Big Tech manipulated the message of all 2024 presidential candidates at least once, but far and away, Big Tech chose to focus its ire on incumbent Democrat President Joe Biden’s opponents. MRC researchers recorded a total of 169 cases of censorship against the 2024 presidential primary candidates to date in MRC’s exclusive database.
Publication: NewsBusters
Is NPR BLM Radio?
National “Public” Radio sounds a lot like Black Lives Matter Radio. The taxpayer-funded network has denied BLM leaders are Marxists. They’ve promoted books promoting black racial rioting against police as “rebellion” as well as In Defense of Looting. So it’s no surprise they’re going to offer a rave review to “antiracist” leftist Ibram X. Kendi’s new documentary on Netflix.
Transgender Day of Remembrance Is Both Honored and Bashed Online
This made up holiday is just another lame excuse to prop up the woke mob. While any innocent life lost is a tragedy, instead of acknowledging that and continuing to encourage people to live a delusional sense of identity, let’s teach them about reality.
Son of Lefty George Soros Takes Over $25 Billion Empire
George Soros — the most notorious leftist billionaire in American politics — has chosen a successor to take over his $25-billion nonprofit empire. Thirty-seven-year-old Alex Soros is replacing his father and, based on his political history, he will be even worse.
NPR Host Gushes Over Nasty Feminist Website Jezebel After It Folds
For Catholics, Jezebel felt like a hate-speech site, with articles attacking cardinals — “Catholic Bullsh***er Timothy Dolan: Church Is Being ‘Out-Marketed’” — and even one greeting the arrival of Pope Francis with “F**k the Pope.”
MSNBC’s Ruhle Upset Over Substantive Debate, Insufficient Trump Bashing
Stephanie Ruhle is mad that the candidate field did not sufficiently entertain her. Substantive policy analysis is a Bad Thing now, inasmuch as it detracts from MSNBC’s raison d’être: to dump on Donald Trump and anyone who supports him or, in the case of GOP primary opponents, is deliberate and intentional about how they engage him.
PBS’s “Frontline” Portrays Mitch McConnell as Sinister SCOTUS Svengali
The latest episode of Frontline, an investigative series with a historical left-wing slant that airs on taxpayer-funded PBS, appeared on Halloween night. That fit the scary tone of “McConnell, the GOP & the Court,” which portrayed Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) as a sinister Svengali of the Supreme Court. Jealousy, perhaps?
Late Night Loves Trump and Santos, But Not Biden and Menendez
In the first three weeks after the writers’ strike, the late night joke tellers picked right back up where they left off: telling Trump jokes at the expense of almost everything else, a NewsBusters study has found.
No One Needs Foreign Policy Run by Hollywood
Alyssa Milano — most famous as a child actor on Who’s the Boss? and a twentysomething witch on Charmed — tweeted a list of demands on President Biden on the Israel-Hamas war.
“Reliable” Media Aren’t Ashamed of Fake News on Gaza Hospital Blast
The “prestige media” that lecture everyone else about being patsies for disinformation ought to be humbler and more apologetic about how they report on “mass casualty” events that have the potential to cause global unrest.
Networks Give “The Squad” a Pass on Palestine Hospital Disinformation
On Wednesday, all three broadcast networks began their evening newscasts with the latest on the partially destroyed hospital in Gaza — specifically, that U.S. intel agencies and even the President himself had confirmed all evidence pointed to a misfired Hamas rocket as the cause, not an Israeli airstrike. However, none of these networks sought comment from Reps Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN), who have not yet acknowledged that Israel was not responsible.
“60 Minutes” Escorts Fumbling Biden
Once again, former CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley politely offered Biden a helpful platform to pretend he’s taking the tough questions. Pelley did not confront the president with his frosty relationship with Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Instead, Biden was painted as the family man who visited German death camps.
Why Did George Soros Fund a Radical, Pro-Hamas Group?
Al-Shabaka, also known as the “Middle East Policy Network,” published a disgustingly brazen post on X (formerly Twitter) in support of Hamas roughly a day after the terrorist group launched thousands of rockets on Israel and proceeded to rape women, murder civilians and kidnap children and the elderly.
When Reporters Get Cozy with the Democrat Pals
Anyone watching the TV coverage of President Biden can sense the chumminess between the president and the pro-Biden press. But you don’t always see the friendships behind the scenes.
More Election Interference as Google Search Buries Biden Opponents
Is Google shilling for Biden? It appears so, as its search engine once again buried Republican “presidential campaign websites.”
Media Literacy Firm Rigged to Davos Left-Wing Media
Ad Fontes seeks to determine which media platforms are acceptable for Americans to use and which ought to be dismantled—all under the guise of non-partisanship and impartiality. However, an MRC Free Speech America investigation into Ad Fontes exposed the company’s claim of impartiality to be a mere facade.
Broadcast Nets Still Won’t Admit Killer Is an Illegal Alien
The major broadcast networks have spent 114 minutes of airtime on Danelo Cavalcante, the illegal alien who escaped a Pennsylvania prison on August 31 after being convicted of murder. Yet throughout this coverage, no broadcast network has reported that Cavalcante entered this country illegally.
Media Hide the “D” When Covering Those Prosecuting Trump
TV news coverage of the 2024 campaign has been dominated by the legal cases brought against Donald Trump. Yet even though these cases are taking place in the obviously partisan environment of a presidential election, an examination of ABC, CBS and NBC evening news coverage finds the networks rarely identified even elected Democratic prosecutors as “Democrats.”
Tell-All Biden Book Exposes Mental Slips
This damaging book by Franklin Foer says that Biden allegedly whined that his aides treat him “like a toddler.” “The Last Politician” was written by Franklin Foer, a staff writer at The Atlantic.
Unprofessional Media Tie DeSantis to Mass Shooting
One of the most infuriating and tiresome tactics our hyperpartisan media employ is trying to tie a mass shooting to conservative policy or rhetoric. Speaking out against critical race theory in our schools shouldn’t be thrown on a greasy slope with inspiring violent death.
ABC Joins NBC in Smear Linking DeSantis Black History Standards to Shooting
Monday’s ABC World News Tonight joined both NBC’s flagship morning and evening newscasts in smearing Ron DeSantis by linking the DeSantis administration’s African-American history standards to the racist mass shooter who killed three shoppers at a Dollar General in a predominantly black neighborhood in Jacksonville.
CBS Gleefully Mocks Trump for His Weight at Booking
Was Trump exaggerating how light he was? More than likely. Did it require an entire segment with special graphics to mock it? Definitely not. Were there better things they could have used the time for? Yes, like the House Oversight Committee’s investigation into Biden family corruption.
TV News Spends Days Pushing Misinformation on Topical Storms Battering SoCal
Looking to blame the rare event on climate change, many of their estimates on how “historic” the storm was ranged from 26 to 84 years since the last tropical storm dumped rain on the region. In reality, it was just one year ago.
Networks Spend Over 60 Minutes on Trump’s Georgia Indictment
Fulton County DA Fani Willis, gave the liberal media another excuse to ignore the bribery and corruption allegations swirling around Biden and his family. Between Tuesday morning and Wednesday morning, the Big Three broadcast networks dedicated a combined 62 minutes flat on their flagship newscasts to hyping Trump’s fourth indictment.