It’s a bit euphemistic to describe rioters as “protesting.” Democrats usually call rioters “insurrectionists” if they love Trump. If they’re racially obsessed leftists, then they deploy affirming terms, like a “rebellion” or a “reckoning.”
Publication: NewsBusters
CNN and MSNBC Still Obsessing Over JD Vance’s “Cat Ladies” Comment
It’s been weeks now, and journalists still aren’t finished shrieking about the phrase “cat ladies.”
Washington Post Culture Mavens Go Coconutty Over Kamala
We have officially reached that late period in a presidential campaign where the thoroughly leftist national newspapers turn into partisan rags that coo and gush, this time over Kamala Harris.
ABC News continues their fawning over Harris.
Are Trump Scandals Just Endless Hours of Noise?
Year after year, partisan “legacy media” outlets have churned out thousands of stories full of anticipation that the walls of scandal would close in on Trump. Once again, a litany of Trump “legal woes” haven’t damaged his political standing.
Late-Night Comedians Line Up with Dump-Biden Dems
In the fervid public dispute over whether Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance should cause him to quit the campaign, the comedians are not-so-subtly suggesting they are on Team Quit.
Networks Still Figuring Out How to Cover Biden Disaster
The Regime Media find themselves in uncharted waters as they attempt to provide somewhat adversarial coverage to a Democrat White House. But as last night’s reporting shows, they are still figuring out how to do that.
Beware of Shenanigans from CNN’s Debate Moderators
Both Donald Trump and Joe Biden — by rule — can have their microphones muted if they go over time. But who can mute Tapper and Bash when they talk over Trump and hit him with unfair and slanted questions?
CNN Could Be Forced to Pay Upwards of $1 Billion from Defamation Suit
The case may not be as well known (yet), but CNN could be facing a defamation liability rivaling or exceeding the $787 million Fox News paid out to Dominion Voting Systems.
Networks Promote Biden Fundraiser, But Omit Him Seemingly Freezing Up
Although all of the networks mentioned Biden’s fundraiser, they seemingly forgot to mention another one of Biden’s slip-ups. At the end of the night, Biden seemingly froze as he attempted to leave the stage. He stared at the audience for a full ten seconds before Obama took his hand and led him offstage.
Maddow and Stelter Concoct Crazy Theories on Trump’s “Revenge”
Trump and his closest lieutenants have openly talked a big game about taking revenge on anti-Trump media outlets, so that concern is legitimate. It’s the crazy talk about prison camps for cable-news hosts that sounds cuckoo-for-Cocoa-Puffs. But Stelter thinks it’s right to “be thinking aloud.”
The Hunter Verdicts Won’t Stop the Desperate Pro-Biden Spin
Hunter Biden is 54 and network anchors refer to him as a “child.” The contrast in tone tells you that the media elites loathe Trump, but treat the Biden family like they’re close friends who they want to surround and protect. There was a sense of glee when Democrats began crowing about Trump the “convicted felon.”
Washington Post Touts Nasty Pro-Hamas Protest as “Largely Peaceful”
While the networks mostly skipped over Saturday’s nasty pro-Hamas demonstrations outside the White House, The Washington Post filed a story Saturday evening, and the word “whitewash” came to mind. Despite smoke bombs, vandalizing statues, and overt celebration of Hamas the headline was bland: “Thousands circle White House to demand Biden enforce Gaza ‘red line’.”
Hillary Clinton’s Conspiracy Privilege
Hillary Clinton appeared on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” to denounce Trump for squashing the bimbo stories.She was treated as a therapist for their Trump angst, and no one interrupted and asked about all the squashing, burying, and killing of stories that Hillary engaged in when Bill first sought the White House in 1992.
CNN’s Hyped Biden Interview Was a Tongue Bath
CNN’s press release announcing anchor Erin Burnett’s sit-down with President Joe Biden promised an interview. Clearly, that didn’t happen. Instead, we got pure, unadulterated Regime Media sycophancy.
CBS’s Norah O’Donnell Blasts Hakeem Jeffries for Not Criticizing Israel
In this exchange, O’Donnell sounded more like a Biden White House official trying to get Jeffries to fall in line than like a journalist on 60 Minutes.
On PBS, Amanpour Lauds Columbia as “Heart of the Pro-Palestinian Peace Movement”
On Monday’s Amanpour & Co., which runs on PBS and CNN International, host Christiane Amanpour took the side of the pro-Hamas campus protesters who are spewing anti-Jewish rhetoric on “progressive” college campuses nationwide — no surprise given her long-standing journalistic hostility toward Israel.
The White House Correspondents Host a Biden Rally
It’s only natural that CNN loves live coverage of the White House Correspondents Dinner, where the anti-Trump media celebrate themselves for how essential they are to preserving democracy and how valiantly they warn Americans that Donald Trump is democracy’s antonym.
Nerd Prom 2024: Biden Commands the Regime Media to Regime Harder
Biden’s remarks were a disgusting spectacle, even by the White House Correspondents’ Dinner disgusting spectacle standards. Far from defending the First Amendment, Saturday night Biden called for further consolidation of the media in his camp- a rather ominous threat to free speech and to the free press.
CBS Travels to Britain to Attack Trump as “Misogynistic, Racist”
As the presidential election kicks into high gear, CBS Saturday Morning hit the road to seek the opinions of a group of people who will have zero impact on the results: the British, and more specifically, Brits who think Donald Trump is a racist and a misogynist.
Network Newscasts Cheer as the Kennedys Come to Biden’s Rescue
Each of the network evening newscasts delighted in reporting that the Camelot Cavalry, if you will, had come to the aid of President Joe Biden in Philadelphia. The Kennedy family joined Biden on stage to denounce their brother who is also running for president.
CBS Evening News Frets Over Caitlin Clark’s Rookie Pay
It seems that the folks at the CBS Evening News could have benefitted from reading the related explainer on CBS News dot com, which dispels a lot of the pay gap propaganda swirling around this latest WNBA draft.
NPR Is a Massive Gift to the Left
On a daily basis, taxpayer-funded NPR is nothing short of a massive gift to the Left, pumping out progressive propaganda to over 1,000 stations. Because it has “public” in its branding, too many Americans still think it’s a service to everyone…. and not just to the Democrats who insure the millions keep flowing.
NBC News NOW and William Shatner Tie Solar Eclipse to Fighting Climate Change
How embarrassing for NBC, especially considering the fact that even CNN and the rest of the liberal TV networks were able to keep it together and not go woke.