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Big Tech Censors Biden’s Opponents 162 Times


Big Tech manipulated the message of all 2024 presidential candidates at least once, but far and away, Big Tech chose to focus its ire on incumbent Democrat President Joe Biden’s opponents. MRC researchers recorded a total of 169 cases of censorship against the 2024 presidential primary candidates to date in MRC’s exclusive database.

Is NPR BLM Radio?


National “Public” Radio sounds a lot like Black Lives Matter Radio. The taxpayer-funded network has denied BLM leaders are Marxists. They’ve promoted books promoting black racial rioting against police as “rebellion” as well as In Defense of Looting. So it’s no surprise they’re going to offer a rave review to “antiracist” leftist Ibram X. Kendi’s new documentary on Netflix.

Networks Give “The Squad” a Pass on Palestine Hospital Disinformation


On Wednesday, all three broadcast networks began their evening newscasts with the latest on the partially destroyed hospital in Gaza — specifically, that U.S. intel agencies and even the President himself had confirmed all evidence pointed to a misfired Hamas rocket as the cause, not an Israeli airstrike. However, none of these networks sought comment from Reps Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN), who have not yet acknowledged that Israel was not responsible.

“60 Minutes” Escorts Fumbling Biden


Once again, former CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley politely offered Biden a helpful platform to pretend he’s taking the tough questions. Pelley did not confront the president with his frosty relationship with Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Instead, Biden was painted as the family man who visited German death camps.

Media Literacy Firm Rigged to Davos Left-Wing Media


Ad Fontes seeks to determine which media platforms are acceptable for Americans to use and which ought to be dismantled—all under the guise of non-partisanship and impartiality. However, an MRC Free Speech America investigation into Ad Fontes exposed the company’s claim of impartiality to be a mere facade.

Media Hide the “D” When Covering Those Prosecuting Trump


TV news coverage of the 2024 campaign has been dominated by the legal cases brought against Donald Trump. Yet even though these cases are taking place in the obviously partisan environment of a presidential election, an examination of ABC, CBS and NBC evening news coverage finds the networks rarely identified even elected Democratic prosecutors as “Democrats.”