
Dick Morris: Antrim County — solid red Trump country — raised eyebrows on election night when the results came in showing Biden beating Trump by 63% for the Democrat and only 37% for the Republican. Republicans demanded a recount and got one. It showed Trump winning this time but by only 57-43. Still fishy given the massive Trump victory over Hillary four years ago.
Audit Finds Michigan County’s Dominion Voting Was Rigged to Create Fraud
A forensic audit of the presidential vote tally by Dominion Voting Systems software used in Antrim County, Michigan, showed a more than 68% error rate, with auditors claiming the system intentionally creates the errors so the machine can have them “adjudicated” – allowing individuals to change the result.
Trump’s Achievements Surpass Those of His Unimpressive Rivals
America is sleepwalking into the next chapter of its history. A president who has had one of the most successful first terms of any — surpassed only by Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, and Richard Nixon — is being replaced in a seriously tainted election by the most unimpressive person ever elected president, and one who has not, in fact, even campaigned for the office.
Was the 2020 Presidential Election Stolen Out from Under Us?
Evidence of fraud is there for anyone to see, but the corporate media seem to be engaging in one of three strategies: stating that none exists; ignoring it altogether; or subjecting it to a “fact-checking” process.
The 6 States Where Mail-In Ballots Cost Trump the Election
Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia.
Supreme Court Should Strike Down Effort to Steal 2020 Presidential Election
One month after the still-unresolved Nov. 3 presidential election, the proverbial elephant in the living room of ongoing election challenges in six states is the pre-meditated attempt to corrupt the election process through unprecedented, inherently corrupt mail-in ballots.
Georgia Election Will Determine If Fraud Will Rule America
There is mounting evidence that election fraud has indeed been targeted on Georgia and other swing states. A lawsuit filed by former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell cites 30 allegations of electoral fraud and other illegal and irregular activities in Georgia’s recent election processes.
Don’t Let Them Steal Georgia Again
Dick Morris: After the stolen presidential election of 2020, Georgia Democrats are looking to compound their malfeasance by stealing the two outstanding Senate runoffs there and, with them, control of the U.S. Senate.
Confused About the Election? You’re Not Alone
What exactly happened on Nov. 3 may never be determined. There is zero appetite on either side to really figure this election out for many reasons.