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Chauvin May Be Guilty, But America Is Not


Ed Brodow: Having argued that the U.S. is not guilty of being a racist country, let me tell you what we are guilty of. We are guilty of enabling a tsunami of Marxist revolutionary propaganda that is poisoning the very air we breathe. We are guilty of standing by as our children are indoctrinated with self-hate. We are guilty of failing to maintain law and order. 

The Coming Civil War?


Michael Savage: America is in a crisis. For over a year they’ve been burning and looting. Biden and Harris and the shadowy people behind them are doing what I saw Obama doing in 2013. They are transforming America in front of our eyes. The split between right and left is now irreparable.

Marxist BLM Founder Loves Capitalism. Blacks Should Too


BLM co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors is a trained Marxist who loves the blessings of capitalism. Her recent million-dollar home purchase adds to a growing financial empire. Who said social justice doesn’t pay? Black people should learn from Cullors’ actions rather than her rhetoric and embrace the wealth-building strategies she employs. They, too, may find their path to the life of their dreams.

Another Black Man Shot by Cop and Criminal Riots Result


Michael Savage: Did you notice the riots in Minnesota? What have you noticed about them that’s unique? Well, what you noticed about them is that they’re rioting while Biden is in office! This president is not Trump. This tends to diminish the argument that all of these Antifa and BLM riots were aimed at Trump. So now they’re being aimed at Biden.

The Cure for Covid Is Becoming Worse Than Covid Itself


The U.S. is now on month-13 of  “15 days to flatten the curve” and medical professionals are distributing three effective vaccines to Americans. Some states, nonetheless, continue imposing business lockdowns, mask mandates, and worst of all, school closures. And the CDC appears clueless.

Vaccine Passports Inch Us Closer to Communist China


These mandates fed the illusion that authorities had things under control. In truth, these tyrants had no other ideas about how to stop the spread. They were simply terrified of doing nothing at all. But an overlooked reason driving these unthinkable power grabs was that our leaders now take cues from authoritarian China.

America’s Self-Hate Cannot Stand


Conrad Black: The attempt of the American enemy within to portray the United States as an evil racist enterprise based on slavery is a blood libel on the same level of pernicious mendacity as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

How to Destroy a Nation


Before March of last year, most of us believed we had rights enshrined in the Constitution and a free market economy. We thought that government agencies would publish information intended to help us, rather than take away our freedoms. Unfortunately, the America we believed in was a fantasy.

If the NFL Needs a Punter, Biden’s Their Man


Yesterday he proved one thing with a doubt – he’s not America’s quarterback in chief. He’s our punter in chief. For a little over an hour President Biden ducked the mostly friendly questions of ten cherry-picked journalists and read large chunks of his answers on foreign policy from a briefing book.

What Does Anti-Racism Mean for Your Medical Care?


There is plenty of evidence that vitamin D deficiency is a key factor in poor outcomes. Darker-skinned people need more exposure to sun to make adequate vitamin D and are even more likely to be deficient. The AMA talks about “white privilege,” but not about vitamin D supplements.

Under Biden, U.S. Will Resemble Lands Immigrants Left


instead of a Mexican immigrant becoming Americanized, more and more of America will be transformed into Mexico. Soon our country will begin to resemble the lands the immigrants left behind far more than the land to which they flocked — and with that, jeopardizing the very Union which, for over two centuries, held it together so successfully.

Biden’s Immigration Mess


The founding fathers put into effect the framework of our republic. This framework, a nation of laws faces a crisis created by the President Joe Biden, his handlers and his administration. Biden’s view that our republic must be reduced to a Third World entity — the United States of America is not exceptional!

The Border Crisis May Be Coming to Your Kids’ Schools


The law requires migrant children to go to school. Few speak English, and many don’t know Spanish, only Native American dialects such as Mayan. Their education will cost thousands of dollars a year more than for the average student because they’ll need linguistic experts, tutors, psychological counseling, vaccinations, and other support.

Biden’s Latest Fake Covid-19 Death Totals


Biden falsely claimed during last week’s abominable Covid speech that America’s deceased were “young and old.” The CDC reportsthat, as of March 10, of the grossly overinflated 507,000 “Provisional COVID Deaths,” 410,000, or 81%, were Americans 65 years of age and older. Only 8,000 of the deceased, or 2%, were under 40 years of age.

The Fervent Fraud of Dr. Fauci


When was the last time Fauci saw a patient and provided treatment, if ever? This person, so instrumental in terrifying 330 million Americans for the last year is clearly some kind of a charlatan, empty vessel clearly reminding us of someone else with new-found, unlimited power.

Pandering White House Press Protect Biden


Starkly contrasting White House Press Corps and legacy media fawning over President Joe Biden, versus vitriolic hostility directed to former President Donald Trump, dispels any illusory pretenses of objective neutrality. Conspicuously absent is any criticism or coverage of the fact that Biden hasn’t held a single solo press conference in over a month and a half after taking office.

Texas Gov. Says No to Panic and Negativity


Gov. Greg Abbott, R-Texas, did the country a huge favor this week when he announced that the Lone Star State was allowing all businesses to reopen at full capacity on March 10. It was a loud and bold signal to the whole country that it’s time to climb out of our basements, regain our freedoms and get back to “normal,” whatever that’s going to be.

Trump Steps Back into the Spotlight. Will Cuomo Exit Stage Left?


Conrad Black: It was only a few weeks ago when both Cuomos were celebrating what they took to be the political demise of Trump. Yet, Trump powerfully reemerged Sunday at the CPAC meeting. And long after the Cuomos are publicly reduced to Freddo’s televised banalities, Trump is likely to command all the attention that even he might want, and will continue to delight and terrify the country with his imperishable political vitality.

DeSantis, Florida, the Future of the GOP


Sunshine, beaches, and a “cool” vibe were part of California’s allure in the 60s. Florida has that also, but with something extra: no personal income taxes, low corporate taxes and a business-friendly environment…Just as following California’s example may lead to the Democratic Party’s demise, evidence is mounting that Florida could become be the GOP’s future — and its savior.