The “progressives” really cannot tolerate dissent, and especially when it comes to their LGBTQ ideology. Expressing solidarity with “Gay Pride” is not optional. Athletes who refuse to share in the solidarity should be punished, and teams that won’t punish them should be fined.
Publication: NewsBusters
Vile Joy Reid Uses MLK Day to Falsely Smear Reagan and GOP as Racists
On MSNBC’s The ReidOut, the always nasty and venomous Joy Reid used the occasion of Martin Luther King Jr Day to smear former President Ronald Reagan as a racist who signed the federal holiday into law as a cover so people wouldn’t think he’s racist. This despite the fact that Reagan was never a racist…
“60 Minutes” Makes Fake News About Humans Ruining the Earth
CBS kicked off 2023 by touting “mass extinction” blather by Paul Ehrlich, the guy who’s been peddling radical and misanthropic eco-garbage since his book The Population Bomb in 1968. The left-wing media never tire of him. They can’t get enough of this ecological self-loathing. The human race is always a pestilence on the planet.
Coddling Kamala at Christmas
NPR promoted their Kamala cuddle on All Things Considered in the evening, on Morning Edition, on their talk show Here & Now, and at length on The NPR Politics Podcast. You can listen to chunks of this interview and think: Democrats absolutely own National Public Radio. They are dominant, and NPR is submissive.
Book Promotes Transgenderism for Kids
The popular children’s toy brand, American Girl, is under scrutiny, as it should be, for releasing a book called “A Smart Girl’s Guide: Body Image” that promotes transgenderism.
Networks Bury Cross-Dressing Biden Admin Official Charged with Felony Theft
The “big three” broadcast networks ignored this story during their flagship newscasts (ABC’s World News Tonight, CBS Evening News, & NBC Nightly News).
CNN Stunned as Their Narrative on Gay Club Shooter Gets Crushed
Late on Tuesday night, court filings by the attorneys for the alleged shooter from the LGBTQ night club in Colorado revealed the shooter is non-binary and goes by they/them pronouns. After spending the past two days smearing conservative Christians for allegedly inspiring this apparent attack against gay people, CNN anchor Alisyn Camerota was clearly stunned as she watched her network’s narrative come crashing down.
MSNBC Blames Conservatives Over Gay Club Shooting
On Monday’s edition of MSNBC’s Deadline: White House, host Nicolle Wallace assembled a panel of malcontents and miscreants to hurl the vilest, and most unhinged insults and allegations against religious conservatives and Fox News hosts that they could think of as a way to blame them for the mass shooting at an “LGBTQ” club in Colorado.
The Most Worshipful Michelle Obama Book Review Ever?
You can’t trust The New York Times to judge for you because their reviews of the Trump books sound more like they’re performing stand-up comedy for a rabidly left-wing readership. You can’t trust their Obama book reviews because they read like a gelatinous trail of happy tears and sputum.
MSNBC Lunatics Compare Trump to Biden Laden, 9/11 to J6 Riots
On Tuesday afternoon, left-wing lunatic conspiracy theorist and host of MSNBC’s Deadline: White House Nicolle Wallace compared the riots at the capitol on January 6 to the barbaric terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, that killed nearly 3,000 Americans and injured thousands more. To make matters worse, Wallace also compared former President Donald Trump to Osama Bin Laden.
“Morning Joe” Laughs at GOP Even as Results Are Still Unknown
Joe Scarborough and the rest of the cast of MSNBC’s Morning Joe spiked the football on Wednesday as they opened the show by laughing at the GOP’s disappointing results. Scarborough, specifically inflated GOP expectations so he could compare Kevin McCarthy to Liz Truss, despite the results still being unknown.
DeSantis Draws Two Silly Hit Pieces Last Weekend from Washington Post, NY Times
Gov. Ron DeSantis may be cruising to re-election in Florida, but that doesn’t mean the liberal newspapers are letting up. The Washington Post and The New York Times both published hit pieces in the last weekend of the campaign that didn’t come close to leaving a bruise.
