Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., chose to blame the hurricane on Republicans and made it a campaign issue because … climate change.
Publication: Newsmax
America’s Elites Are Driving Their Clown Car Off a Cliff
The Biden administration is driving our country off a cliff, and the American people know it. We’re screaming at the Democrats to stop, or to change course, and yet they just keep maniacally pushing the accelerator down even harder.
Time to Fire Pelosi
She should have retired years ago, but her high profile and powerful position is too lucrative for her family. Her wealth has skyrocketed, almost tripling to nearly $115 million, during her “public service” between 2004 and 2019. Pelosi is the worst type of politician who puts her needs before those of her constituents.
NY AG Case Proves Left Fears Trump Like Nothing Else
Dick Morris: We are about to find out if Donald Trump ever littered or jaywalked in his entire life. He is under scrutiny for everything else with prosecutors throughout the country — all motivated by partisanship — filing all manner of lawsuits and criminal investigations against him.
The FBI Has Gone Rogue
In an age where elementary school teachers are openly grooming students to become transsexuals, drag queens are publicly urging little boys to throw on a dress, a wig and makeup to prance around onstage, and hundreds of migrant children are sold as sexual slaves, the FBI wants to extend its investigation of a nearly two-year-old trespassing case.
Time for Leftists to Live Up to Words and Ideals About Immigration
Conservatives are eagerly discussing future destinations for relocated immigrants. Top candidates include Aspen, Jackson Hole, Sausalito, Kennebunkport, the Hamptons, and other “Whiteopias,” pleasant, upscale places where liberals can congratulate themselves on lofty ideals but not be bothered by the details the rest of the country must suffer on their behalf.
America Is the Best Entity God Ever Created
America is the golden land, where humankind for the first time could realize his or her talents without being under the thumb of a ruling class who got there by inheritance and not by talent.
Biden and Far-Left Dems Pose the Real Threat to U.S.
Biden’s disastrous speech at Independence Hall in Philadelphia last Thursday made headlines, not only for the backdrop of blood-red lighting (which made the building’s decorative molding behind Biden look eerily reminiscent of the stiff-winged eagle used by Nazis), but even more for the deceitful and inflammatory accusations Biden leveled at half the country.
Don’t Believe Hillary. She’s Going to Run
Dick Morris: The Republicans will win both houses of Congress in 2022 and the resulting shock will force Biden to announce that he’s not going to run. That will open the door for other Democratic candidates for president. The ensuing panic among Democratic leaders will lead them to beg Hillary to save the party from the extreme left. It will be Trump versus Hillary all over again and, as in 2016, Trump will win — but this time it will be a resounding victory.
Joe the Divider
After Biden’s menacing speech, one thing stands out, and becoming more and more clear: the last stop on the Democrats runaway crusade train is a cultural civil war.
California Plan to Ban Gas Vehicles Drives Dependence on China
It will send America on a fast track to dependence upon Beijing for critical materials needed to build and power all new automobiles sold in the state by 2035 whether you want and can afford them or not.Be advised to take this agenda very seriously.
Crazy Theories and Curriculums Doom Our Schools
Teachers and left wing allies demand that kids have “safe spaces,” reserved for each minority group or gender. Of course, all kids deserve respect and safety from bullying. But what’s missing right now is safety from propaganda.
The Mar-a-Lago Raid Is Politics as Usual
The outright ransacking suggests that DOJ lawyers didn’t know exactly what they were searching for, with the implication that another goal was at play.
Don’t Use Wokeness to Justify Mutilation of Our Children
Physicians, educators and even parents are in a rush to permanently ruin children’s lives, all for the sake of being “cool,” the first on the block, and to be politically correct. This really sank in last week when Boston Children’s Hospital released a video announcing that it’s now offering “a full suite of surgical options for transgender teens and young adults.”
Growing the IRS Is the Best Way to Shrink Liberty
Ron Paul: The IRS has a history of disrespecting due process rights of Americans, so creating a new army of IRS agents with a mission to extract more money will lead to massive liberties violations.
Why Are Taxpayers Still Funding NPR?
National Public Radio (NPR) has become more of a mouthpiece for the Democratic Party throughout its 50-year existence, than it has a service to the public, and has even gotten more progressive. This begs the question, why do we fund it?
FBI Raid One of the Most Dangerous Assaults in U.S. History
Conrad Black: The Republicans should sweep the midterms, and should not hesitate to use the power of impeachment against those who are again attempting a pre-emptive coup d’etat. Each side accuses the other of lawlessness; this is the final escalation and Mr. Trump wins.
Weaponized DOJ Should Terrify Everyone
Launching a police state assault on a leading political figure just three months before critical midterm elections is a politically partisan outrage of third world banana republic proportions which will discredit public trust in the FBI for decades to come.
Timing of Trump Raid Proves It Was a Political Hit
What’s becoming increasingly clear from the mounting evidence from the laptop is that the President and his family profited significantly from selling access to his office. The White House needed something now to remind everyone that Mr. Trump is the real poster boy for corruption.
May the FBI Rest in Peace
The bureau of today has morphed — and degenerated into — nothing more than a political cudgel to bludgeon opponents, deceive the American public, and win elections.
We’re Doing a Great Job Tearing Down America
Rob Carson: I watched the film “Moscow on the Hudson,” last night for the first time in years. It astounded me how much America has moved towards the former USSR.
IRS Burden of Proof: Guilty Until Proven Innocent
We’re wondering how all you turnips in flyover country are feeling today, because the Brandon (or Biden) administration is going to be putting the squeeze on you in the very near future. The Washington Times has done an analysis of the new Manchin-Schumer Tax bill and the news is bad for Red State taxpayers.
Is a Manchin-Sinema Ticket Possible for 2024?
It could be that America’s best path out of the “crazy versus preachy” bind is a Manchin-Sinema 2024 ticket. It’s too early for an endorsement, but not too early for encouragement. Here’s the bumper stickers: “We won’t condescend to you. And we already succeeded in stopping most of Joe Biden’s worst ideas.”
Trump “Insurrection” Claims Are All About Nixing His 2024 Chances
The real purpose and goal behind the sham Jan. 6 Capitol riot show trials aimed at making Donald Trump ineligible for another run.