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ABC News Is Officially the Worst “News” Network in History

ABC News’s stilted coverage throughout the 2024 election has solidified it as the most wildly biased broadcast network of the “big three.”  From 100 days of 100 percent pro-Kamala coverage, to possibly the most stilted debate in modern political history, the network has abandoned even the pretense of objectivity and relegated itself one of the Democratic Party’s most loyal vassals.

Mark Robinson Is the Latest GOP Scandal Obsession

Everyone in the liberal media is newly obsessed with North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, a Trump-endorsed black conservative Republican that CNN has apparently found making bizarre comments on a pornographic website. It happens in many election cycles, that they use one scandal-plagued Republican to try and tar and feather the entire GOP.

Kamala Had Minority Journalists at “Hello”

The easiest thing in the world to predict is that Kamala Harris is going to be cuddled by minority journalists. If you speak the mantra “diversity, equity, inclusion” you’re rooting for a Harris victory. So when Harris finally consented to a sit-down with three liberals for the National Association of Black Journalists, the title of the event could have been “You Had Me at Hello.”

The Cipher and Her Praetorian Guards

By Ben Shapiro: David Muir and Linsey Davis turned in the most discreditable job of moderation in presidential history. They repeatedly (and wrongly) fact-checked Trump four times, without ever calling Harris on a single one of her lies.

Brian Stelter and “Reliable Sources” Are Returning to CNN

It’s worth noting that Stelter’s former title was “chief media correspondent,” which gave the false impression he was just journalist, meanwhile he used his show (so-called “Reliable Sources”) to spout his left-wing political opinions and defend the media’s biased reporting against conservatives. The shift to “analyst” was a more fitting of an opinion peddler.

Kamala, Walz and the “Minnesota Freedom Fund”

It’s a bit euphemistic to describe rioters as “protesting.” Democrats usually call rioters “insurrectionists” if they love Trump. If they’re racially obsessed leftists, then they deploy affirming terms, like a “rebellion” or a “reckoning.”

Are Trump Scandals Just Endless Hours of Noise?

Year after year, partisan “legacy media” outlets have churned out thousands of stories full of anticipation that the walls of scandal would close in on Trump. Once again, a litany of Trump “legal woes” haven’t damaged his political standing.