PBS Warns of Civil War Started by Christian White Men
PBS took the democracy is in danger hysteria to new levels on Tuesday’s Amanpour and Company as Hari Sreenivasan interviewed Prof. Barbara F. Walter to inquire on just how close the United States is to another civil war.
Politico Publishes 11 Pelosi Home Break-In Stories on Home Page
Politico is so intent on suggesting to its readers that evil right-wing Republicans were responsible at least indirectly for the break-in of Nancy Pelosi’s home in which her husband Paul Pelosi ended up in the hospital due to being hammered that they have published on Friday and Saturday not one or two or even three or four stories on this topic but ELEVEN, count ’em, ELEVEN stories at the very top of their home page.
Google Caught Burying GOP Campaign Sites in 83% of Top Senate Races
Anti-Democracy Google is manipulating search results to bury Senate Republican candidates’ campaign websites before the 2022 midterm elections. This comes on the heels of a North Carolina State University study that found that Google’s Gmail marked 59.3 percent more emails from “right”-leaning candidates as spam compared to “left”-leaning candidates.
CBS Sucks Up to Far-Left, Polarizing WH Journalist April Ryan
Monday’s CBS Mornings closed with an eye-rolling and nauseating interview with author, CNN political analyst, theGrio White House bureau chief, and White House Briefing Room charlatan April Ryan on the heels of her new book Black Women Will Save the World: An Anthem that, according to Ryan, was the first attempt by anyone to make sure history gave credit to black women.
ABC Devotes Minutes to J6 Hearings and Only Seconds to Inflation
Last night, the network led with the news of the January 6 Committee voting to subpoena former President Donald Trump to testify before the committee. ABC devoted eight minutes and six seconds to the news while giving just 45 seconds to the red-hot inflation numbers.
CBS Cries Over Sexual Grooming Books Being Banned in School Libraries
On Wednesday’s CBS Evening News, anchor Norah O’Donnell and correspondent Elaine Quijano whined that there’s been a “sharp rise in book bans in America’s schools and libraries” because of the sexually inappropriate content of the books which seek to push the left’s radical LGBTQ agenda on young defenseless children.
Woke Mob Targets Nebraska Punter for Supporting Italy’s New Leader
Giorgia Meloni is hated by progressives everywhere because she is anti-EU and supports Christian and family-based values. The clip the college football player used in his tweet, of her delivering a speech in 2019, highlights her conservative leanings.
Politico Founding Editor Wants to Rewrite the Constitution Because of Trump
President Donald Trump isn’t even currently in office but his mere existence has such a powerful effect on Politico founding editor John F. Harris that he wants to drastically rewrite the U.S. Constitution.
Media Yawns in Aftermath of Slain Republican Teenager
While the Fox News Channel and Newsmax both started reporting this story about the Republican teenager who was killed on the evening of September 20, NewsBusters found zero coverage on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC. How about our taxpayer-funded PBS and NPR? Zero coverage.
State-Run TV’s “60 Minutes” Drools Over Biden in Syrupy Interview
From the very start, it was clear why Biden chose Pelley to conduct his first sit-down interview in months. Right out of the gate and until the last minute, Pelley gushed and sucked up to Biden in embarrassing fashion.
CNN’s Don Lemon Demoted to Sunrise Duty
Lemon had established himself as a home for rampant partisanship, snarky commentaries, yelling, and venom toward conservatives.
Harvard Hires Failed Liberal Media Janitor Brian Stelter
Serving as proof that, for some, money does grow on trees and that the liberal elite will always support its members, Harvard University announced Monday morning that its far-left Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy at their Kennedy School of Government had inked former CNN host and failed liberal media apologist Brian Stelter as its Fall 2022 Walter Shorenstein Media and Democracy Fellow.