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Coddling Kamala at Christmas


NPR promoted their Kamala cuddle on All Things Considered in the evening, on Morning Edition, on their talk show Here & Now, and at length on The NPR Politics Podcast. You can listen to chunks of this interview and think: Democrats absolutely own National Public Radio. They are dominant, and NPR is submissive.

CNN Stunned as Their Narrative on Gay Club Shooter Gets Crushed


Late on Tuesday night, court filings by the attorneys for the alleged shooter from the LGBTQ night club in Colorado revealed the shooter is non-binary and goes by they/them pronouns. After spending the past two days smearing conservative Christians for allegedly inspiring this apparent attack against gay people, CNN anchor Alisyn Camerota was clearly stunned as she watched her network’s narrative come crashing down.

MSNBC Blames Conservatives Over Gay Club Shooting


On Monday’s edition of MSNBC’s Deadline: White House, host Nicolle Wallace assembled a panel of malcontents and miscreants to hurl the vilest, and most unhinged insults and allegations against religious conservatives and Fox News hosts that they could think of as a way to blame them for the mass shooting at an “LGBTQ” club in Colorado.

MSNBC Lunatics Compare Trump to Biden Laden, 9/11 to J6 Riots


On Tuesday afternoon, left-wing lunatic conspiracy theorist and host of MSNBC’s Deadline: White House Nicolle Wallace compared the riots at the capitol on January 6 to the barbaric terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, that killed nearly 3,000 Americans and injured thousands more. To make matters worse, Wallace also compared former President Donald Trump to Osama Bin Laden.

Politico Publishes 11 Pelosi Home Break-In Stories on Home Page


Politico is so intent on suggesting to its readers that evil right-wing Republicans were responsible at least indirectly for the break-in of Nancy Pelosi’s home in which her husband Paul Pelosi ended up in the hospital due to being hammered that they have published on Friday and Saturday not one or two or even three or four stories on this topic but ELEVEN, count ’em, ELEVEN stories at the very top of their home page.

CBS Sucks Up to Far-Left, Polarizing WH Journalist April Ryan


Monday’s CBS Mornings closed with an eye-rolling and nauseating interview with author, CNN political analyst, theGrio White House bureau chief, and White House Briefing Room charlatan April Ryan on the heels of her new book Black Women Will Save the World: An Anthem that, according to Ryan, was the first attempt by anyone to make sure history gave credit to black women.

Harvard Hires Failed Liberal Media Janitor Brian Stelter


Serving as proof that, for some, money does grow on trees and that the liberal elite will always support its members, Harvard University announced Monday morning that its far-left Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy at their Kennedy School of Government had inked former CNN host and failed liberal media apologist Brian Stelter as its Fall 2022 Walter Shorenstein Media and Democracy Fellow.