Joe Biden and Kamala Harris proved how much Trump’s ghost haunts them on Thursday morning when they delivered their equally awful speeches marking the anniversary of Jan. 6, 2021.
Publication: Newsmax
Rep. MTG Claims Dems Are Trying to “Brainwash the Public” About Jan. 6
Democrats are planning more tarnishing of Republicans and former President Donald Trump on Jan. 6, according to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga. But, she told Newsmax yesterday that she is going to work to find out the truth of what happened in the storming of the Capitol.
It May Be Time to Leave the United Nations
Kick the United Nations out of New York, and convert the UN Building into something worthwhile — like maybe a shelter for homeless veterans. It’s about time we stopped enabling the bad behavior of other countries and started taking care of our own people.
Hillary Triangulates as She Eyes a 2024 Bid
Dick Morris: The woke left could be the cause of big losses in 2022. She is setting up the blame game for the likely Democrat losses even as they have not yet happened. It looks like we are in for Hillary 3.0.
Biden’s First Year Is the Worst in Modern History
it is hard but to conclude that Biden is in trouble on all the major issues of the day at the end of his first year in office. No president in the modern era has found himself troubled to this degree and most of it is his own doing.
10 More Anti-Woke Movies for Christmas
These films that push back against the globalist-communist agenda and they include: “Dallas Buyer’s Club,” “Logan Lucky,” “Gangs of New York” and “Batman: The Dark Knight Returns.”
Dems Losing Fast with Latino Voters
It’s not a surprise. This is a population that generally views socialism and excessive government control with heightened suspicion, given the countries that they or their ancestors sadly left behind.
Omicron Mandates and Lockdowns Are About Power, Not Science
Ron Paul: From Boris Johnson in the UK to New York Mayor Bill DeBlasio, the variant was perfect cover for them to put their boots back on the necks of terrorized citizens.
Tucker Carlson’s Dangerous Thinking on NATO and Putin
Dick Morris: Like Putin, Hitler claimed repeatedly that his aggression was “defensive” because of his need for secure borders. Amazingly, the Carlsons of the 1930s bought Hitler’s fantastical claims hook, line, and sinker, just as the Fox News host does today.
Mike Huckabee Hosts Christmas TV Special Featuring Donald Trump
He may be the most famous former governor in history… his friend may be the most famous former president of our time, and now you can watch them both as they celebrate “Christmas in America.” Newsmax TV will air Mike Huckabee’s “Christmas in America” featuring President Donald Trump and top celebrities tonight on Newmax TV, 10 p.m. ET.
“I’m Begging Trump Not to Run in 2024”
Michael Reagan: Everything is personal with Donald Trump, and that’s the problem. A good leader separates himself from the office. He needs to look dispassionately at the political landscape and make decisions based on what’s best for the people who elected him. The man who was our nation’s 45th commander in chief is incapable of doing that.
Tucker Carlson’s Putin Play Mirrors Hitler Appeasement
Dick Morris: Fox News’ lead host Tucker Carlson is behaving like the discredited appeasers of Adolf Hitler in the prelude to World War II. The lesson of 1930s appeasement is that it does not work, does not gain peace, and leads to even greater tragedy. Today, Carlson is making excuses for Russian strongman Vladimir Putin and his increasing threats against Ukraine.
Chris Wallace Is the Worst Journalist in History
Dick Morris: Wallace almost single-handedly destroyed the credibility of presidential debates, possibly for all time. Last year, he moderated the Trump vs. Biden presidential debate, making it the most biased in presidential history. Wallace lobbed softball questions at his favored candidate, Joe Biden. He then spewed vitriol at the candidate he disdained, President Trump.
Nunes Retirement Will Be a Loss for American Patriots
Instead of making a real difference by helping to keep the weak sisters leading the House GOP on message and on track, Nunes will now be just another Trump functionary. Our advice to Nunes, if he won’t change his mind, is to get big money upfront and do everything else he can to take out career insurance.
Blame Godless Dems for Fox News Christmas Tree Burning
Democrats and atheists are to blame for the toxicity of the yuletide season. For decades their minions have waged an unholy war against Christmas trees, candy canes and the Baby Jesus.
CNN Fired Chris Cuomo, But He Was the Wrong Person
Alan Dershowitz: The irresponsibility of the advocacy media — of which CNN has become a prime example — transcends Cuomo…He didn’t cause or even contribute to this problem. His boss, Jeff Zucker, did, and it is he who should be fired.
Trump Tells Newsmax Devin Nunes Will “Help Us to Restore Our Voice”
Singing the praises of Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., who announced he’ll be leaving Congress to head up a new Trump media venture, former President Donald Trump on Newsmax called this “a very important day.””Devin is a fantastic guy; I think that he will do an incredible job,” Trump told Monday’s “Spicer & Co.,” hiring one of the key conservative voices against the Russia investigation.
Peter Navarro Says Overdeploying Jabs Are Creating “Vaccine-Resistant Mutations”
Former White House trade adviser Peter Navarro is blowing the whistle on Fauci and Biden’s foolhardly universal vaccination mandates, warning of “vaccine resistant mutations” of Covid-19 and economic destruction. “The Biden regime and Fauci have gone down exactly the wrong path, following the ideology of scientists, rather than what’s good science,” Navarro told Newsmax on Tueday night.
Woke Yoke Will Weigh Heavily on Dem Midterms
There are clear signs of a trend that politically moderate Americans are becoming weary of wokeness that has come to dominate the Democratic Party … and those indications aren’t merely wishful Republican sentiments.
Libel and Slander Will Make Rittenhouse Rich
Now that the Brandon administration has the nation on the verge of hyper–inflation, wise investors are looking for opportunities with the potential for a high return. We suggest investing in Kyle Rittenhouse, assuming he’s interested. How does Kyle represent an investment opportunity? Two words: Libel & Slander.
Celebrate Thanksgiving with These Anti-Woke Movies
The list includes relatively recently released films that warn against the globalist-communist agenda: “KIngsman: Secret Service,” “Quantum of Solace,” “Blood Diamond” and “Captain America: Winter Soldier.”
Is Glasgow the Beginning of the End of the Global Warming Movement?
Seven heads of state failed to attend, among them those of China, Russia, Brazil, Turkey and Mexico. One must assume that those leaders thought it was a waste of time. The population of those counties not represented amounts to 2 billion people, or 26% of the world population. These countries also represent a land area far exceeding that of the attendants.
Newsmax Opposes Vaccine Mandate
Newsmax has no vaccine mandate nor do we require it for employment. We have notified staff we will create an easy opt-out for any employee who does not want to be vaccinated. Under the rule, any employee who is not vaccinated will be tested for Covid on a weekly basis. Newsmax is going beyond the OSHA rule to provide free weekly testing on its company premises.
Why the Networks Didn’t Call the Youngkin Win Earlier
Dick Morris: The enduring lesson here is not that McAuliffe could have been planning to sue — that seems to go with the territory these days. The lesson is that the it seems evident TV networks, CNN, and Fox News were in bed with McAuliffe on his plans and withheld declaring a winner to keep the Democrats’ option open.