The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was created in 1938 “to investigate alleged disloyalty on the part of private citizens and public employees suspected of having Communist ties.” HUAC became particularly notorious for its smearing of many of our top Hollywood actors and writers. It seems the Jan. 6 committee is similarly awash in paranoid conspiracy theories which now reach into the House itself.
Publication: Newsmax
Stop Voting Democrat
Effective immediately, Americans should take a concrete step to save this country: Stop voting Democrat. From the West Wing to the west coast, the Democrat Party has devolved into a clear and present danger to this Republic. It is virtually impossible to identify a realm in which Democrats are wreaking anything but havoc, division, and devastation.
Will Biden Start Nuclear War with China Over Taiwan?
Ron Paul: Gen. Milley was heralded as a hero for betraying his commander in chief Trump by seeking to restrict his access to the U.S. nuclear arsenal. Milley claimed that Trump was so unsound of mind that he could not be trusted with the nuclear football. Yet when actual unsoundness is there for everyone to see, Milley and the other “woke” generals are silent as the grave. These are dangerous times.
Glasgow Climate Conference Brings Halloween Frights
It features breathless hype by the climate-alarm establishment with frenzied support by apparatchiks in the mass media and international elite who feel entitled to dictate to the rest of humanity. With each new conference, the number of parasitic hangers-on grows, and the flimsy scientific support for a climate problem gets weaker.
Pandemic Politics and Our Fight for Freedom
The U.S. was founded on the promises of freedom and liberty after breaking free from a tyrant. Today we face a similar battle, not with wanting to break free from the King of England but wanting to break free from Democratic politicians and unelected bureaucrats who think they are kings. They are exercising powers during this pandemic that they simply do not have.
Down with Biden’s Build Bigotry Better Act
Biden’s Build Back Better Act should be rechristened the Build Bigotry Better Act and then buried in a shallow grave on Capitol Hill…Atop $2.3 trillion in tax increases, lush entitlements, and unicorn-powered Green New Deal experiments, BBBA is a lavish slush fund for Critical Race Theorists.
The Boston Symphony Has Not Gone Woke
The city’s world renowned symphony has returned to live performance this season under the slogan ”Reuniting in Concert.” Refreshingly, there is no hackneyed gesture toward ”diversity,” ”equity,” or ”inclusion.”
One Brave, Principled Flight Attendant Out of Thousands
Theresa Mullins is a scrappy woman who sacrificed her career in order to start the anti-mask revolution against the airlines…There are many more anonymous people like Mullins willing to give up everything to secure their, and our, liberties against almost insurmountable odds. And thank God there are.
Colin Powell Could Have Defeated Bill Clinton in 1996
Dick Morris: Powell was no community organizer turned politician. As our leading general and a very effective secretary of state, he had the breadth of experience in working with both parties and through the bureaucracy that Obama sadly lacked.
The Southwest Sickout: Organized Labor vs Vaccine Mandates
The left’s enthusiasm for disregarding the rights of organized labor will leave a bitter taste with unions that will remain long after the pandemic has passed. But Democrats rarely consider the long term consequences of their actions. If only there were a vaccine for that.
Ground the Federal Airline Mask Mandate
Masks also are increasingly insidious and imbecilic on the ground.
How to Make America Great Again…Again
The only thing that’s needed for America to get back on track is to open up the country — cancel the vaccine mandates, get rid of the unemployment bonuses, and let Americans breathe free again.
Bill Maher Shows His Independence
At least since 2012, he has broken with the politics of the Left, although it wasn’t until this year that he stepped on the gas. Not only are the crazies giving him much fodder to deconstruct, he is not shy about giving it right back to them. What Maher is doing is not only commendable, it is much needed. He reaches an audience that desperately needs to listen to his growing list of reality checks.
The Real Scandal Behind the Facebook “Whistleblower” Saga
Frances Haugen is a Trojan horse. The new media darling “blew the whistle” on Facebook’s alleged misdeeds, and now she’s setting the table for even further censorship of conservative viewpoints. This new campaign is just the latest in a longstanding effort to marginalize ideas that don’t conform to leftist ideology.
Ted Cruz Blames Canceled Southwestern Flights on Biden Vaccine Mandate
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, blamed Southwest Airlines’ decision to cancel more than 2,000 flights during the weekend on the president. “Joe Biden’s illegal vaccine mandate at work!” Cruz tweeted. “Suddenly, we’re short on pilots & air traffic controllers.”
Biden’s Blue Christmas of Shortages, Frustration and Economic Malaise
Because of Joe Biden, there is a strong chance that many items Americans want and need will simply not be available. As for those products that will be in stock, prices will shock customers…Adding to these economic obstacles, working-class citizens face a cruel winter of immensely higher home heating costs.
China Bought Massive Amounts of PCR Tests Before Covid Outbreak
China purchased a massive amount of testing equipment for viruses like Covid-19 months before the WHO filed official reports of the outbreak in December 2019. The testing equipment in question is what is known as a PCR test or polymerase chain reaction test. These tests can be used to detect viruses in humans or animals.
Mandatory Vaccinations Will Become Biden’s Biggest Blunder
Dick Morris: When the rubber meets the road — and it comes down to actually firing teachers, cops, nurses and others for refusing the Covid-19 vaccine — all hell will break loose.
Biden’s Attack on American Citizenship Itself
Biden and his allies do not even subscribe to the concept of real citizenship. They seek to effectively eliminate the entire legal and philosophical construct of American citizenship and the rights, responsibilities and privileges it has conveyed for centuries before this decrepit excuse for a president…He extends nearly every benefit of citizenship to those who break-and-enter into our home.
The GOP Needs to Take Action on Biden
While congressional Democrats impeached President Donald Trump for a phone call and words spoken at a rally, Republicans have been mostly silent in terms of bringing some action against the 46th president.
“American Marxism” by Mark Levin Is an Extraordinary Book
Levin traces how Marxism has been Americanized, and is now a doctrinal tool for feminist, deconstructionist, Black Lives Matter and Critical Race Theory movements devoted to indoctrinating the masses and imposing an “enlightened autocratic government.”
Biden’s Medical Apartheid Puts Bulls-Eye on Deplorables
Joe Biden targets people unwilling to live under the thumb of onerous government virus mitigation restrictions. These ineffective mandates may nominally emanate from science, but they moreover stem from a preference for coercion and control by Democrat politicians, all with the assistance of powerful business interests, including Big Tech and Big Pharma.
Stopping the Next Historic Attack on the U.S.
The same complacency, cocksure overconfidence, lack of common sense, and willful blindness that produced Pearl Harbor and 9/11 once again dominate thinking in Washington. The Afghanistan debacle is symptomatic of an incompetence that can kill millions of Americans.
California Must Recall Gavin Newsom
Jenna Ellis: California has its best opportunity in recent history to get back to normal as voters head to the ballot box on September 14 to determine whether or not to recall their petty tyrant, Governor Gavin Newsom.