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Stephanopoulos Hounds Biden on Afghanistan, But Won’t Fact-Check Falsehoods


Biden’s hasty withdrawal out of Afghanistan has gone so disastrously that even liberal hacks like George Stephanopoulos are taking him to task. In an interview, the Good Morning America anchor repeatedly pressed the president on his administration’s “failure” in Afghanistan. However, despite some misleading statements, Biden was saved from the media fact-checks his predecessor was frequently exposed to.

NBC Hypes U.S.-Bashing Olympic Sprinter


On Monday, NBC Nightly News showed that they would take any opportunity to smear America on the world stage. As part of their so-called “Inspiring America” series, anchor Lester “fairness is overrated” Holt highlighted U.S. Olympic sprinter Noah Lyles as he suggested America didn’t want him as a black man and that the country was trying to kill him.

CBS Roots for Team USA To Fail at Olympics


According to CBS guest William Rhoden, arrogant Team USA need to be “humbled,” and maybe losing several medals at the Olympics was the way to do it. Appearing on CBS This Morning, Monday, the liberal sports journalist derided the opening ceremonies as too nationalistic, saying they reminded him of “white nationalism.”

Media Enabled Castro’s Brutal Communist Regime


As Cubans bravely defy their tyrannical government, it is important to remember that many lefty journalists spent decades enabling the communist regime, ignoring human rights abuses in favor of celebrating communist Cuba’s “free” health care and high literacy rates. When Castro finally kicked the bucket in 2016, they offered up friendly eulogies to the “George Washington of his country.”

End of an Era: Rush Limbaugh Show Shuts Down for Good


On Friday, the Rush Limbaugh Show officially shut down the Golden EIB microphone. The realization that Rush’s show – which had continued since his death with guide hosts and taped Rush playbacks on various topics – was now, in fact, irretrievably over and never to return was both poignant and a tad unnerving for his fans.

Cancel Culture Destroys Career of ESPN Betting Analyst Kelly Stewart


ESPN’s selective enforcement of cancel culture is highly disturbing. A few months ago, broadcaster Mark Jones used Twitter to celebrate Rush Limbaugh dying of lung cancer. Jones is black and has established left-wing credentials. He was promoted by the woke ESPN. Stewart is white, lacks a far-left pedigree and she is gone. It doesn’t get any more complicated than that.

What’s Worse? CNN’s Ratings or Eating Cicadas?


Coming off its worst week of 2021, CNN decided that eating cicadas as a preview of how Americans should be required to eat in the future (thanks to climate change, or something like that). It should be noted that, just a day later, the FDA came out with a warning that cicadas shouldn’t be consumed “if you’re allergic to seafood.”

Another Deranged Trump Vengeance Fantasy from Vanity Fair


It takes no great imagination to determine what is probably the focus of the mind of Vanity Fair‘s Bess Levin. Even a quick perusal of her articles over the past year reveals her disturbing obsession with Donald Trump including her latest article about possible criminal charges against him. So obsessed is Levin with Trump that she will even lie in her articles to make up fake quotes about him.

Did You Know That Irrelevant Time Mag Still Exists?


Time magazine continues to try and compensate for its lost relevancy by becoming more stridently liberal. The new “Visions of Equity” issue features “40 Ways forward: actionable steps for a more equitable America.” You won’t be shocked to find out that the publication’s suggestions are mostly left-wing screeds.

Trump Lacerates “Boring” Oscars and Their Trash Ratings


The entertainment industry did their best to try and make Donald Trump’s life a living hell while he was in office, but it seems as if the former president is getting the last laugh. As the Trump administration ended, the president kept most of his huge base of support intact, while Hollywood proceeded to lose even more viewers than the few it still had.

Oscars Bludgeoned Viewers with BLM Propaganda


From the beginning until the end, the 93rd Annual Academy Awards was loaded with Black Lives Matter wokeism…The pandemic has shown us that Hollywood has forgotten how to entertain us. The movies up for awards were all filled with messages, not entertainment. The industry is more focused on social activism, not entertaining their consumers.