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DC Media Covered Up Sally Quinn’s Occultism, Hex-Casting for Decades


Quinn’s new book, “Finding Magic,”  shamelessly reveals that since 1973, if not earlier, Quinn…deceived the world about the true nature of her “religious” outlook, and did so with the help of the rest of the Washington press corps — that is, if one considers belief in the occult, practicing voodoo, and supposedly communicating with ghosts (sound familiar?) the foundations of a “religion.”

Emmys Turn Into 3-Hour Rant Against Trump


Karen Townsend: The entire awards show was peppered with political cheap shots at the president. At least half of the country doesn’t tune in to be lectured by Hollywood elites in their bitter, liberal bubbles. It seems to me, with an ever-shrinking audience for these award shows, Hollywood would get the message.

CBS Stands for Corrupt, Biased, Sunday


For anyone who doubts the daily double standard of the news media, just look up CBS on Sunday, September 10. Up first, “Sunday Morning” host Jane Pauley softly and sweetly served one puffball after another to Hillary Clinton in her book-tour kickoff. That evening, CBS anchor Charlie Rose harshly lectured former Trump strategist Steve Bannon on “60 Minutes.” 

CBS Blames Climate Change for Harvey Destruction


With flood waters barely beginning to recede, the CBS Evening News ran a segment  blaming climate change and Houston construction for the high level of destruction from Hurricane Harvey…And for all their assertions of Harvey being a sign of stronger storms to come, NOAA’s own data proves otherwise.