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Time Magazine’s War on Trump


Anyone who walks past a newsstand knows that Time magazine hates Donald Trump. Don’t doubt us…In the latest issue, he looks into a mirror and sees himself as a king with a crown. The title is “KING ME. Visions of Absolute Power.

The 10 Worst Liberal TV Scenes of 2018 (So Far)


#1.  Showtime’s Shameless kicked things off this year as it regularly does by bashing Christians. In the first week of the new year, the series featured an angry mob protesting a priest for trying to pray over a gay man in the episode “Carpet Munching is Jesus’ Love.” With such despicable language, it truly lives up to the name “Shameless.”

TBS Host Calls Ivanka a “Feckless C**t”


Wednesday’s Full Frontal on TBS was off the rails straight from the get-go…After smearing the President… Bee turned her twisted sights on Ivanka Trump and begged her to seduce her father to get him to change his policies. On top of that, she described the President’s daughter as a “feckless c**t.” How pathetic.

One Network Notices the Obvious Bias of The New York Times


The aggressive, biased coverage of The New York Times against Donald Trump is so obvious that even the liberal journalists at CBS noticed it. On Tuesday, CBS This Morning hosts talked to Times Executive Editor Dean Baquet and Washington Bureau Chief Elisabeth Bumiller about their appearance in the new Showtime documentary series The Fourth Estate