he Showtime series I’m Dying Up Here returned earlier this month with the start of the brand-new second season. However, it has still yet to move past the awful low-brow humor that plagues the series. Once again, it’s back to taking a swipe against the Christian faith through a new character.
Publication: NewsBusters
Disgusting: Networks Mourn with Palestinians Over “Catastrophe” of Israel
For two days now, the liberal media’s anti-Israel smears have grown wilder and arguably begun to border on something more. The Tuesday evening broadcasts of ABC, CBS, and NBC were no exception as they mourned with the Palestinians on the day they call the “catastrophe,” or the anniversary of Israel’s creation.
Vox Writer Has Mental Breakdown Over Possible Trump Korea Success
The big fear of liberals isn’t that President Donald Trump will fail. What really gnaws at them is their extreme fear that Trump will be successful. In the case of Vox‘s senior correspondent, Matthew Yglesias, the specific possibility that Trump’s policy towards North Korea could prove to be a success has inspired a Trump deranged horror in him.
Schneidernman’s Drunken Sexual Abuse Was an Open Secret
Now-former New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s serial and often violent mistreatment of women is yet another example of scandalous behavior which was widely known among leaders in both the Democratic Party and the media elites that somehow never surfaced in public for years.
Media Ignore Predictions of Strong Economy for Next 3 Years
The liberal media have ignored much of the good economic news since Trump became president, from failing to report stock market records, to ignoring jobs and GDP reports — often preferring to report bad news.
ABC Fails to Mention That Accused Attorney General Is a Democrat
Throughout ABC World News Tonight’s two-minutes-and-21-second report on the situation, there was not a single mention of the fact that former Democratic New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman was an elected Democrat.
Media Ignore Violent Criminal Past of Local Anti-NRA Dallas Protest Leader
The press has ignored the long criminal record — including violence against a small child — of local anti-NRA organizer Dominique Alexander. To say that Alexander is prone to hyperbole is akin to saying that water is wet.
Networks Ignore National “Stand for the Second” Pro-Gun Student Walkout
The major networks completely overlooked the student-led Stand for the Second nationwide school walkout against gun control. This blackout came after they collectively spent 10 minutes celebrating the nationwide walkout led by anti-gun Parkland students back in April.
CNN Hosts Porn Star’s Lawyer 59 Times in Less Than 2 Months
CNN has exhibited a fetish for the Stormy Daniels story, particularly for her Trump-smacking lawyer, Michael Avenatti. In less than two months (from March 7 to April 30), Avenatti has been a guest on CNN a total of 59 times – an average of more than once per day.
Press Smears Dr. Ronny Jackson
The Secret Service, after a thorough investigation in response to anonymous, media-promoted smears, is reporting that it found “no information that would indicate” that a misconduct allegation against withdrawn VA nominee Ronny Jackson is true.
CNN Stacks Comey Town Hall Audience Questions 2:1 Against Trump
When it came to the questions asked by those in attendance, they asked eight questions critical of Trump with only four critical of Comey.
Sleeping with the Communist: An ABC Journalist’s Affair with Castro
Some journalists fawned and flattered over communist thug Fidel Castro. But then-ABC reporter Lisa Howard went the extra mile.
“Scandal” Ends 7-Season Run Praising Black Power and Gun Control
Lindsay Kornick: The series has covered many aspects of the liberal agenda. However, as the finale proves, there’s always time to squeeze more, especially when it comes to knocking white male privilege and promoting gun control. I guess it’s better to go out with an insufferable bang than with an annoying whimper.
“Designated Survivor” Becomes 3rd Show This Week to Discuss Removal of President
ABC’s Designated Survivor joined the growing number of shows focusing on ousting a president from office. Ladies and gentlemen, I think we have a trend.
MSNBC Uses Death of Barbara Bush to Malign the State of the GOP
Host Chris Hayes brought on anti-Trump Republican David Jolly and former Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer (CA) to discuss how the GOP had fallen so far since it’s heyday with the Bush dynasty.
How Online Media Companies Are Suppressing Conservative Speech
It’s the new battleground of media bias. But it’s worse. That bias is not a war of ideas. It’s a war against ideas. It’s a clear effort to censor the conservative worldview from the public conversation.
Networks Fawn for Comey Book Excerpts Blasting Trump
The liberal media don’t appear to show any signs of whiplash due to their wild love/hate relationship with former FBI Director James Comey. He was obviously still in their good graces Thursday evening with the three major network news outlets (ABC, CBS, and NBC) and Spanish-language network Univision hyping excerpts from his soon-to-be-released book
5 Questions Conservatives Want Facebook’s CEO to Answer Today
Question #3: Facebook and its leadership have expressed public positions on numerous cultural issues from DACA and gay marriage to guns. How can people who take a different position ever expect fair treatment on the site?
CNN’s Stelter Hides Liberal bias of Former Sinclair Producer He Champions
While Stelter tried to portray former Sinclair Broadcasting producer Justin Simmons as a down-the-middle journalist standing up to corrupt conservative state propaganda, his subject has a long history steeped in the leftist anti-Trump resistance movement.
CNN Plagiarist Zakaria Says Trump’s “Words Are Weightless Often”
As a reminder, Fareed Zakaria was suspended by CNN and Time magazine back in August 2012 when it was discovered he had plagiarized when he was promoting gun control.
Disgraced Anchor Dan Rather Loses It Over Sinclair Promising to Be Factual
That was disgraced CBS anchor Dan Rather freaking out on Facebook Monday about a Sinclair Broadcast Group promotion promising viewers they would be factual in their reporting…As a reminder, Dan Rather’s career came to an embarrassing end when he pushed a fake news story about President George W. Bush’s National Guard service during the Vietnam War.
CNN Smears VA Pick as Unqualified Trump Loyalist
CNN continued its unholy and fact-devoid crusade to tar and feather every one of President Trump’s high-profile government hires as nothing more than a clueless Trump stooge off the street or a Fox News personality. This time, their unfortunate target was Navy Rear Admiral Dr. Ronny Jackson.
Stormy’s “60 Minutes” Interview Was Part of Media Plot to Bring Down Trump
Staunch Trump-backing women appeared on CNN after the big Stormy interview to say this story was “all part of a media plot to bring down Donald Trump.” That is an incontestable fact. For most journalists, political victory for liberals comes first. Facts do not.
USA Today Clings to Gun-Control March’s False 800,000 Crowd-Size Claim
The promoters of Saturday’s March For Our Lives claimed that 800,000 attended the DC event. No one believes that — except USA Today, which was clinging to that inflated figure Sunday afternoon, well after more sober observers estimated a 75 percent smaller turnout.